The Libertarian

Vin at LVRJ is an archive of Vin's regular Sunday column at the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Some other archives of Vin's work are, Vin at Liberty Anonymous, The Vinyard, and The Vindex. I also highly recommend his book "Send in the Waco Killers".
The asterisks ("*") to the right of some of the stories point at the page where I give commentary on that story and the ones below it down to the next asterisk.
February, 2002
2/13 - The new Five-Year Plan *
2/11 - $116,000 here, $116,000 there ... it's only tax money *
2/10 - Airline security and my 'attack on free enterprise' *
2/7 - 'Fish protection' debunked as motive for bankrupting Oregon farmers
2/6 - Henderson Thirteenth Grade
2/4 - Hey Mustafa, try this
January, 2002
1/29 - Nevada needs tort reform *
1/27 - An old man with a curious little metal cross
1/25 - The right way to fight a war
1/21 - It is finally Edward Kennedy's moment *
1/20 - Please get in line ... it's Conga time
1/15 - Nevada leaders afraid to put federal government in its place
1/11 - New crime-stopping plan would fine the victims
1/9 - 'Wiping out the surplus' *
1/7 - California devalues 'dollar' coupons by another 8 percent *
1/6 - His noblest fantasy had little to do with elves and wizards *
1/4 - Ending the anachronism of racial labels *
1/2 - Rooting up the plum trees *
December, 2001
12/31 - The Guild of Wistful and Outdated Uncles
12/25 - 'I'll be home for Christmas, you can plan on me' *
12/23 - Metro the 'moving force' behind killer cops
12/16 - Should Nevada borrow tax structures of the states everyone is fleeing?
12/14 - Showing the colors *
12/6 - Round Two: Yasser Arafat *
12/4 - The high schools fail *
12/2 - Making up the law as they go along *
12/1 - The art of dodging objective reality
November, 2001
11/30 - If nuclear power can't stand on its own after 44 years, when will it?
11/28 - A feast of lard: Last thing economy needs is a platter of congressional cholesterol
11/25 - Will banks hand over your money without a warrant? *
11/22 - Why do we prosper, while others fail? It's not the topsoil *
11/21 - Will Internet critic soon 'sleep with the fishes'?
11/20 - 'Strapping us in our cars'
11/19 - Nevada Supreme Court OKs corrupt property grab
11/18 - 'Only God can judge that'
11/15 - Government interventions mask fault, forestall reform
11/13 - And now, the federals won't even let us die
11/8 - Congressmen in Wonderland *
11/7 - House blocks vast new airport bureaucracy
11/4 - Meet the new boss ... same as the old boss *
11/2 - 'Students' of death *
October, 2001
10/31 - Thoughts on the occasion of the October
moon *
10/30 - A fresh look at jury sevice
10/25 - Common sense prevails
10/23 - A half-hearted kind of war
10/21 - So-called 'police' still seizing medical records
10/20 - Time to lead by example *
10/19 - High court ducks roadblock issue
10/16 - All applications approved! *
10/14 - Yes, we're at war ... against sick Americans *
10/13 - No time for panic spending
10/12 - They could hardly wait
10/12 - Security is important, but so is oversight
10/10 - Islamic Silence
10/8 - Half-measures in the Klamath Valley
10/7 - A reluctance to embrace real
solutions *
10/5 - We have a volunteer *
10/1 - Big spenders spot their chance: Statists race to dance on convenient pile of corpses
September, 2001
9/30 - 'Stop complying now ... Don't give the
government-regulated airlines your business' *
9/28 - To slip one through while no one's looking
9/23 - Tear down the Taliban ... not the Bill of Rights
9/22 - Your permanent record
9/19 - A nation of primping Fauntleroys readies for war
9/18 - America's back in business
9/14 - The passengers were all disarmed
9/11 - Lonely threesome back work-card freedom
9/9 - 'If it's not in writing, they're screwed'
9/8 - Fingerprinting the sick
9/4 - Repealing the law of supply and demand
9/2 - Boy, do they ever want the Trails End Ranch
August, 2001
8/26 - Catching up with a few old friends
8/19 - 'Forced to choose ... between being a fugitive or certain death'
8/14 - The natives are restless *
8/13 - From killings to cover-ups, rogue agency has no place in free nation
8/8 - Will Nevada's lawmakers fall for the oldest trick in the book? *
8/6 - 'Pay up and don't ask' *
8/5 - They can never meet the 'demand' for free sandwiches
8/3 - She could show you a high time
July, 2001
7/30 - War: our proudest export *
7/29 - His white scarf streaming out behind ... *
7/27 - Disloyal to the United States? *
7/23 - Punishing graffiti victims *
7/22 - I must be paranoid; I still believe in communists *
7/20 - Military base closings
7/18 - Get out the sandbags
7/17 - And he's taxing the stairway to heaven ...
7/15 - And now, may I have the envelope please ...
7/12 - The transparent sham of the 'public meeting' *
7/11 - The hidden war on academic achievement
7/10 - 'Flag desecration amendment' does not improve with age *
7/6 - Barring the people from the land *
7/4 - Most Americans should be ashamed to celebrate the Fourth *
7/2 - Maybe Councilman Mack isn't a crook. Maybe he's a moron. *
June, 2001
6/27 - Watch out for politicians promising us new 'rights' *
6/26 - Who needs the 'Megabucks'? *
6/24 - What are they going to do, 'take their business ELSEWHERE?' har har
6/22 - Where all the presidents are above average *
6/19 - Fourth issue of "P.A." is in the
mail *
6/19 - Budget-cutting as political drama *
6/17 - The saga of The Moose's Tooth *
6/15 - High court OKs after-hours religious club
6/11 - Pay more for better work? Sounds
suspicious *
6/7 - State to squeak by on 'less money than we started with.' Heh, heh
6/4 - Competition, low prices make the wheels fall off *
6/1 - Senate decides law need not apply to judges
May, 2001
5/28 - Liberty, as Sen. Calhoun said, is easier to get than to keep *
5/24 - Court limits handbilling, but splits on property rights *
5/23 - 'Let's make a deal'
5/22 - Define 'paraphernalia'
5/21 - Las Vegas needs books
5/20 - Another nadir in homicidal hair-splitting *
5/18 - Let the Pork Wars begin
April, 2001
4/22 - 'For handing out constitutional propaganda' *
4/16 - Restore released felons' rights -- all their rights *
4/15 - Dump the income tax *
4/11 - School crisis measures need to stress local input *
4/8 - Don't just free John Thoburn, vindicate him *
4/4 - Close the Department of Education
4/1 - Surprise complete in theme park opening
March, 2001
3/27 - America's five-foot giant: James Madison *
3/25 - Are you shirking your duty to help keep America free? *
3/20 - Sen. Reid fears we'd only 'squander' proposed Bush tax cut *
3/18 - Lone property rights case before the court this year
3/14 - Bill would leave petition-passers babbling like lunatics *
3/11 - Educrats declare war on remaining parental rights
3/7 - Repeal Depression-era libel law ... for starters *
February, 2001
2/25 - In two Nevada courtrooms, the good guys get their say *
2/22 - A victory in Elko *
2/21 - Teachers unions won't say where tax loot would go
2/19 - Busting the protection racket *
2/18 - For once, bureaucratic nightmare has a happy ending *
2/14 - What did those 'B averages' really mean? *
2/3 - Drug war very effective *
January, 2001
1/29 - The Last Food Fight *
1/28 - Driving them off the land
1/23 - The hypocrisy of the morally anointed *
1/22 - New medical privacy rules are vague and dangerous
1/21 - Now they've made it all wilderness and there's no deer left
1/16 - Forces of bureaucratic tyranny seek to purge Bush nominees *
1/15 - Did Dr. King make the movement, or did the movement make him
1/14 - The state-established religion of Environmentalism
1/10 - The triumphs of Big Government *
1/8 - The questions that are never asked, Part II
1/5 - Who makes 'the best' Americans? *
1/3 - The questions that are never asked, Part I
December, 2000
12/31 - The Guild of Regulators is alarmed *
12/29 - Watch out for fine print in shooting range plan
12/27 - Corporate toadies to the last
12/25 - 'I'll be home for Christmas, you can plan on me' *
12/21 - Thousands for overhead... hardly a cent for textbooks *
12/15 - The milkers and the milked *
12/10 - The failed drug war and the real significance of 'Dune' *
12/8 - And now ... armed guards at the DMV *
12/6 - Time to draw the line *
12/3 - Sparing us The Emperor Al *
November, 2000
11/30 - Mr. Gore wants 10,000 invalid ballots counted ... for him *
11/29 - GOP congressman upset over election night 'early calls' *
11/28 - Justice Dept. determined to prove there is a Jabberwock
11/27 - Mining rules exceed congressional intent (surprise)
11/24 - 'Ridicule and emotionalism ... serve no useful purpose' *
11/23 - French court sets a bad -- and ridiculous -- precedent
11/19 - Like introducing 'just a little sewage' in the water supply
11/17 - A purely cosmetic measure *
11/15 - Truck seizure goes too far
11/12 - The Parade of Collectivism marches on *
11/11 - A chance to really clear the air
11/5 - 'Where we'd have the Haves and the Have-nots' *
October, 2000
10/30 - Beware the pennies on your eyes
10/27 - The 'secrecy' noose tightens
10/25 - Getting by with a little help from his friends
10/25 - An Important Invitation from Vin Suprynowicz
10/23 - The king's men are doing fine
10/22 - Autumn, 1942: It came down to one Marine, and one ship
10/12 - Thoughts on the occasion of the October moon *
10/8 - He said, 'If you come on my land, I'll kill you' *
10/4 - High court hears arguments on Indianapolis drug checkpoints *
September, 2000
9/24 - Deaths in Merced *
9/17 - Will rewrite nation's history to suit new tenant *
9/15 - Goofy 9th Circuit finds new reason to reverse convictions *
9/10 - Were the founders a pack of thieves? *
9/7 - Voters fail to fall for vindictive union campaign *
9/3 - Nevadans may get to vote on state income tax *
9/1 - Is USDA an 'out-of-control muenster'? *
August, 2000
8/20 - Sanctifying the expansion of federal power *
8/18 - Pharmaceutical blackmail *
8/13 - 'Resolved from each and every legal consideration' *
8/9 - Of abstinence and the Roman Catholic church
8/8 - What Bill of Rights?
8/6 - Another brilliant idea *
8/4 - Could they really have done it on purpose?
8/3 - Hanging on the telephone
July, 2000
7/25 - They're reading our mail
7/23 - That someone could have a gun in the store!
7/18 - Has your bookshelf been approved by the BATF? *
7/16 - Gun-grabbers: masters of the New Plantation *
7/14 - Drug Czar aims to infiltrate Hollywood *
7/12 - Assemblyman shows us where bad laws come from
7/10 - Commissioner would jail car dealers for Sunday sales
7/7 - Are most state speed limits bogus? *
7/5 - What's wrong with patriotism? *
7/4 - Most Americans should be ashamed to celebrate the Fourth
7/3 - Trouble on the left
7/2 - IRS fine at asking questions, but not answering them
June, 2000
6/30 - National study shows 'class-size reduction' does no good *
6/28 - Jews, come out
6/26 - Learning to nod in unison
6/25 - Drug war hypocrites kill a troublesome author *
6/23 - Honoring the Las Vegas Strip
6/21 - Some kids should be locked up *
6/19 - Educrats give fat cat relatives a 'bye'
6/18 - Quite a mess for the grown-ups to clean up
6/16 - Hose out the ant farm
6/15 - OSHA would ban cookie-lifting
6/14 - 'There Oughtta Be A Law,' Chapter 417
6/11 - Oh, did we cite you under the health regulations?
6/9 - Fines for political speech
6/5 - Do we really have to show a 'government-issued ID'? *
6/4 - A quick dip in the columnist's mail bag
6/3 - Time for a 'fat tax' on Wendy's, McDonald's?
6/1 - Mortgage discounts for the new aristocracy?
May, 2000
5/29 - Schoolyard Petitioning *
5/28 - Binion murder verdict
5/26 - Deadly Jobs *
5/25 - No place to cut? Not even the firewalking?
5/20 - Social Security reform *
5/17 - Mostly Rocks and Gravel
5/14 - Teachers Tax, Part Two *
5/12 - Teachers Tax, Part One
5/10 - Public Employees as Legislators
5/9 - More 'Wilderness'
5/7 - Ghigliotti
5/3 - Tobacco Bonds
5/2 - Class Action Suits
April, 2000
4/30 - Miami raid
4/28 - Gay Scoutmaster
4/25 - Paying Our Debts
4/23 - Debating Our Make-Believe Immigration Laws
4/21 - Pat-Down Search
4/17 - Lying to the Court *
4/16 - TV Bride Gets Her Annulment *
4/14 - The Troublesome Case of Thomas Gaule
4/12 - Widdle Stephanie, Part 3 *
4/9 - Widdle Stephanie, Part 2 *
4/7 - Property Rights: Property protections continue to erode
4/6 - Secret Medical Database *
4/5 - Land Use Planning: High court lets an injustice stand
4/3 - Urban Redevelopment: Throw out the clowns
4/2 - The Census: To count all the people we need to feed *
4/1 - The Polecats Ball
March, 2000
3/31 - Mass Transit: Hear the lonesome trolley bell *
3/29 - Prevailing Wage *
3/28 - Flag Burning
3/24 - Eisenhower *
3/22 - Greatest President
3/20 - Felon in Massachusetts
3/19 - War on Drugs
3/17 - Vaccination Parade *
3/15 - Tourism
3/12 - Gun Rights *
3/5 - Blame Schools, Not Guns *
3/2 - Cocaine Screenings *
3/1 - Hairdressers as Snitches
February, 2000
2/28 - Juice Job
2/27 - Lincoln *
2/25 - Education IRAs
2/22 - Preferred Treatment
2/17 - Racial Quotas
2/15 - Eminent Domain Property Seizure
2/24 -
Police roadblocks out of control * (offsite)
2/20 -
Forget Manson, it's the dreaded Cybernerd * (offsite)
2/13 -
And it's 1, 2, 3, what are we fighting for? * (offsite)
2/14 - Bonus 2nd Amendment Dialog, part 2 *
2/11 - Bonus 2nd Amendment Dialog, part 1 *
2/10 - Clinton Budget
2/9 - Banning Gay Marriage *
2/6 - North Irish 'Peace Plan'
2/5 - Urban Renewal *
2/4 - Minimum Wage Hike
2/3 - Primaries
January, 2000
1/30 - Ignoring Iowa *
1/29 - State of the Union
This is a FREE distribution of Vin Suprynowicz' syndicated column 'The Libertarian.' Permission to forward is granted, as long as you wait until the embargo date listed at the top of each column, and keep ALL headers and footers intact. To subscribe, just send an email to with subscribe in the subject line. Please include your email address and subscribe in the body of the text and I will add your email address to the list. We never rent or sell our subscription list to anyone - ever! If you no longer wish to receive Vin's columns, just send an email to with unsubscribe in the message line and I'll remove you. Please include your email address and unsubscribe in the body of the text. To order Vin's first book 'Send In The Waco Killers' go to Stay tuned for the sequel - The Ballad Of Carl Dregga' - to be released soon!
"They that would give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin 1759
Previous Posts:
The Cocaine Price Support Program
Gang Colors
Dell Inspiron 600m
Coldsteel Nightshade Series
Two Great Evils: the Federal Reserve & the Income Tax
Finished Reading The Black Arrow
Oz, Season Four
The Black Arrow is Really Good
We Don't Need No Steenking National ID
The Black Arrow Arrives