J.J. Johnson at Sierra Times I Don't Want to be Black Anymore: "I quit. I no longer want a prefix in from of my label. From this point forward, I J.J. Johnson, DEMAND that I be simply called... ...American." God bless you Mr. Johnson. When I see a blank on a form labeled "Race", I enter "Human". Welcome to the HUMAN race. [sierra]
New articles in The Libertarian series by Vin Suprynowicz (commentaries may follow later):
- 2/15 - {@Eminent Domain Property Seizure}: Mayor should stop delaying justice and pay up
- 2/17 - {@Racial Quotas}: Quota counters want court to preserve their useless guild
- 2/22 - {@Preferred Treatment}: Preferred treatment proposed for poobahs
- 2/25 - {@Education IRAs}: Their true colors
- 2/27 - {@Lincoln}: Celebrating America's first Bolshevik
And The Libertarian Enterprise has a new issue:
THE INSANE WAR ON DRUGS: "One definition of insanity is to do the
same thing that you have always done but expect different
results. This permits me to refer to the 'INSANE WAR ON DRUGS'"
Welcome To The Selective: John Wiltbank relates his communications
with the draft board.
- Vin Suprynowicz'es "2nd Amendment Dialog" pieces that I published a
while back.
- And L. Neil Smith is back!!
The Return Of The Creature: "I'm in the middle, just now, of the
oddly difficult transition from creating long works of fiction to
writing short works of what I sincerely wish wasn't nonfiction." A
long screed about the Y2K disaster that wasn't. L. Neil got maybe
2,500 of the 1,000,000 signatures that he would have required to run
for president, and lots of crap from people telling him how to change
his life to become more like a political candidate. I was one of those
2,500, and I like L. Neil exactly as he is. "... permit me to observe
that there isn't a single specimen running for President with any
party this year who's fit to be a restroom attendant for the worst of
America's Founding Fathers." Welcome back, L. Neil.
Bill of Rights Enforcement! Now.

Orlando Patterson at the New York Times via Cannabis News - Life, Liberty and Excessive Force: great essay on the affect on liberty of too-powerful police forces. "In the words of the Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, 'It is not the function of government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error'... Unlimited power always corrupts, and when a police officer can defend himself against the killing of an unarmed civilian with the nearly unassailable argument that he feared for his own life, we are edging closer to unlimited power." [cn]
Tim O'Reilly - Software Patents Issue. Tim's commentary on the Amazon 1-click patent. Includes An Open Letter to Jeff Bezos that you can sign. I did. [/.]
Wired - EBay Not Buying Sotheby's. [wired]