Anybody else notice that Linux Today and Slashdot have been inaccessible a lot recently?
Camille Paglia at Salon - Pols, guns and androgyny: 9 more pages of Camille's inimitably un-PC prose. She skewers McCain, and he deserves every bloody hole. She doesn't think Alan Keyes is presidential material, professor yes, president no. Hillary gets some more juice: "In the three weeks since my last column, Hillary Rodham Clinton has been up hill and down dale, beating the bushes in upstate New York to try to convince someone somewhere that she is a woman of substance rather than a raisin-eyed, carrot-nosed, twig-armed, straw-stuffed mannequin trundled in on a go-cart by the mentally bereft powerbrokers of the state Democratic Party... I'm afraid I laughed uproariously at Fred Schreier's mischievous sally: 'I find it odd that in the eight years of the Clinton residency in the White House we have seldom if ever heard Chelsea speak. Is she a mute? Her father never shuts up -- so maybe he is not the biological father.'" Gun letters. Waco. PC mush. And "our usual pop culture finale." [endwar]
Reader's Digest via Cannabis News - Guilty Until Proven Innocent: even Reader's Digest is talking about the horrors of so-called asset-forfeiture laws. With this much mainstream attention, I can't imagine that this particular form of legal theft will last much longer. Asset forfeiture reform legislation that passed in the House ( H.R.1658.RFS) by a wide margin (375 to 48) is scheduled for discussion today in the Senate Judiciary Committee. This doesn't get rid of armed robbery by government, but it at least puts the burden of proof back on the government's shoulders (that's right boys and girls: currently, to get your property back, you have to prove that it was NOT involved in a crime). [cn]
Hello, World New York. Discovered via their banner ad on my page's weblog rotation. "World New York picks the best daily bits from the best digital publications. We get the snappy, sniggering, sniping quotes, the relevant, intelligent, insightful, well-crafted lines. And the belly-laugh witticisms, the kind you send to your friends." [wny]

OCWeekly - Supercollider: "You’re probably wondering why I allowed you to bang on my car, why I didn’t simply drive away and leave you sputtering in my rear-view. So let me tell you: I was considering the possibility of opening my glove compartment, pulling out the handgun I keep there, and sticking that gun into your mouth until you forked over whatever money you keep in your expensive-looking riding suit." [wny]
National Post via Cannabis News - Police Say They are Powerless to Halt Seed Sales. Good. [cn]
Marc Emery Direct Marijuana Seeds - Let me help you to Overgrow the Government! Cannabis seeds by direct mail from Canada. Lots of links to other seed companies. For informational purposes only. You wouldn't actually order these, now would you? Note: this link will likely be illegal if H.R.2987 becomes law. [cn]
Wired - A Patented Approach to Crypto: about Stefan Brands' encryption and digital cash. His is a digital cash scheme that can provide truly anonymous money, something that scares governments to death and gives me goosebumps (well, not quite). Unfortunately, according to the article, he doesn't seem to believe his technology is politically important. He has joined Zero-Knowledge Systems to commercialize some of his technology. If you're interested in the math, see J. Orlin Grabbe's A Brief Guide to Digital Cash Articles on My Webpage to get the background to understand Stefan Brands' System of Digital Cash. [market]
Wired - Microsoft's ActiveX Too Active? Microsoft's Browsers allow ActiveX components to do installations without the user's knowledge or permission. This is a backdoor that MS put in for their own use, but it's apparently pretty easy to use it yourself. Another good reason to use Opera. [wide]
Enhydra is an Open Source Java/XML application server run-time and development environment. [meat]