Byte.com - Of CPU Emulation, Crusoe, The ARM, And x86. Reminds us that the ARM processor is smaller and uses less power than Crusoe. I like the ARM. Apple was considering using AT&T's Hobbit processor in the Newton. Our lab in Cambridge was instrumental in changing them over to the ARM. He also points at a Z80 emulator running CP/M 2.2. He's even got the old original adventure game for CP/M. I remember playing that game into the wee hours of the night on a DecWriter in my dorm (must have been about 1973).
Byte.com - Internet Attacks And What We Can Do: Jerry Pournelle explores the recent denial of sevice (DoS) attacks. Thinks the government's likely proposed cure will be "nearly as bad as the disease... The better way is to clean up our act. If there aren't any vulnerable systems to serve as primary and secondary clients, it becomes a lot harder to organize a massive DoS attack, and much easier to identify where the attack came from... The Internet you save could stay our own." Jerry tells how to patch your MacOS 9 so it can't be hacked and appends a Memo On Security From Roland Dobbins for Unix/Linux/BSD folks.
SecurityPortal - Denial of Service (DoS) FAQ: Lots of good info about the attack that brought down many large web sites last week. If you manage a server or network, this is another good place to start. Lots of links.
Salon - Studio technician: An interview with Jack Valenti, president of the MPAA, one of the plaintiffs in the DeCSS lawsuit. Not much to comment on here. About the Norwegian arrest of Jon Johansen, he says, "we did not cajole the prosecutor in Norway to do something about this... I wholeheartedly endorse what they did."
Washington Post -
States Weigh New Rules for E-Commerce : Covers some of the issues
of the rush to UCITA in Virgina and Maryland. No clear opinion
expressed here, though they do seem to quote those in favor more than
those opposed.