"Nobody should close the betting books early on this election. While Al Gore may be a robotic, condescending race-baiter whose pockets are stuffed with illegal foreign donations, a 4% unemployment rate and a 10,000 Dow Jones Industrial Average can turn even the slimiest frog into a prince..." -- David Frum in the Wall Street Journal [fed]
"I use it when I want to find out what's on CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, or other Communist periodicals." --John McCain, on his use of the Internet. [fed]
Another in The Libertarian series by Vin Suprynowicz:
- {@Gun Rights}: Thugs still reign in Taxachusetts - Vin comments on the incident in the People's Republic of Taxacusetts that Tina Terry reported on last Monday. Also, it appears that a real second amendment test case may finally be headed to the supreme court. Likely good news. The Supreme Court has heard only five cases directly related to the Second Amendment. And they've pussy-footed around the central issue every time. Does the second amendment affirm the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear any weapon that an individual soldier could carry in a war? Said differently, is one of the purposes of the second amendment to ensure that we the people can protect ourselves against a government gone bad? The freedom movement answers with a resounding yes. The Brady Bunch wants you to Dial 911 and Die.
GNU Project - Letter from RMS to Tim O'Reilly: Richard Stallman chimes in on Jeff Bezos' open letter. "... I would not ask Amazon (or anyone) to refrain from using patents for self-defense or for collective security. Rather, Amazon and other software patent holders should abjure the use of patents for aggression, and adopt a no-first-use policy. If Amazon does this, in an irrevocable and binding way, I would have no further criticism of Amazon." [lt]
Washington Post -
From Internet Scientist, a Preview of Extinction : "In a 24-page
article in the Wired magazine that will appear on the Web Tuesday,
[Bill] Joy says he finds himself essentially agreeing, to his horror,
with a core argument of the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski--that
advanced technology poses a threat to the human species." Bizarre. [/.]
John Markoff at the New York Times -
Technologist Gives His Peers a Dark Warning : A better telling of
the same story. [script]
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