
{@Instructions for Life} is something nice that I received via email, attributed to the Dalai Lama.
This morning I have some {@Thoughts on Elian Gonzalez}.
J. Orlin Grabbe also had some thoughts, in the form of this pictorial essay:
Janet Reno Heads for Miami
Lindsay Perigo's Politically Incorrect Show - A Sign of Hope: Lindsay reads a fax from a newly awakened libertarian listener. And the world becomes one free soul brighter. Yay!
Dave Winer at Scripting News - Doc Searls reports from a Montreal bathroom: LOL!
Richard Cowan at MarijuanaNews - The Return of MarijuanaNews and the Launching of 4:20 MarijuanaNews Radio on Pot-TV.net: Mr. Cowan took the rest he needed and is again holding aloft the light of liberty. Richard, I salute you. [mjn]
A new article in The Libertarian series by Vin Suprynowicz:
- {@Widdle Stephanie, Part 3}" - Comments on another response to
Vin's article of April 2,
{@The Census: To count all the people we need to feed}.
This paragraph sums things up rather well:
("You mean Lincoln and Roosevelt weren't great and moral men? The income tax doesn't apply to in-country wages ... and the people who run the IRS know it? Juries don't have to follow the judges' 'instructions'? The Federal Reserve Board is some big scam, purposely institutionalizing inflation and enriching select private bankers? Government-mandated inoculations cause permanent brain damage or death in at least a dozen infants every year and the government knows this? There's no constitutional authorization for the War on Drugs? We were a happier, more peaceful, more literate nation before all these 'Progressive' new laws and police forces were created after 1912? Nawwww, that can't all be true. Anyone who says so is a 'Black Helicopter Nut.' Teacher says.")
Jayakrishnan at SlashDot - Swing: A glowing review of Manning's book Swing by Matthew Robinson and Pavel Vorobiev. For the non-geeks in the audience, Swing is the user interface framework for Java. Maybe this is finally a good Swing book. I haven't found one yet. [/.]
Evan Hanse at CNET via Yahoo News - Napster suit tests new copyright law: Napster is invoking the "safe harbor" provisions of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA), claiming that their software is only a tool, and that they aren't liable for illegal uses of it. I agree. If someone smashes your head with a hammer, is the hammer manufacturer at fault? In today's world of tobacco and gun lawsuits, it seems that the courts are leaning that way, but I find that behavior to be despicable. [/.]
R. Colin Johnson at EE Times - Molecular substitution produces terahertz switch arrays Terrahertz memory using atom-sized holes in silicon wafers to locate spinning organic molecules. Amazing! No estimate on time to commercialization. [/.]
Terho Uimonen at IDG News Service via SunSpots - Sun gives judge's MS ruling a big hand: Appears to be a news report about this press release. Sun wants Microsoft to be split into five companies, with additional restrictions. Shame on you, Sun, for resorting to the government sword instead of the marketplace of ideas. Who do you suppose the department of injustice will kill next? Might it be you?
Angus Glashier at Latte.WebLogs.Com - Mirror, Mirror, on the Web: Concerning a story that the government may require Microsoft to open-source Internet Explorer: "Why the hell not, eh? 'We're the U.S. government, we're the most goddam powerful force in the world and we can do whatever the hell we want.' Why don't they just fine MS a few billion dollars and use the money to build their own goddam web browser?" [latte]