I wanted to say something about today's Million Mom March, but lots of others already said it better than I would have.
Liz Michael at Sierra Times - Million Moms March Dangerous To Women And Kids: Reminds us that the right to keep and bear arms is equivalent to the natural, God-given, right to protect our lives, family, and property. "Million Mugger-enabling Meddlers" comes from this article. If you click on only one of my links today, make it this one. [sierra]
Every woman participating in this march is particpating in an act that may very well lead to her own death, assault, or rape, as well as the death, assault or rape of any woman or young girl in her family. Every individual participating in this march or financing this march is effectively sponsoring a future criminal assault on me and people I love, and I hold them as responsible as the criminal himself. ...But enough of this falderal. Forget how many votes you have or think you need. Forget your interpretation of the Constitution. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME HOW I AM TO DEFEND MYSELF OR MY FAMILY. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL MY NEIGHBORHOOD HOW IT IS TO DEFEND ITSELF. None. Notta. Zippo. Zilch. No STUPID LITTLE LAW you pass against us will ever negate that natural God-given right and instinct. Deal with that.
Harry Browne - {@The Million Mom March Is Pointed in the Wrong Direction}: I couldn't find this on Harry's web site, so I posted his email here for safe-keeping.
Thus the gun-control laws don't apply to criminals or stop gun violence. They simply make it much harder for innocent people to defend themselves -- encouraging criminals to take advantage of us.In other words, gun-control laws make the world safer for criminals and less safe for you. ...
Disarmed citizens encourage crime and violence.
Armed citizens encourage criminals to find a safer line of work. ...
For safety sake, we must repeal all the gun laws.
Robert A. Levy at the Cato Institute - On the March: Clinton, Gore and a Million Moms: [wnd]
To be blunt, the administration and the moms are wrong; their recommendations won't work. Simplistic solutions will exacerbate the gun problem by camouflaging the root causes of violent behavior and, simultaneously, stripping law-abiding citizens of the most effective means of self-defense.Listen to Pete Shields, founder of Handgun Control: "The first problem is to slow down the number of handguns being produced and sold. . . . The second problem is to get handguns registered. The final problem is to make possession of all handguns . . . totally illegal."
If moms truly want to transcend the grubbiness of politics, let them promote better parenting -- a subject on which they have unique expertise.
Debbie Schlussel at Jewish World Review - Hey, Million Ignorant Moms: Guns are #1 in Feminine Protection: [wnd]
The M3 forces are demonizing the NRA as "extremist." But mothers who really want to stop gun violence among kids support the NRA because they know it's the only group that's done something constructive. The NRA's "Eddie Eagle" gun safety program has been recognized by even fierce NRA opponents as being the best way to educate kids to treat guns appropriately and stay away from them. The NRA is spending $1 million on it, this year. After Sundays' march of merriment, those "moms" will disappear, but the NRA and Eddie Eagle will still be around, teaching kids and saving their lives. ...Real moms know that safety for their kids-and themselves-means being armed and female. Guns are #1 in feminine protection.
J. Peter Mulhern at Washington Weekly - A Million Moms Without a Mind Among Them: [ww]
The statistics on gun accidents shouldn't alarm anyone. Guns are involved in a trivial percentage of serious accidents. Cars, bicycles, and matches are involved in many more deaths than guns. We should refrain from making gun accidents a national priority until we've dealt with the long list of far greater dangers. If there's been a Million Mom March Against Matches I missed it.
Michael E. Cook at Sierra Times - An Un-Motherly March: [sierra]
I don't think these celebrities and moms involved in this march deserve the right to draw air from the same nation that the real moms of America live in. They should be rounded up and tried for Treason, then put in Jail, for they are dancing on the graves of all the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for the freedom that allows these so called moms to make this march. I also think they are unfit mothers and their children should be removed by the courts and placed in homes where they can be raised right, they might then have a chance to grow up as true Americans. ...So, on Mothers Day, I stand and salute the real Mothers of America, you are the heroes of our freedoms. I only hope you can forgive these fake-playact-moms who are slapping you in the face. Perhaps you can turn the other cheek and show them what real courage is.
Christina Ianzito at Salon - "Sisters" take on mothers: Not much of an opinion here, but it at least mentions the Second Amendment Sisters in a widely-read forum. [sierra]
And in other news...
Jon E. Dougherty at USA Journal via freespeech.org - Why is the IRS arming? This is old, but still worth reading. The picture below says it all. [sierra]

Camp Chaos - Napster Bad!: A funny Flash animation spoofing Metallica's lawsuit against Napster users. [grabbe]
Jerry Cimisi at Dan's Papers - Flight 800 Eyewitness Reports Finally Released By FBI: So what caused the plane to come down? A missile of course. But you already knew that, didn't you? [grabbe]
The official conclusion was, simply, that the "missile" so many people thought they saw rising up (or streaking across the sky horizontally) was actually Flight 800 itself, after the center wing fuel tank exploded and which somehow caused the plane to rise several thousand feet before a subsequent explosion, after which the plane fell to the ocean.
Robin Miller at Slashdot - Microsoft vs. Slashdot Update: They're talking with their lawyers, so they can't tell us much. Lots of people are supporting them. [/.]
Declan McCullagh at Wired - COPPA Lets Steam out of Thomas: The so-called Children's Online Privacy Protection Act is causing good children's sites to shut-down their services. An unintended consequence of bad legislation. Is there any good legislation? [wired]
Richard Cowan at Marijuana News - As People March Around the World, The Global Marijuana Resistance Movement Comes of Age -- Thanks To The Internet. "We're here. We're high. Get used to it." [mjn]
I've been lax on posting new articles by Vin Suprynowicz. I caught up today. I'm not going to review them, but check out The Libertarian page for articles from 4/21 to 5/14.
Colt 1.0.0 is an open source Java library for scientific computing developed at CERN. [cafe]
This distribution provides an infrastructure for scalable scientific and technical computing in Java. It is particularly useful in the domain of High Energy Physics at CERN: It contains, among others, efficient and usable data structures and algorithms for Off-line and On-line Data Analysis, Linear Algebra, Multi-dimensional arrays, Statistics, Histogramming, Monte Carlo Simulation, Parallel & Concurrent Programming. It summons some of the best concepts, designs and implementations thought up over time by the community, ports or improves them and introduces new approaches where need arises.
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