CBS News - U.S. Gears Up For Vieques Raid: Dozens of protesters have been occupying a bombing range in Puerto Rico for a year, since one of the bombs killed one of them. It appears that the feds are going to remove them. They may defend themselves. [wnd]
Peggy Noonan at the Drudge Report - Why Did They Do It? Peggy doesn't know why Comrade Klinton kidnapped Elian, but she has a good guess at what Ronald Reagan would have done. Great stuff! [latte]
Ian Williams Goddard - Waco FLIR Disinformation in the Media: the media is trotting out "expert" testimony that the new FLIR experiments show that the WACO videos do not represent gun shots. I've seen them. They are definitely machine gun fire. Mr. Goddard is more expert than I, and he agrees that they're trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Don't be fooled. [grabbe]
Compliments of J. Orlin Grabbe:
MP5 Submachine Gun
recommended by the INS!
"Save the Children"
Dr. Michael S. Brown at Enter Stage Right Why Journalists Hate Guns: Journalists hate guns because they have no experience with them or with responsible gun owners. They need to educate themselves. "Many observers have suggested that the fight for the right to bear arms is a dress rehearsal for the next fight, for freedom of the press. Gun owners have proven to be a formidable political group and they have long memories. Which side will they support in that future conflict?" This makes no sense to me. Obviously, gun owners will also support freedom of the press. But once our guns are stolen, it will be very difficult to preserve any of our other freedoms. [desk]
KeepAndBearArms.org has a doctored version of the Elian picture with Madam Gas-em's face morphed in. "FOR THE CHILDREN, I say it is time to call for the arming and training of every able-bodied adult who wishes to receive such training. It is time to round up the militia in every state, city, town--and get them trained and organized. Yes, I said MILITIA. I'm not talking about the KOOKS who WANT to blow things up, I am talking about the doctors, lawyers, plumbers, carpenters, teachers, bakers....I am talking about ALL able-bodied men--THE MILITIA." [sierra]
David Limbaugh at WorldNetDaily - A picture of Bill Clinton's America: "What is the difference between Elian Gonzalez's deceased mother and the Clinton administration? One risked Elian's life in the noble pursuit of freedom. The other risked his life for the infernal cause of slavery... In one sense, Clinton has done us a two-pronged favor. He has reminded us of just how imperative it is that we jealously preserve our right to bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment. After 200 years, our government has begun to emulate the tyranny exhibited by the British government at the time of the Revolution. Our citizenry must remain armed to protect itself against its own poor judgment in electing such tyrants as President Clinton." [wnd]