Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales: a flash from the past. I remember this cartoon well. What I didn't remember is that it ran for only 3 years, from 1963-1966. "Phineas J. Whoopie, you're the greatest!" Thanks to BrianF for the pointer.
Doc Searls at O'Reilly Network - Abolish Intellectual Property Laws: I haven't read this yet. Dave Winer thinks it goes a little too far. [script]
Mark Greer at DrugSense Weekly - Rebuttal to John Q. Wilson: The Wall Street Journal recently published some garbage by Mr. Wilson proposing mandatory drug testing and coerced treatment. Mr Greer blows the smoke back in his face.
Richard Rahn at Intellectualcapital - The Demise of Government Monopoly of Money: the technology exists to create private currencies. Now all we have to do is convince governments to give up their control. Good idea! Good luck. [mind]
Sean Hackbarth - ElianWatch: has pointers to stories claiming that Madam Gas-em is going to focefuly extract Elian from his Miami home. Shame on her. [mind]
The Sierra Times quote of the day:
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
- Benjamin Franklin, 1759
AP via CNN New York marchers demand mayor's resignation: "Chanting and waving signs, some comparing him to Adolf Hitler, more than 2,000 protesters marched from Brooklyn to City Hall demanding New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's resignation over his handling of fatal police shootings of unarmed black men." [market]
Albequerque Journal - '60 Minutes' to Air Johnson Drug Views: Last December, Ed Bradley of 60 minutes interviewed Gary Johnson, the governor of New Mexico, concerning his views that drugs should be legalized. They plan to broadcast that interview at 6pm this Sunday. [market]
Michael Rowett at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette - State's drug czar declines to debate marijuana uses: This is typical prohibitionist behavior. [market]
Vin Suprynowicz at Sierra Times - Pat-down Search: concerning the recent supreme court decision restoring a little of the tatterred fourth amendment. [sierra]
Shonda Ponder at Sierra Times - My American Dream: "For those of you who are Christians, as I am, remember this: Once the government gains complete control and We the People are but a myth of history, that will probably be re-written, just like the South is attempting to do over the confederate flag issue, the banning of the Bible will be the next step. It has already started. [sierra]
J.R. Nyquist at WorldNetDaily - What if the U.S. military didn't exist?: Mr. Nyquist believes that a strong U.S. military is necessary to the world. I think that we should completely eliminate our standing army and replace it with local militias. We agree that the current situation, armed forces where political correctness is more important than combat readiness, sucks big time. [wnd]
Russ Lingenfelter at Sierra Times - Self-Defense Commercials: Good ideas for commercials making crystal clear the severe problems with trigger locks and handgun permits. I would love to see these on the air. It would give the Brady bunch fits. [sierra]
Leslie Walker at the WashingtonPost -
Hefty Computer Connects The Dots : IBM replaces Sun as the dot in ".com".