Dr. Mark C. Gebhardt did the surgery. I've forgotten the name of the anesthesiologist. Thank you both, and your assistants and nurses, for taking such good care of Christopher. Here's a picture of Dr. Gebhardt with a cancer patient.

I turned up the rhetoric really loud yesterday. Surprised even myself. I was really angry, and it just flowed out. Hope noone was hurt. 102 hits yesterday, and not a single email or discussion comment.
Camille Paglia at Salon - Imagination unleashed in all its perverse glory: Camille identifies herself as a Bradley democrat now looking to the green party for a presidential candidate to support. "One whiff of creaky Marxism, however, and I'll be gone," says she. How is is that she missed the blatant Marxism in Mr. Bradley's rhetoric? Good commentary on Herr Rudy's police tactics, "A far better deterrent to street crime, drug trafficking, and gang shootouts is more police in uniform walking a beat, mingling with the people and establishing warm relationships of mutual respect. Officers sealed off in their flashy cruisers or cantering by like Cossacks on horseback end up feeling and acting like an occupying army." On reports of Queen Hillary's lesbian encounters, "As I told the New York Post two years ago when these old rumors surfaced (thanks to smarmy former White House advisor Dick Morris), my gut instinct as a lesbian is that Hillary may well have experimented a bit in college, but everything about her since then screams Refrigerator Woman, cut off at the neck except when her faithless husband plays Huck Finn penitent and turns up the heat in the sugar shack." Also, Hillary gave her entire New Year's Day speech without blinking.
Fred Kaplan at The Boston Globe - Urging police to reach for tactics, not guns: Gary Moskowitz, an ex-officer wants the NYPD to teach martial arts. "All too often, he knows, the police rely on their guns because they have not been trained to rely on much else."
AP via Yahoo!.News Court: Computer Codes Protected: "Computer programs used to scramble electronic messages are protected by the First Amendment because those codes are a means of communication among programmers, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday." This is incredibly good news. [faisal]
Declan McCullagh at Wired - Crypto Regs Challenged Again: A better telling of the story, complete with a link to the text of the decision. [market]
Kevin Tuma - Slick & Wesson: another good cartoon from the master.
AP via the Sydney Morning Herald -
Jailed for 16 years for stealing a Snickers bar : I don't think
this is a joke. I doubt the shoplifter in question is
laughing. [latte]
Walter E. Williams at WorldNetDaily - Prosperity and freedom: Economic freedom creates prosperity. Democracy has little if anything to do with it. "The most critical are protection of private property, enforcement of contracts and rule of law..." [wnd]
J.D. Tucille at About.com - Naked Justice: J.D. explores the recent supreme court decision allowing the Erie, Pennsylvania city council to prohibit nude dancing. "That cold chill I feel right now has nothing to do with the lack of pasties and a G-string; it's coming from the breeze blowing through the chinks the justices knocked in the First Amendment." [market]
Wayne Laugesen at Boulder Weekly - One man packs, another attacks: Robert Howell, a supposed "peace protester" attacked Shariar Ghalam at a Charles Heston speech. Ghalam was carrying the gun he has a permit to conceal. Howell agressed; Ghalam was polite. Ghalam knows from personal experience in Iran what happens when the government prohibits gun ownership. [market]