Aimster Pig Encoder

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 28 May 2001 12:17:52 GMT
Geek with Guns is active again after about a month of hiatus.

The Aimster Pig Encoder encodes your file names so that Napster's new filtering software won't recognize them. Hehe. I doubt this will stop Napster. They'll just have to look at the data in the files instead of the names. This is of course possible to scramble as well just by resampling the audio, but that's a little harder to do. Still, someone will do it if necessary. Copy protection doesn't work. [/.]

The Aimster Pig Encoder encodes the file names by simply changing the words in the file name very slightly. For example, "Music" becomes "usicM", "Hello" becomes "elloH", and you can guess what becomes "uckF ouY, ouY pyS astardsB".


IMPORTANT WARNING: DO NOT TELL ANYONE how the Aimster Pig Encoder works. Disclosing how the Aimster Pig Encoder works may be a violation of a federal law called the DMCA and subject to up to a $500,000 fine and 5 years in prison! Seriously, we are not joking about this, although we would agree that the situation sounds quite funny (if it wasn't so sad). There is already a similar case in which someone has been found guilty simply for printing an encoder secret on a t-shirt!

If anyone asks you how the Aimster Pig Encoder works, tell them to download it and find out for themselves!

Steven Chase at The Globe and Mail - Napster clone may set up shop offshore: Matt Goyer plans to set up a Napster server on the HavenCo island. [/.]

More excerpts from The Emperor Wears no Clothes:

By the start of this century almost four generations of Americans had been using cannabis.

Virtually everyone in this country was familiar from childhood on with the "highs" of cannabis extract--yet doctors did not consider it habit forming, anti-social, or violent at all after 60 years of use.

This leads us to an important question: If it was not fear of health or social consequences that led to the eventual ban of cannabis use in America (and later forced on the rest of the world), what did?


the first federal anti-marijuana laws (1937) came about because of William Randolph Hearst's lies, yellow journalism, and racist newspaper articles and ravings, which from then on were cited in Congressional testimony by Harry Anslinger as facts.


American newspapers, politicians, and police, had virtually no idea, for all these years (until the 1920s, and then only rarely), that the marijuana the "darkies" and "Chicanos" were smoking in cigarettes or pipes was just a weaker version of the many familiar concentrated cannabis medicines they'd been taking since childhood, or that the same drug was smoked at the local "white man's" plush hashish parlors.

Randall N. Herrst at JPFO - School Shooting in California.... some thoughts on the most recent Brady Bunch fodder. It happenned in Kalifornia, home of the countries toughest gun laws. Obviously, gun laws don't work. What would work? Israel figured this out a long time ago. If your kids are in danger, protect them. Yawn. The thing that got me about this story is that the guy reloaded four times, but noone tackled him during a reload. Very strange. Well, I wasn't there... [jpfo]

Angus Glashier - Wednesday, March 07, 2001: not only is Angus no longer a libertarian, he's turned into a gun grabber. Naughty Angus. Naughty.

Remember: the harder it is for kids to get guns, the less likely it is that they will go on shooting sprees. contains lots of information about political contributions. They even have a database of donors, including 118,977 donors to GW for the 2000 presidential race. [brianf]

Contra Costa Times via the Media Awareness Project - Marijuana Activist's Convictions Slashed: Judge John L. Cosgrove reduced Steve Kubby's felony convictions to misdemeanors and dismissed all the remaining counts against him. Mr. Kubby "was fined $2,700 and ordered to serve 120 days of alternative sentencing." He will also be on probation for three years. Apparently, the Placer County DA, Bradford Fenocchio, requested this reduction. Good for him. [cures-not-wars]

There's a new article in The Libertarian series by Vin Suprynowicz:

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard at The Telegraph - Euro-court outlaws criticism of EU: The beginning of the end of free speech in the European Union. [unknown]

The European Court of Justice ruled yesterday that the European Union can lawfully suppress political criticism of its institutions and of leading figures, sweeping aside English Common Law and 50 years of European precedents on civil liberties.

Joshua Rozenberg at The Telegraph - Double jeopardy rule may be axed: Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. The reason we have jury trials and the reason that acquittals are final is because that was one of the conditions for the king to be allowed to continue living. Break the power of the jury, oh modern kings, and you will swing. [unknown]

The ancient right of a person not to be tried again for the same offence should be abolished in murder cases, according to a recommendation from the Government's law reform advisers.

Ant 1.3 is available from the Apache Jakarta project. [cafe]

Robert X. Cringely at InfoWorld - Software giant looks to bury test results as @Home digs a new hole: An independent testing lab recently discovered that SQL Server 7 runs half as fast on Windows 2000 as it does on NT. Microsoft couldn't fix it so they chose to quash the test results by threatening legal action over the "no publication without authorization" clause in the SQL Server license. Fie on Microsoft. And again fie.

Mr. Cringely also retracted his previous claim that Java won't run on the new Intel processor. He hasn't, however, investigated whether the new processor will require a new version of Sun's Java VM.

RANDI SAYS I must have been having a senior moment recently when I passed along a tip that Intel's Pentium IV didn't work with Java. I do know better. As many astute readers have pointed out, Java's a platform-independent language. It doesn't matter if it's Pentium IV or Amiga. If there's a compiler for it, it will run.

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