
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 13 Oct 2000 12:00:00 GMT
Friday the thirteenth with a full moon. Ow--ow-ow--ow-owwwwwwwwww!

wu-wei, " in Chinese Taoism, the principle of yielding to others as the most effective response to the problems of human existence." [brianf]

Robert Fisk at Independent News - Lies, hatred and the language of force: Mr. Fisk understands why there is violence in the Middle East, and why it was directed at the U.S. via the USS Cole. [lew]

I suppose it's the same old story. The Israelis only want peace. The unruly, riotous, murderous Palestinians -- totally to blame for 95 of their own deaths -- understand only violence.

That's what Israel's military spokesman said last night. Force, he said, "will be the only language they understand". Which is about as near to a declaration of war as you can get.

J.J. Johnson at Sierra Times - Dog Wagging in the Persian Gulf?: J.J. analyzes the hole in the side of the USS Cole. [sierra]

It's been said that whenever this administration gets in trouble, something blows up. After the last presidential debate, Gore is now in trouble. Hence, something blew up shortly thereafter.

In a recent Wall Street Journal editorial, columnist Mark Helprin made mention of "third world submarines" that the U.S. military had failed to address. If these subs from the Soviet "fire sale" exist, perhaps they have now "addressed" US Naval forces in the Gulf. It may sound crazy, but a lot less crazy than suicide in a rubber boat attack on an American Destroyer in broad daylight.

Patrick Goodenough at CNS - Militant Yemeni Group Claims Responsibility for Warship Attack: more likely, IMNSHO. [sierra]

bob lonsberry - War of Hatred Takes Sailors' Lives: Mr. Lonsberry's take on the attack on the USS Cole.

T.L. Knapp - "Bumbo Direct" Raises Political Ire: Commentary on VoteAuction.Com, a place where you can auction off your vote in the election. Considered illegal by the socialists, it's really just the free market in action. It's been around since before the constitution, under the name of "bumbo", "after the rum punch that colonial candidates used to get the voters to sway." How to get rid of it?

The way to get bumbo out of our elections isn't to outlaw it -- that will just drive it underground. The way to get bumbo out of our elections is to rein in the power of politicians to hand out favors. Our representatives should be protecting our rights, not redistributing other peoples' money into their own bank accounts and the pockets of favored constitutencies.

Holding office in a government that substantially conformed to the constitution wouldn't be an opportunity for graft, it would be an opportunity for service. Politicians bound by the Bill of Rights wouldn't need to buy your vote, and they wouldn't have anybody to sell their vote to, because they would operate a minimal state that offered only a few services and offered them under unbreakable constraints.

The Misanthropic Bitch - Election 2000 Guide: The bitch promises that "this link will stay at the top of the page until we learn which candidate will maintain the status quo for another four years." Just about all the reasons she supports each candidate are exactly the reason whe opposes them. Hehe.

George W. Bush

Pro: He supports stronger penalties for first time cocaine possession. Unless one's last name is "Bush." I'm applying to change my name.


So, who am I voting for? As usual, I'm voting Libertarian. A wasted vote, you say? Probably. But so is voting for Deadwood or Shrub. Harry Browne is the closest a misanthrope can come to a perfect candidate.

Arianna Huffington - Crucible For The Drug War: tells the story of the arrest and conviction of 43 residents of Tulia, Texas due to a sting operation by one man. The evidence? His word. The sentences? Up to 435 years in prison. Race? 40 were black, 17% of the black population of the town.

On Friday, Bush called the drug war "one of the worst public-policy failures of the '90s." This was supposed to be an indictment of the Clinton/Gore administration for not being tough enough. But as Tulia -- in the governor's own backyard -- chillingly proves, the problem is not that we are fighting the drug war, as he put it, "without urgency, without energy." It's that we are fighting it without logic, common sense, morality, fairness, justice -- and compassion.

"People were being torn apart, their loyalty to one another crushed and ... common human decency was going down the drain." That was Miller about Salem and the witch trials. But it could have been about Tulia and the tragic consequences of the drug war.

The source for Star Office is avaialble at www.openoffice.org. Well, it will be after the thousands of slash-dotters get their copies. [/.]

There's a new article in The Libertarian series by Vin Suprynowicz, actually a reprint of a classic 1992 column:

  • Thoughts on the occasion of the October moon - an apt comparison of the modern day "war on drugs" with the witch burnings of yore. A few jibes at holloween costumes. How the herbal cures practiced by the "witches" were as scientific as any modern day medication.
    But witches are not mythological creatures, of course. They were the very real practitioners of a religion which pre-dated Christianity in Europe, and which had coexisted quite peaceably with the new Christian church for more than 1,000 years, from the Council of Nicaea until the fateful year 1484 A.D., under the quite sensible rule of the Canon Episcopi, which instructed Christian clerics through all those years that -- in cases where sorcery or commerce with the devil was charged but could not be proven -- it was the accuser, not the accused, who was to suffer the penalty for those crimes.

    Needless to say, this held false charges to a minimum.

    All that changed after 1484, when an ambitious but ethically challenged Dominican friar and embezzler by the name of Heinrich Kramer managed to convince Pope Innocent VIII to set the Holy Office of the Inquisition onto the witches, using torture to extract confessions, authorizing anonymous accusations without any right for the accused to face her accuser, and granting the soon-busy witch-hunters the rights to seize and divide the estates of the accused (who were always found guilty), an invitation to systematic legal looting so foul that it was never allowed again in Western history ... until our current War on Drugs, of course.

Lindsay Perigo's Politically Incorrect Show - 11 October 2000: Libertarianz leader Peter Cresswell talks about taxes, armed robbery that due to gummint brain-washing the sheeple actually support.

The money for these vermin comes from the blood of good people. We must never forget that.

NHTSA via Cryptome - Drowsy Driver Detection Device Laboratory Validation: the DOT is seeking to develop a device which will watch a driver's eyelids and determine when (s)he is getting drowsy. Big Brother lives.

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