January 2006
Sunday, 1 January
December 2005
January 2006
Thursday, 1 December
Friday, 2 December
Saturday, 3 December
Sunday, 4 December
Monday, 5 December
Tuesday, 6 December
Wednesday, 7 December
Friday, 9 December
Saturday, 10 December
Sunday, 11 December
Monday, 12 December
Tuesday, 13 December
Wednesday, 14 December
Thursday, 15 December
Friday, 16 December
Saturday, 17 December
Sunday, 18 December
Monday, 19 December
Tuesday, 20 December
Wednesday, 21 December
Thursday, 22 December
Friday, 23 December
Saturday, 24 December
Sunday, 25 December
Monday, 26 December
Tuesday, 27 December
Wednesday, 28 December
Thursday, 29 December
Neuros Technology
Friday, 30 December
Saturday, 31 December
January 2006
Monday, 2 January
Tuesday, 3 January
Wednesday, 4 January
Thou Shalt Not Meddle clairefiles # # whatreallyhappened # bulldog # clairefiles
Thursday, 5 January
Free Marc Emery It's Official: Conservatives Extradite Marc Emery The Princess of Pot The Clock is Ticking on Marc Emery's Extradition Marc Emery Jailed in Canada Pending Extradition to US Jodie Emery Speaks Out on Her Husband's Imprisonment Marc Emery: Political Prisoner my angry blog post
PortableApps.com samizdata kaba pournelle # # # # nicki # nicki # jomama # cafe # bovard # esr # /.
PortableApps.com samizdata kaba pournelle # # # # nicki # nicki # jomama # cafe # bovard # esr # /.
Saturday, 7 January
Tuesday, 10 January
Wednesday, 11 January
Pinnacle Black Powder Substitute # # links smith2004 # gunweek # # clairefiles # smith2004 # gunweek # skype
Thursday, 12 January
Friday, 13 January
Drupal # BlogMax # publicola # geekwitha.45 # wes
Saturday, 14 January
New Default Theme, Configurable Blocks
Switching to Drupal for a Real Test # billstclair.com/drupal
Man pitches pixels, makes a million milliondollarhomepage.com
xMax sparks low power wireless revolution xG Technology
January 2006
December 2005
Sunday, 1 January
Monday, 2 January
Tuesday, 3 January
Wednesday, 4 January
Thursday, 5 January
Friday, 6 January
Saturday, 7 January
Sunday, 8 January
Monday, 9 January
Tuesday, 10 January
Wednesday, 11 January
Thursday, 12 January
Friday, 13 January
Saturday, 14 January
December 2005
Blogroll and Banners aggregator WebCron cron.php Free Marc Emery
Sunday, 15 January
Winter Returns to the Berkshires
A Studied Contrast... http://geekwitha45.blogspot.com/...
How to Establish a Government, Lesson 3: Dealing With Rebellions gain maintain
Monday, 16 January
The Great Loompanics Unlimited Going Out of Business Sale http://www.loompanics.com/... www.loompanics.com
I'm a White-Collar Redneck: And Proud of It
The courts, parents, kids and guns Vin Suprynowicz at the Las Vegas Review-Journal
Hardyville Courts Prosperity (Reluctantly) Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine
Tuesday, 17 January
The AeroPress Coffee Machine gizmag has it AeroPress Story
Bush Crosses the Rubicon Paul Craig Roberts at Counterpunch
How the Grinch Stole Nanotech and More Michael S. Rozeff at LewRockwell.com
Take a leap into hyperspace Haiko Lietz at New Scientist
Logs disabled; The future of billstclair.com NearlyFreeSpeech billstclair.com 9/11 Timeline
Wednesday, 18 January
Weather Underground wunderground.com weather.com weather.yahoo.com
A Non-Non-Libertarian FAQ: Responses to Mike Huben Glen Raphael at Liberals and Libertarians A Non-Libertarian FAQ No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
Could America ever produce another Martin Luther King Jr.? Christopher Knight
Thinking about Loompanics going out of business Claire Wolfe Loompanics
Compare and Contrast John Bergstrom's Attack Cartoons
Why a paper ticket if an SMS will do? John Blau at Infoworld here
Harebrained Pot and Wheat Decisions James Bovard at The Future of Freedom Foundation
Thursday, 19 January
The Scanner Photography Project Michael Golembewski here
Friday, 20 January
Al Gore is right, for once Silver at Wolfesblog full text described as
The End of an Era: The Last of the Winchester Model 94 Jeff Quinn at Gunblast
"Bark" is gone. Friendship remains Claire Wolfe Claire Files forums The Mental Militia wrote
Saturday, 21 January
The Digital Universe The Digital Universe Larry Sanger Wikipedia ManyOne board of directors
Breaking News on the Steve Kubby Case Hammer of Truth
The War on Dissent Gets Creepy Mike Ferner at LewRockwell.com Case for Impeachment
So, What's Under Your Eotech Holosight? Egregious Charles at GeekWithA.45 General Dynamics GAU 19 12.7mm gatling gun
Stopping Power and Cartridge Selection Philosophy Egregious Charles at GeekWithA.45
Dismissal of the Claims of a Biological Connection for Natural Petroleum J. F. Kenney et al at Gas Resources Corporation home page
Sunday, 22 January
JAP - Anonymous Web Proxy JAP Java Web Start version running your own MIX server Live CD
Shiver Me Timbers! A Proud Bubblepack Pirate I Be! Old Horseman
Tuesday, 24 January
Letter writer needs perhaps a little more understanding of gun issues Art Risdell at The Albany (NY) Times Union NRA believes training can promote gun safety
What I'd Like To Make at the Winchester Plant Egregious Charles at GeekWithA.45 Model 04
Take That, California! Freedom Sight
Police State USA Moves WordPress News Aggregator
LSD and Aldous Huxley's Island: Setting Sail for a Better Country Bruce Eisner
Wednesday, 25 January
We Dare Not Speak Its Name Rich Lang at LewRockwell.com
Potent Mexican Meth Floods In as States Curb Domestic Variety Kate Zernike at The New York Times
Push the Blue Button Joe Blow at Strike the Root
Horse Sex Porn Candy Teens! Mark Morford at SF Gate Horse Sex Porn Candy Teens! hot bunny terrorist fluffer banana Osama butt pancake lube explosives yay homemade nuke porn lollipop kiddie nipple bomb!!! Operation Screw With the DOJ and Make Lynne Cheney Squirm Goatse Jesus-shaped dildo Karl Rove eaten by giant homosexual squid George W. Bush beaten to lifeless pulp by swarm of angry kindergarten children "Weapons of Ass Destruction IV" DVD
Friday, 27 January
Re: CCW Licenses - Pros and Cons Boston T. Party at The Claire Files Forums
Latest report from my year of silence Claire Wolfe
Old Content Imported stories vin 0601.html
Holographic Storage: 300 Gigabytes on a Disk InPhase Technologies Technology Review
Ohio Record Roller Coaster Rense.com
Saturday, 28 January
Med-Marijuana Activist Arrested in California Hammer of Truth Kubby
Bandit Medicine
Steve Kubby Update Brad Spangler Hammer of Truth comment Technorati Mini
Index Siteorum Prohibitorum Jim Davies at Strike the Root
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Airport IDs David Kravets at Associated Press over at PapersPlease.org
Preparing For Global Governance Crisis - - Take Heed Nancy Levant at Sierra Times
Sunday, 29 January
Monday, 30 January
The Time is Approaching Kathryn A. Graham at The Libertarian Enterprise
The Libertarian's Legitimate Litmus Lessons Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian
The "Wild Woman" of the Harp Deborah Henson-Conant Additional Publicity Photos
Tuesday, 31 January
Re (95): CCW Licenses - Pros and Cons John DeWitt at The Claire Files Forums
Federalizing Social Policy Ron Paul at LewRockwell.com
Gilmore Loses, but Court Reveals TSA Lie PapersPlease.org decision
Re (133): CCW Licenses - Pros and Cons Boston T. Party at The Claire Files Forums