January 2006
Sunday, 1 January: Happy New Year, 2006
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Bush Nominates Computer for Supreme Court
- GeekWithA.45 - Happy New Year, 1944
- The Dissident Frogman - Battle Orders NRA Membership Stasists
- Charley Hardman - Sarah, Charlton. Charlton, Sarah comment yesterday
- Militant Libertarian - New Year's Resolutions
- Henshawe at The Claire Files Forums - A Letter to George W Bush
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - I'm stickin' with the union
- Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America The Book
- Paul Craig Roberts at LewRockwell.com - A Gestapo Administration
- EDS - Cat Herding Commercial
- I've been reading over the last few months The Magian Gospel of Brother Yeshua
- Doug Thompson at Capitol Hill Blue - Time to impeach a President
- The Impeach Bush Coalition
- Richard Cowan at Marijuana News - Steve Kubby Is the Only One In This Story Who Has NOT Broken The Law, But He Faces the Death Penalty kubby.com Prominent Cancer Specialist Says Steve Kubby Should Be Studied, Not Jailed;His Case Has Major Medical Implications. Facing January 12th Expulsion From Canada, The Kubbys Launch Legal Assault On Refugee Process. Now Is The Time For Kubby's Supporters -- And Friends Of Freedom Everywhere -- To Rally Behind Them. A Critique of the Kubby Refugee Ruling: What Is It About Dead That You Don't Understand? WorldNetDaily Continues Its Critique of the Drug War with An Article by Steve Kubby: "Bill Of Rights Is The Cure For Government Disease." Outstanding!
- Russmo.com - Spies Like Us
- Claire Wolfe - 10 worst Americans -- who can say? Father of the Drug War, Harry Anslinger
- John T. Kennedy at No Treason - The Court Has No Use For Me
- Nicki Fellenzer - Banning Guns One City at A Time article
- Nicki Fellenzer - Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy...
- Fred Reed at LewRockwell.com - Storm Troopers on Every Corner
- Higgs at The Independent Institute - Traveling Sheep
- Jim Bovard - Orange Suits Soon All the Rage on Capitol Hill
- Eric S. Raymond - Live by government regulation, die by it too enraged
- PortableApps.com
- Tom Engelhardt at LewRockwell.com - Deified Caesar
- Mark Davis at Strike the Root - License to Steal
- News Release Wire - Now is the time for Congress and America to sock it to New York's Bloomberg, says gun law expert H.R. 4547
- Edgar Tolmie at The Albany (NY) Times Union - Media attention uneven on civil liberty threats
- John Pilger at LewRockwell.com - The Quiet Death of Freedom
- Kurt Nimmo at Prison Planet - Patriot Act Empowers Ministry of Homeland Security Gestapo H.R. 3199 S. 1967
- Massad Ayoob at Backwoods Home Magazine - Answering some well asked questions about personal defense
- eBaumsWorld - The End of the World
- I watched Pitch Black quote
- Charles Schumer & Hillary Rodham Clinton at The New York Post -
Illegal Guns: Congress' Job
- Sunni Maravillosa - Ayoob Just Lost Some Cred with Me
- New Hampshire Underground - SS Card Burn Second Annual U.N. Flag Burn nhfree.com
- Infowars.com - New Hampshire bill aims to prevent Katrina-style gun seizures HB1639-FN
- Joel Spolsky - The Perils of JavaSchools
- Thomas Andrew Olson at The Libertarian Enterprise - Presumed Guilty: Caught in the American Gulag Walt Anderson
- The Arms Site - Steyr commendation of it TMP Arms Site HK's 40mm Grenade Machine Gun
- Guy Herbert at Samizdata - A new kind of freedom
- Linux-Live.org - SLAX
- Declan McCullagh at News.com - Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime H.R. 3402 47 USC 223 here elucidates
- Jeffrey Tucker at The Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Bureaucrat in Your Shower Showerbuddy.com
- Ron Paul at LewRockwell.com - Scandals Are a Symptom, Not a Cause
- I tried the SLAX
- Speedy Share
- JRGach.com - Why Mommy Can't Do Yoga
- Jerry Pournelle - The Founders' Constitution The Founders' Consitution
- Gun Week - Two-Week UN Firearms PrepCom Meet Runs Jan. 9-20
- Edgar J. Steele - WhirlyBen, the Globo and the Great American Gold Grab (Here Comes Gold Confiscation)
- Radly Balko - News on the Cory Maye Case: Bob Evans Fired as Prentiss Public Defender
- Kieren McCarthy at The Register - 2005: The year the US government undermined the internet
- Toby Bridges at Gun Week - Goex Blackpowder Substitute Cleans Up Muzzleloaders Goex
- Skype
- HackADay.com - Play Music on Your Printer, Scanner, or Other Peripherals!
- I'm playing with Drupal interwiki module billstclair.com/drupal
- Douglas E. Stanton at Saved by a Gun - Our Story: Mercilessly Plan, Relentlessly Prepare, Violently Execute
- GeekWithA.45 - Peanut Allergy...
- Bittorrent UPnP
- I'm switching my blogging to my Drupal site billstclair.com/drupal
December 2005 | January 2006 | February
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xMax sparks low power wireless revolution
Man pitches pixels, makes a million
The Incredible Stuff Machine
Switching to Drupal for a Real Test
New Default Theme, Configurable Blocks
You should be able to vote now
Bush's Con Jobs: Will the US Need an IMF Bail Out?
Should I switch to Drupal?