December 2005
Thursday, 1 December: Dependent on a Six-Inch Layer of Topsoil
- - Theft Professionals
- Motor Trend Magazine - Motor Trend Announces 2006 Car of the Year Honda Civic
- The Onion - RIAA Bans Telling Friends about Songs
- Centers for Disease Control -
Control of Communicable Disease Proposed 42 CFR Parts 70 and 71
Washington Post article
on Wednesday Section VII, Solicitation of Comments Section IV, Summary of Proposed Changes to 42 CFR Part 70
- Empire Information Services - Retailers of Common Fertilizer Now Required to be Registered, Keep Records
- Tom Bearden at Spirit of Ma'at - Taming the Fierce Energy of the Vacuum The Final Secret of Free Energy Jean-Lous Naudin's website
- Evan Ratliff at Wired - Fear, Inc.: How homeland security became the biggest market opportunity since the dotcom boom
- I got a Nightstar Flashlight Handgun Club of America
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Practical, Prepared, Straight-Shootin' Santa
- Gaia Guys - Kohei Minato and the Japan Magnetic Fan Company Lutec Australia PTY Ltd.
- Bruce Schneier at Wired - Airline Security a Waste of Cash
- Michele McPhee at The Boston Herald - Mayor vows in crackdown to snatch snitchin' shirts
- Firefox 1.5 is available for download here here
- Mark Fiore at - Cartoon
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - November 2005: Many Thanks
- Gerard Valentino at The Buckeye Firearms Association - Hoping for a Return to the Wild West
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - If a black man is armed, is he a criminal?
- The Onion - Kennedy Slain by CIA, Mafia, Castro, LBJ, Teamsters, Freemasons
- Lady Liberty at The Federal Observer - Compromised Messages
- Preacherman at The High Road - Strange Encounters
- Henshawe at The Claire Files Forums - Reality mimics Art
- I got a pair of Nokian Hakkapeliitta 2 Hakkapeliitta
- Gilmore v. Gonzales - Gilmore Heads to the Ninth
- Doug Newman - Just Ignore the ACLU
- Robert Higgs at - Traveling Sheep
- Robert Greenslade at The Price of Liberty - The Victims of the Public School System Guide to the Bill of Rights Bill of Rights
- From Boston Replies to Molôn Labé! Review
- The Onion - Voice Of God Revealed To Be Cheney On Intercom
- Henshawe at The Claire Files Forums - Be Afraid This Holiday Season
- Tannery Shop KT Ordnance Brownells Numrich Sarco Grizzly mini-mill Dremel
- Digital Blue - QX5 USB Microscope here has it for $80
- Tom Toles - American-Style System
- I discovered Web Sudoku
- AP via CBS 4 Denver - No Charges For Woman Refusing To Show ID To Feds Deborah Davis
- Cranky-Bastard at The United American - Did You Ever Wonder What 2000 Looks Like?
- suijurisfreeman at The Claire Files Forums - Grand Jury Indicts Winston Ward Johnson The Unsung Ballad of Suijurisfreeman
- Fred Reed - Getting Apart
- Mark Bittman at The New York Times - Ever So Humble, Cast Iron Outshines the Fancy Pans
- Sunday Arvo - Birdman Weapons Systems: Homeboy Nyte-Sytes
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Fans of a disarmed peasantry
- Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Jay P Hailey
- by Kevin S. Van Horn The Murder of Freedom
- Took the kids to see The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe The Chronicles of Narnia
- Google now does movies
- Edward Hasbrouck's blog - Appeals Court hearing on airline ID requirement
- Jim Borgman - Moving Forward
- Claire Wolfe - How a resistance movement grows
- Claire Wolfe - Cory Maye should not die
- Kalindras at The Firing Line - Black Powder Weapon for Defense Blood for Odin
- Kim du Toit - Don't Bother To Knock
- Jim Davies at Strike the Root - 2007: The Year in Review
- The Liberty Committee - House to Vote on Patriot Act conference committee report
- Paul Joseph and Alex Jones at Prison Planet - Republican Congressman Says Totalitarian Regime a Danger
- Butler Shaffer at - The Deaths of Children
- CBS 5 San Francisco - Appeals Court Rejects NRA Petition Against Gun Ban
- Kim & Connie du Toit - Nation of Volunteers Foundation
- Jesse J. Holland of AP via Yahoo News - House Approves Extension of Patriot Act 251 to 174
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - O Little Town of Hardyville like George Potter
- Fish or Man - The Judge's Decision Is In
- Doug Thompson - Customer service
- Gigabuist at The Claire Files Forum - Senate Blocks Patriot Act Extension this AP article has more comments and links links thousands of stories
- Andy Steadman at No Treason - Cory Maye got lucky
- Kathryn A Graham at America in Denial - Bill of Rights Day
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - A Word About TimePeeper
- David Rolland at San Diego City Beat - It's 'Warfare'
- Les Visible at Smoking Mirrors - Tookie Williams Goes Free...
- Ian's Shoelace Site - Slipping Shoelace Knots? Crooked Bows?
- Michael Paladin - Police State USA
- Andrew Orlowski at The Register - Wikipedia founder 'shot by friend of Siegenthaler' Jimmy Wales
- Anthony Gregory at The Libertarian Enterprise - Warmongering Is the Health of Statism
- Jonathan David Morris at The Libertarian Enterprise - All I Want For Christmas Is To End This Stupid War
- Becky Akers at - Rigoberto, Requiesce in Pace
- Annalee Newitz at AlterNet - Good Drugs
- Connie du Toit - Unintended Consequences: Heroes
- Cryptome - Cryptome Gold or Entrapment
- - Historic SpaceX Launch Set for December 19: The World's Lowest Cost Rocket to Orbit
- Paine's Torch - Grateful Slave
- Claire Wolfe - A letter from a Mole
- Michael S. Rozeff at - War on Drugs a Big Success
- Crispin Sartwell at Creators Syndicate - Enlightenment here
- Out of the Cradle - Falcon 1 launch live coverage
- James Bovard - Bovard Blog page at
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Taurus Thunderbolt Pump-Action Rifle
- George Potter at The Claire Files Forum - Odyssey: A Prose Poem
- Claire Wolfe - You Know, We Could Easily Settle This Question
- DPR 2006 at The Claire Files Forums - Ohio passes it's own Patriot Act; can't you hear the jackboots tromping! Bill Would Allow Arrests For No Reason In Public Place SB 9
- hugh2you - The Late Edward Abbey - Beloved Desert Anarchist
- Claire Wolfe - My year of silence -- but not disappearance!
- Paul Craig Roberts at - Guilty When Charged
- Steve Connor at The Independent - Britain will be first country to monitor every car journey
- Mark Morford at SF Gate - Fun Bits About American Torture
- - Jamming Enforcement Doppler radar
- Lycos Cheeky Emails - Orgasmic Simulator
- Associated Press via Newsday - Albany gun-law compromise A40001 A40003 Animal Farm Atlanta Declaration
- Associated Press via Sierra Times - Senate passes Patriot Act extension S.2167
- Butler Shaffer at - The Religion of the State
- Eric S. Raymond - Utter IDiots
- The Onion - U.S. Troops Draw Up Own Exit Strategy
- Claire Wolfe - A good citizen reports a terrorist threat a page of free anonymous proxies
- John C. Whitehead at Opinion Journal - Scary Fuck Eliot Spitzer
- Reuters via The Boston Globe - Greenberg defender accuses Spitzer of making threats here Reuters article
- - Watching over you... This comment posted
- Charley Reese at Prison Planet - The Purple Finger
- Douglas Herman at Strike the Root - Bumper Stickers I'd Love to See
- Michael Naimark - How to ZAP a Camera: Using Lasers to Temporarily Neutralize Camera Sensors
- Billy Beck - Done
- Declan McCullagh at - E-tracking, coming to a DMV near you
- Iran Focus via Liberty Forum - Iran hails "first Islamist Arab state" in Iraq Fri. 23 Dec 2005
- Yours Truly - Einstein's Puzzle
- John Lopez at No Treason - Why I'm Not A Libertarian Activist
- Ben Goldacre at The Guardian - What is science? First, magnetise your wine ...
- Greg Szymanski at The Arctic Beacon - As We Look To The New World Order's 2006 Agenda, It's Best To Review The Research And Writings of William Cooper reprint of this article
- Kim du Toit - Reasonable People vs. The Mass Movement Reasonable People Isaiah's Job here
- Jim Bovard - Donlan's Courageous Barron's Editorial on Impeachment
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - 'The unlimited power of the sword'
- Fish at The Claire Files Forum - 10 Reason why gay marriage is wrong
- Sunni Maravillosa - Fuck You, Ohio Politicians, and Fuck the People Who Voted for Them Ohio SB 9 Do you want to live forever?
- Nicki Fellenzer - Blatant anti-gun bias open letter response Another Oath-breaking Band of Legal Buffoons
- Richard Rieben at Strike the Root - I Was Not Born to Submit . . . Not Even to Freedom
- Robert Steinback at The Miami Herald - Fear destroys what bin Laden could not here here
- GeekWithA.45 - We Interupt The Consideration of Weighty Matters... R2-D2
- Claire Wolfe - Blogging from the heart is hard
- Vox Day at World Net Daily - The anti-American president
- Ryan Singel at Wired - Shop 'Til They Lock Neuros Technology
- Karl-Heinz Gerstenberger at The Albany (NY) Times Union - Bush and Patriot Act repeating history?
- Jim Bovard - Elective Dictatorship & Lese Majeste
- ForumulaOne examples Einstein's puzzle
- - Cop Killer Video here
- The Onion - Top Stories of 2005
- Warner Brothers - V for Vendetta here
- Paul Craig Roberts at - Three Books To Wake You Up Our Endangered Values Hitler's Prisons Resurgence of the Warfare State
- Jim Davies at Strike the Root - Brits in Revolt Gatsos
- KIFI TV - Potential Legislation on Wyoming Gun Laws
- # MCA Sports
- # Polywad Shotgun Shells
November | December 2005 | January 2006