
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 22:39:55 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Ted Lang at Rense.com - Mr. Lang concludes that the Busheviks did 9/11. [walter]

Bush's order to carpet bomb the Iraqi town of Fallujah for the crime of murdering four $1,000-a-day mercenaries he employed to spread "democracy" to the Iraqi people after his efforts targeting "weapons of mass destruction," "regime change," and the need to alleviate the world from a terrorist-initiating nation, are no longer supported by either any modicum of truth or legal justification. It is clear to the entire world that the only terrorist-initiating nation is the United States of America!


Working the "logic" backwards, it seems that ALL the claims that Bush is making are so very heavily dependent on the horrors visited upon Americans on that Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Considering Bush's claimed right to torture and maim children, arrest anyone he pleases, initiate unjust laws that sacrifice our young in Bush-initiated imperial military adventures against nations that never even contemplated or executed military actions and threats against our nation, I can only come to one conclusion: the Bush administration itself planned, conducted and successfully executed 9-11 against its own people to legitimize its despotism and tyranny directed at the world at large and the people of the United States of America.

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