Old Content Imported

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 04:50:30 GMT  <== Webmaster stuff ==> 

I wrote a Drupal module to import HTML. Somebody else had already written one called "Import HTML". I tried it, but couldn't make it work, so I wrote my own. As soon as I document it, I'll upload it to the Drupal web site in case others might find it useful. It will be called "importfiles".

So you can now go to stories and vin to get those indices, and all the yymmdd.html daily entries and yymm.html monthly summaries are there, for example, 0601.html is the January summary up to when I started using Drupal. My next two modules will be an automatic BugMeNot link inserter, and a module to auto-generate monthly summaries like I had on the old site. This will replace the "Weekly Archives" and "Monthly Archives" lists at the bottom of the right-hand column.

I also changed my mind about how I'm going to use Drupal. billstclair.com/drupal will continue to work, so that links created to the new site won't break, but I'll likely auto-forward them to billstclair.com/blog, which will be the canonical address for this weblog. The old URLS will continue to work, but they'll get the Drupal versions.

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