JAP - Anonymous Web Proxy

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 00:13:36 GMT  <== Computers ==> 

JAP (Java Anonymous Proxy?) is a Java application that runs on your machine and provides a proxy for your web browser. Communication goes via encrypted link to a MIX Server, which connects to the web sites you want to browse and sends everything back through your encrypted link. The outbound communication from the MIX server is still cleartext, unless you connect via HTTPS, but it's shared between all the users of the server, so will be hard to trace back to you (unless you identify yourself via cookie or something else you send). Worked fine for me from Firefox, though browsing through a MIX server in Dresden (the three it comes configured with are all in Germany) was a bit slow. It was faster than anonymizer.com and that ilk, though.

There is a Java Web Start version, if you'd like yours to auto-update.

It's free for now, but once the research project is over, it will no longer be funded by the Univerity. They have directions for running your own MIX server, via a Live CD if you'd prefer not to install anything. [clairefiles]

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