Fool Me Twice

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 04:13:33 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise

Self-ownership, zero aggression, and the Bill of Rights. All a society really needs. But whichever major party is in power always works to get around the Bill of Rights, while the one out of power complains. [tle]

Recently, thanks to some new friends I've found among my fellow musicians, I've been reading articles written by people who identify themselves unflinchingly as liberals, about the various shortcomings of people who identify themselves as conservatives. I haven't done anything like that for a long while, and it's been interesting in many different ways.

For example, it's amazing to me how ... well, underdeveloped, primitive, naive, for the most part, the analysts that I'm reading are--they write as if much of the last fifty years had never happened--and how blind to the shortcoming of the leaders of their own movement. They're quick enough to see one facet of the truth, that George Bush, his predecessors and his cronies are all thieves, liars, and mass murderers. What they don't seem to see is that exactly the same is true of every Democratic politician--notably Wilson, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Carter, and both Clintons--since the War Between the States.

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