Harebrained Pot and Wheat Decisions

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 22:56:50 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

James Bovard at The Future of Freedom Foundation - earlier this year, the Supremes ruled that they could regulate marijuana that never moved in commerce anywhere. Mr. Bovard explains that this was a continuation of an FDR-era decision allowing the feds to limit the amount of wheat a farmer could grow. Really. [bovard]

The Court concluded that the government was justified even in restricting "the amount of wheat ... to which one may forestall resort to the market by producing for his own needs." According to the Court, the government's intent to benefit some wheat farmers gave government officials the authority to absolutely control all wheat farmers -- even those who were not selling their wheat.

The notion that the government was entitled to regulate that which it subsidizes basically permits Congress, the president, and federal bureaucrats to seize control of whatever they throw money at.

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