January 2003
Wednesday, 1 January
Happy New Year 2003! smith2004 scopeny cures-not-wars smith2004 smith2004 smith2004
The Politically Correct Twelve Days of Euro-Centric Imposed Mid-Winter Festival
Thursday, 2 January
Friday, 3 January
Kel-Tec SU-16 kimdutoit brad Arms Manufacturers rachel grabbe picks
Saturday, 4 January
NUKE-LEE-ERR leor nuclear rachel smith2004 birdman smith2004 cryptome Or are they?
Sunday, 5 January
Oppose the War, Lose Internet Access Quotes of the Day links smith2004 jpfo trt-ny grabbe
Monday, 6 January
One Ring to Rule Them All samizdata highroad highroad highroad tle tle tle samizdata cures-not-wars
Tuesday, 7 January
Wednesday, 8 January
Fifth Amendment Denies Drug Tests smith2004 birdman grabbe grabbe smith2004 smith2004 picks birdman smith2004 kaba
Thursday, 9 January
PowerBook G4 17" smith2004 Quotes of the Day The Federalist smith2004 rachel rrnd kaba lew geeks firearmnews wes cafe
Friday, 10 January
All Your Bits Are Belong to Us rrnd picks pournelle notreasonblog smith2004 rrnd
Saturday, 11 January
Rule II: Never Let the Muzzle Cover Anything You Are Not Willing to Destroy highroad lew trt-ny kimdutoit lew highroad root
Sunday, 12 January
Guns Still Allowed in Checked Luggage Quotes of the Day huntersagainstterrorists smith2004 firearmnews grabbe huntersagainstterrorists smith2004 smith2004
Monday, 13 January
Reefer Madness Revived tle survivalarts kimdutoit links tle tle tle tle tle tle samizdata smith2004 rrnd rrnd rrnd
Wednesday, 15 January
Thursday, 16 January
Political Self-Defense The Federalist kaba smith2004 smith2004 birdman kimdutoit highroad trt-ny rrnd
Friday, 17 January
Opera 7.0 survivalarts sierra smith2004 smith2004 sierra trt-ny firearmnews
Saturday, 18 January
Sunday, 19 January
Monday, 20 January
A Declaration of Civil Disobedience
Tangent BBS smith2004 smith2004 in sha' allah smith2004 picks tle kimdutoit highroad tle cryptome smith2004
Tuesday, 21 January
Wednesday, 22 January
Thursday, 23 January
Friday, 24 January
Second Amendment Protection Act of 2003 Quotes of the Day smith2004 birdman rrnd
Saturday, 25 January
Sunday, 26 January
Recovering from near-24-hour coding frenzy The Federalist smith2004 grabbe
Tuesday, 28 January
Wednesday, 29 January
State of the Homeland
Small Government News
Thursday, 30 January
Friday, 31 January
49 Things You Wish You Could Say at Work
The New School Prayer The Federalist
Alternative Uses for Coke grabbe
The Delphi Technique. What Is It?
You Know You're From Wyoming When: brad
Reasons to Own a Gun The Federalist
Having difficulty telling the good guys from the bad guys?
Stopping School Shootings www.census.gov/population/estimates/nation/intfile2-1.txt www.schoolbusinfo.org/intro.htm
Hate Crimes in New York bill@billstclair.com The Libertarian Enterprise End the War on Freedom
Drug War Responsible for Overdose Deaths
Source Key endwar links script dave@userland.com wnd jfarah@worldnetdaily.com ocr letters@link.freedom.com mjn cowan@marijuananews.com cn submissions@cannabisnews.com wired newsfeedback@wired.com /. http://www.slashdot.org/submit.pl wide editor@wideopen.com sierra editor@SierraTimes.com picks davep@best.com cafe elharo@metalab.unc.edu meat http://www.freshmeat.net/feedback.php3 lt http://linuxtoday.com/contrib.php3 jr deugo@scs.carleton.ca, akanson@sigs.com market jdtuccille@free-market.net faisal faisal@faisal.com brent brent@userland.com latte latte_blog@bigpond.com aglashier@visto.com max http://www.newsmax.com/comments.shtml fed http://www.federalist.com/editorial.asp stew stewarthimself@yahoo.com tbtf dawson@world.std.com ww editor@federal.com mind shackbar@free-market.net grabbe kalliste@aci.net iowa jvandyk@iastate.edu desk gijoe@danet.net lew rockwell@mail.mises.org newsmaking kate@thegrid.net kaba http://www.keepandbeararms.com/about/contact_us.asp endwar bill@billstclair.com
Jury Nullification and the 2nd Amendment
Three Java Web Servers Jetty vqServer Jigsaw copyleft Open Source
Unemployment: The Goal of the Minimum Wage
An Open Letter to My Congressman
Quotes Federalist Digest In Praise of Chaos Federalist Digest Federalist Digest this page Charles Curley's Political Page here The Libertarian Federalist Digest Federalist Digest here 11/9/99 issue Lindsay Perigo's Politically Incorrect Show Federalist Digest Federalist Digest here Marijuana News Federalist Digest The Programmers' Stone Day 7 Federalist Digest The Programmers' Stone end of "Day 5" The Libertarian Enterprise Café au Lait Federalist Digest Federalist Digest
Why I Will Not Obey California's Gun Registration Edict Brian Puckett http://www.guntruths.com http://www.citizensofamerica.org guns1776@earthlink.net http://www.guntruths.com/Puckett/brian_puckett.htm
Atomz Search HTML for End the War on Freedom
Rules for Submissions to The Libertarian Enterprise
Hemp: the Emperor of the Plant Kingdom
Would *You* Stand Up? -- A True Story
HTTPd Lite Quotes of the Day rachel BlogMax Scripting News AmphetaDesk gpl lew