Kel-Tec SU-16
"A white racist is someone who believes that white civilisation is superior to black civilisation, and is happy about it. A black racist is someone who believes white civilisation is superior to black civilisation, and is furious about it."
Airline competition: [brad]

I updated our AirPort base station and can now VPN to my office from my Dell notebook and Linksys 801.11b card. Standards are nice, when they work.
I worked from home yesterday since my daughter was too sick to go to day care and my wife had a job interview. I had an appointment last night, so I needed to clean the snow off of my car. I remembered that it looked like about three inches of snow in the morning, so I figured it would take about 5 minutes to clear the car. Wrong. The snow started on Wednesday as rain, then changed to sleet before switching over to snow. My car was a giant ice sculpture.
Kel-Tec is advertising a new 5.56mm Sport Utility Rifle. 5 lbs, 37" long open, 26" long folded, 18" barrel, integrated Picatinny rail, forend folds down to form a bipod, stock can store spare magazines, uses the M-16 breech locking and feeding system. Don't know if it uses standard M-16 mags, but given the design of their Sub2000 rifles, I'll be surprised if it doesn't. Couldn't find any references to it on the web, so I scanned the ad from p. 37 of the February 2003 issue of Guns & Ammo magazine. No idea of price or availability, but I want one. I added Kel-Tec to my Arms Manufacturers page.

Rachel Lucas - Resolutions - most entertaining! [rachel]
That should cover it. Hopefully I can live up to my international reputation as a self- centered, arrogant, American oppressor. And my dogs will be happy.
Ray Thomas - Child Protector Watch - more on protecting your family from the child "protective" services nazis. Don't miss the special reports page.
Karen De Coster at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - David Against the State: Taking on the Photo Radar Lobby - the story of freezing of the bank account of the inventor of the License Plate Loover, a device which hides your license plate from photo radar cameras. [grabbe]
The Gimli Glider is the story of Bob Pearson's landing of a Boeing 767 with no fuel. Fortunately, Mr. Pearson was an experienced glider pilot. [picks]
If a Boeing 767 runs out of fuel at 41,000 feet, what do you have? Answer: A 132 ton glider with a sink rate of over 2000 fpm and marginally enough hydraulic pressure to control the ailerons, elevator, and rudder. Put veteran pilots Bob Pearson and cool-as-a- cucumber Maurice Quintal in the in the cockpit and you've got the unbelievable but true story of Air Canada Flight 143--known ever since as the Gimli Glider.
Previous Posts:
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A Bill To Regulate The Hunting And Harvesting Of Attorneys
The Politically Correct Twelve Days of Euro-Centric Imposed Mid-Winter Festival
Happy New Year 2003!
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Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety
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Well-Regulated Militia
A Foot of Snow