Serbu Super-Shorty
Keep in mind that the Boston Tea Party was sparked by a one half of one percent increase in the tea tax. Couple that with the fact that most American citizens pay over 50% of their earnings in one form of tax or another, and you'll understand why the camel's back is expected to break at any time. -- Angel Shamaya
From survivalarts:
Among God's great gifts to humanity are fine weapons, beautiful women, great books, fast cars, and good music. In return for these wonders we owe to Him clear thought, good humor, courage, and kindness. -- Jeff Cooper
Mike Shelton at The Orange County Register - It's a Boy! - cartoon commentary on the birth of the Fatherland, er... Homeland Security Department. Hehe.
The Serbu Super-Shorty is a very cool shotgun. 16.5" overall length, 6.5" barrel. Holds two rounds in the magazine and one in the chamber. $725. "As far as we know, this is the shortest 12-gauge pump shotgun available." NFA rules apply, but it's an AOW (Any Other Weapon), so the transfer fee is only $5. [highroad]

There are now three excerpts from Jeff Head's Dragon's Fury: High Tide. The third one is new to me. It tells the Klamath Falls story. He plans to ship the whole third volume this spring.
Bill Whittle - Empire - the U.S. is NOT an empire. Our behavior doesn't even qualify as hegemony.
At the end of World War II, America stood astride the world as the unchallenged military and economic power. The terrible might of Germany and Japan lay crushed in smoldering ruin. Great Britain, bled white by the near-total loss of two successive generations of their best and brightest, was in barely better shape. China was a collection of pre- industrial peasants fighting a bitter civil war, and nowhere in the rest of Asia, Africa and South America did there exist anything more than local defense militias.
History has never, and will never, record a time when such power existed in the hands of a nation, nor of a time when opposing forces were so weak and in such a state of disarray and abject surrender.
And these feared and ruthless Americans, a people who had incinerated cities in Europe and Japan and whose ferocity and tenacity on island jungles and French beaches had brought fanatical warrior cultures to their knees -- what did these new conquerors of the world do?
They went home is what they did. They did pause for a few years to rebuild the nations sworn to their destruction and the murder of their people. They carbon-copied their own system of government and enforced it on their most bitterly hated enemy, a people who have since given so much back to the world as a result of this generosity. They left troops in and sent huge sums of money to Europe to rebuild what they all knew would eventually become trading partners, but also determined competitors. Then they sent huge steel blades through their hard-earned fleets of ships and airplanes and came home to get on with their lives in peace and quiet.
In 1991, NO BLOOD FOR OIL had an actual point to make, for during the Gulf War we were indeed fighting to keep oil supplies out of the hands of a madman who would, perhaps -- and eventually did -- try to hold the world hostage to his ambitions by trying to control or destroy this vital resource.
After handing him the worst defeat in modern history, and once again with vast numbers of battle-hardened and victorious troops in place, the United States could have simply claimed the Iraqi and Kuwaiti oil fields as spoils of war. It was clearly the Imperialist thing to do.
Furthermore, it was a fait accompli -- already done. There was no further risk to us. The Republican Guard was running as fast as their stolen Mercedes-Benz's would carry them. We had achieved such a total and spectacular victory that our pilots -- men called baby-killers, sadists, murderers and worse -- refused to drop their weapons on legitimate military targets because the victory was so one-sided that they in their decency could no longer continue to do what they were ordered to do.
And so what did these American Imperialists do with the spoils of such victory, with the precious, precious oilfields completely and totally ours? We sent our best people over there to put out the fires. And then we came home. Again.
How many times will we have to do this before our critics are able to discern a pattern? How many provocations and taunts and slander will we have to endure before anti-Americans wake up to the simple truth that brings us home time and time again, which is simply this: For the first time in history, a nation powerful enough to rule world has simply refused to do so. It is a moral and ethical choice we make as a people. More than that; it is data. It is evidence.
Mohammad Atta spent some of his last days in Las Vegas. THAT must have put the zap on the head of that murdering, smug bastard. He could have despised it from a distance and kept his Muslim soul pure for the butchery ahead. But he and his colleagues did not. They drank alcohol and cavorted with strippers. They could not resist the temptations. Even they, the most committed haters of what we are, could not stay away from what we have to offer.
To be honest, I think the very presence of America drives these Jihadists insane.
Promised world domination from their God and their holy Koran, they see around them nothing but failure and frustration and humiliation; while on the far side of the world lies a nation which, in their minds, has no culture and no history, and is populated by 300 million people bound and determined to break every one of their prohibitions on sexuality, drinking, gambling, and trade. As Steven Den Beste has pointed out brilliantly and often, not only our evident success, but our very existence calls to lie everything they believe in.
Toby Harnden and Roger du Mars at The Telegraph - N Korean weapons 'taken to truce zone' - North Korea has kicked out the inspectors and breached the demilitarized zone. Guess who's next on Bushnev's hit list. [grabbe]
Sherman H. Skolnick at - The Overthrow of the American Republic Part 24: The Pedofile/Homosexual Underground - I hope you've been growing some salt crystals. The grains of regular table salt aren't big enough for this one. [grabbe]
The Moller Skycar is a very neat looking device. Vertical take-off and landing, cruising speed of 350 MPH, operates at low speed on land, will burn gasoline at 28 miles per gallon. [smith2004]