The Bush Crime Family
I pledge allegiance, not to the flag,and:
But to the Constitution of our nation.
To ideals for which it stands.
One people, under the many names of God
With liberty and justice for all.
"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man." -- Jack Handy
From script:
There's an old joke: Someone asks a rabbi, "What's the essence of all Jewish holidays?" He thinks for a minute and says, "They tried to kill us, we won, let's eat."
From Quotes of the Day:
"It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this." -- Bertrand Russelland:
"Isn't it interesting that the same people who laugh at science fiction listen to weather forecasts and economists?" -- Kelvin Throop III
From survivalarts:
Democracy is a form of worship. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses. -- H.L. Menckenand:
To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic. -- Ted Nugent
From birdman:
Two prominent teaching hospitals are refusing to vaccinate their employees against smallpox, rejecting President Bush's call for mass inoculation of front-line medical workers who would be the first to confront a biological attack.and:
Officials at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta and Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond said yesterday that the risk of dangerous side effects of the vaccine and inadvertent transmission to patients outweigh the remote threat of an attack with a virus that has not been seen since the 1970s. Three other large medical centers, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Emory Medical Center in Atlanta and the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics are leaning against inoculating their staffs.
The hospitals' decisions mark the first high-profile opposition from the medical community to a plan Bush announced Friday to inoculate as many as 11 million Americans by late summer and underscores some health workers' reluctance to return to a decades-old vaccine known for its serious side effects. -- Washington Post
One of America's staunchest prohibitionists, Dan Burton (R-IN), shocked many on Capitol Hill when he came very close to calling for looking at legalizing drugs. My friend Sanho Tree from the Instituteof Policy Studies was at this hearing and said "So many jaws dropped inthe room that you would have thought everyone was zonked on Thorazine.and:
The expressions on the drug warriors' faces was priceless when they slowly realized their formerly staunch ally might go the way of Gary Johnson. --
The following was received by email from Norm Olson of the Michigan Militia. I have asked Mr. Olson for verification or any information about his source, but as yet have not heard anything. Like so many stories we find in the major news networks, the source may wish to remain anonymous. Nevertheless, the idea is well worth attention even if it is nothing more than a potential scenario.and:
"On January 1, 2003, the Iraqi government will formally hand over the entire oil reserve and field operation of Iraq to China. The agreement will grant China free unlimited access and complete management of Iraqi oil for a period of 20 years. In exchange the oil fields and the government of Iraq will be defended by Chinese military forces."
This would go a long way towards explaining why the Bush administration and its loyal media are pushing so hard for an immediate invasion of Iraq, would it not? -- Ed Henry
"Several dramatic recent events highlight how much of our liberty we have lost since September 11, 2001, and how much more we are about to lose ... It is clear that an American police state is rapidly being built in the name of 'combating terrorism' and 'homeland security.' The time to speak up and fight back is now, before it becomes a crime to simply protest." -- Janet Wollstein
Somebody finally invented a squirrel-proof bird feeder. About time.
DARPA's Information Awareness Office web page has lost its all-seeing-eye logo. Unfortunately, I doubt its all-seeing all-knowing mission has changed any. The old logo is below, copied from here. [grabbe]

I finally read through all the comments in Bill Whittle's Guns and Freedom. Lots of good stuff there. Do read it if you haven't yet. [rachel]
Josh Taht - Uncle Bill's Helicopter - a commencement speech reflecting on lessons learned by engineers. [eric]
Bob Porterfield of AP via Yahoo News - Russian Software Firm Found Innocent - Yay! [pournelle]
Charlie Reese - Put Up Or Shut Up - if Bush has evidence of Iraqi WMD's, he should make it public.
So far, the Bush administration has done nothing but indulge in name-calling, like some bratty kid on a schoolyard. It's not enough to keep calling Saddam a liar; it's time to prove it. And if the United States lacks proof, as I personally believe, then it's time to shut up or else confess the real motives for wanting to go to war. So far, the Bush administration's credibility hasn't been that great itself.
Sherman H. Skolnick at - The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 23: The Fake Money Business - drug running, counterfeiting, arms sales, this article alleges that the "Bush crime family" has done it all, in spades. Take with a grain of salt. [grabbe]
The Persian Gulf conflict of 1990-1991, in its simplest form, was just, as we have shown, a falling out of disgruntled private business partners, Daddy Bush and Saddam Hussein. In 1991, Daddy Bush stole billions and billions of dollars of monies and assets belonging to Saddam, his former partner. These purloined funds were transferred to twenty five secret worldwide accounts of the Bush Crime Family. [Visit our extensive website series, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush", where the secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, showing Greenspan's and other secret codes, are attached and can be brought up on the screen. For example, one account shows ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS (partly traceable to assets and funds belonging to former business partner Saddam Hussein) were transferred to a joint Bush account that the Bush Crime Family had with the Queen of England in her private bank, Coutts Bank London. And notice how the Queen arranged for the head of her bank to leave and become a top official of Daddy Bush's purported war- mongering operation, the Carlyle Group, with an armlock on the American war weapons industry. "The Queen has a new bank manager, following the departure of Andrew Fisher, chief executive of Coutts, to the Carlyle Group, the US private equity firm." Financial Times of London, December 19, 2001.]
To cover up this treason and criminality done by Daddy Bush against the American people and their organic law, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, his son, George W. Bush, the resident and occupant of the Oval Office installed by a military Junta-style Five of the U.S. Supreme Court, feels obligated to find a reason to protect Bush the Elder by violently seeking to remove the Baghdad regime. Saddam's details, documents, and testimony can send Daddy Bush and members of his crime cabal to prison for treason and other high crimes.
Some contend that the U.S., under a supposed leader trying to protect his father, and cause tremendous bloodshed in Iraq and among poorly informed U.S. troops---that the end result may be the change, perhaps violent, of the regime IN WASHINGTON.