Dear Government: Obey the Constitution. Or Else...
Dear Government:Click on the image for twice the resolution at their site. More photos here.
Obey the Constitution.
Or Else...
We the People

Kevin Tuma - Cutdown - cartoon commentary on Gore's non-candidacy in 2004. Hehe.
The Onion - Bill Of Rights Pared Down To A Manageable Six - satire folks. Unfortunately, way too close to reality. [smith2004]
The Fourth Amendment, which long protected citizens' homes against unreasonable search and seizure, was among the eliminated amendments. Also stricken was the Ninth Amendment, which stated that the enumeration of certain Constitutional rights does not result in the abrogation of rights not mentioned.
"We're not taking away personal rights; we're increasing personal security," Ashcroft said. "By allowing for greater government control over the particulars of individual liberties, the Bill of Rights will now offer expanded personal freedoms whenever they are deemed appropriate and unobtrusive to the activities necessary to effective operation of the federal government."
Ashcroft added that, thanks to several key additions, the Bill of Rights now offers protections that were previously lacking, including the right to be protected by soldiers quartered in one's home (Amendment III), the guarantee that activities not specifically delegated to the states and people will be carried out by the federal government (Amendment VI), and freedom of Judeo-Christianity and non-combative speech (Amendment I).
10 Promises is the web site of the New York City chapter of the Tyranny Response Team. [trt-ny]
Thomas Knapp at Epinions - Three Hours, Two Towers, Some Sours - a review of the new Lord of the Rings Movie that opened last night. I plan to see it on Sunday afternoon. [smith2004]
It's Tolkien, as done by Peter Jackson.
It's Tolkien -- as done by Peter Jackson.
The Bottom Line
See it -- but expect to be disappointed in some important ways.
"The Two Towers" matches the first installment of Peter Jackson's film adaptation of "The Lord of the Rings" in most areas: incredible cinematography, brilliant casting, compelling drama. And it surpasses its predecessor in terms of sheer adrenaline. If you go in for action and military confrontation, nobody's ever come close in a fantasy setting to what Jackson accomplishes in "The Two Towers."
But ...
He diddles with the story. Not in forgiveable ways as with "The Fellowship of the Ring," but gratuitously and in ways that don't make for a better story or a better film.
Robert Greenslade at Sierra Times - It's not your Money:The truth about Social Security - it's a tax and welfare Ponzi scheme, not a retirement program. You knew that, but this is a nice concise description. [grabbe]