Welcome to Blogdom, Mr. Whittle

I read Ayn Rand's Anthem last night. Glorious! I devoured Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead in college, in my copious spare time. Don't think I read this one before.
Merry Christmas--From America's New Homeland Security is an update of The Night Before Christmas for the Amerikan Sekurity State. [smith2004]
Eject!Eject!Eject! is Bill Whittle's new weblog. Added to my links page. [rachel]
Bill Whittle - Freedom - a cleaned-up version of the comments Rachel Lucas posted on her blog. [whittle]
Bill Whittle - Honor - Mr. Whittle buried his father last October. The United States honors its veterans. This piece has changed my opinion of military folk. I complain often about the places they are sent to fight, the battles they should not be sent to, as well I should, but I realize that I have been wrong to complain about the folk themselves. They deserve my honor.
The chaplain said, looking my stepmom in the eyes like this was the first time he'd ever said the words, that the men and women buried here had agreed to lay down their lives for their country and each other, and that THIS, not rank, or social status, or length in service, is what entitled them to be buried in America's most sacred ground.
As we were leaving, it dawned on me that the ugly brown-grey building I had been looking at across the road looked suddenly familiar. I asked the funeral coordinator if that was indeed the Pentagon, and he replied that it was...indeed, it was the side that the aircraft struck.
On September 11, 2001, this man was about to conduct a morning service on a hill about 1/2 mile from that brown- grey wall. He heard a roar and a whine, saw a silver blur fifty feet above his head, and watched as a 757 immolated itself against the side of the Pentagon. It was my unpleasant duty to inform him that a book claiming that the plane crash never happened, but was rather an intelligence service plot, had become one of the best-selling books in France, the country my father and millions of other American's were willing to die to liberate as young men.
Today is World Sousveillance Day - if you live near a surveillance camera, go out at noon today and photograph it. If "models" appear, photograph them too. [Doing Freedom!]
Taking pictures of the surveillance cameras will cause models to appear very quickly for you to photograph. When you point your camera at their cameras, the officials watching their television monitors will very quickly dispatch the models for you to shoot. This is a universal phenomenon that happens in nearly any large organization where video surveillance is used. Models often carry two--way radios and wear navy blue uniforms with special badges. Most will be eager to pose close to your camera, especially the hand models:
They will reach out to you. They want to get close to you. They will crave the glamour of your camera. They will reach out and touch you, or place their hands over your camera lens so you can get a closup picture of their photogenic fingerprints.
Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - January 2003: Joy to the World - sense of humor considered important, straight vs. arched mainspring housing on 1911 pistol, a new triumph for the old reliable, the Four Seasons (hehe), sniper vs. murderer, terrorism not a target or an enemy, rifle preferrable to shotgun for dangerous game, enemy inside the gates, sighted fire is NOT too slow, biological warfare, cell phone mistaken for hand grenade, the Moslem doctrine, the 376 Steyr, 45-70 "will do" for buffalo, second shot usually not necessary, Steyr Scout considered only rifle most people need, Marc Heim's flying target record, 22 for self-defense, the Color Code, the efficacy and proper design of iron sights, the next strike in the Holy War.
It has been said that if you are not a socialist by twenty, you have no heart; and if you are still a socialist at thirty, you have no head. Guru say: If you are not a curmudgeon by eighty, you have not been paying attention.
Our friends have wished us a Happy and Prosperous New Year. It will be neither unless it is victorious, so now we wish upon all of our friends and relations a Happy and Victorious New Year.
Steve Lopez at The LA Times - Hunting Terrorists, INS Bags Taxpayer - the story of a middle-class immigrant who was arrested along with hundreds of others because he attempted to obey the law. [rrnd]
Associated Press via The Herald Tribune - Jury declines to indict N.O. man who shot car burglar - grand juries still occasionally do the right thing. [rrnd]
Break Your Chains! is a resistance non-organization dedicated to restoring democracy to the United States. From the orientation page: [smith2004]
Who are we?From the Disclaimer page:
We are self proclaimed members of the Resistance. Our goal is to eliminate fascism and restore democracy to the United States of American. We have no leader. We are not an organization. We are like the wind, invisible but undeniable.
What is our mission?
We have accepted what is plain to see: that the current Government of the United States of America is illegitimate. We have decided to take action. Freedom is our goal and the Internet is but one of our battlefields.
Metaphorically speaking, we have taken up arms. While we do not wield guns and we do not violate the law, we are engaged in a real war. Our enemies are those who promulgate disinformation for the fascist cause. Our enemies are those who seek to silence netizens that dare to speak out against the crimes of the Bush regime. These enemies are the brownshirts of the new war against freedom. They have taken their war to us and we have resolved to take our war to them. They have wasted the time and resources of the opposition through Internet harassment. We will see to it that their losses exceed ours by an order of magnitude.
How do you join us?
As we've stated above, we are not an organization. This is a conscious decision. Organizations can be stopped. Movements cannot be stopped. Individuals can be destroyed. Ideas cannot be destroyed. Thus, becoming one of us means exactly that - becoming one of us.
The kind of warfare that we have chosen requires a sharp mind. You join us through the application of your sharp mind to our goals. We will provide ideas and information. What you do with those ideas and the provided information is up to you.
We have only one way of identifying ourselves. We are "the Resistance." Our members have only one title: "Rebel." Should you choose to undertake an operation for the Resistance, then note that it was accomplished by a "Rebel." If you wish to make public your loyalty to the Resistance, then affix the title "Rebel" after your name (e.g. Jane Smith, Rebel).
The Resistance is not an organization. We have no headquarters. We have no leader. We take no responsibility for individuals or groups acting in the name of the Resistance. We take our orders from no one. We give orders to no one.
When we advocate expressions of dissent, we do so only within the limits of the law. This limitation does not constitute agreement with the law or acknowledgement of the authority of the government. It is a practical limitation that we impose upon ourselves in order to frustrate the fascist occupation government.
Sherri Tenpenny at Hippocrates Systems - Smallpox outbreak: What to do - first off, DO NOT get vaccinated. Stop eating white sugar, eat lots of Vitamin C. You are not contagious until you get the rash. If I get smallpox, I'll send my family out of the house for three weeks and, most importantly, I won't tell the "authorities". If one of my kids gets smallpox, either Karla or I will likely get vaccinated to care for them, and we'll send the other parent and the other kid out of the house. [sierra]
Transmission of smallpox occurs only after intense contact, defined as "constant exposure of a person that is within 6-7 feet for a minimum of 6-7 days."[v] Dr. Orenstein reported that in Africa, 92% of all cases came from close associations and in India, all cases came from prolonged personal contact. Dr. Tom Mack from the University of Southern California stated that in Pakistan, 27% of cases demonstrated no transmission to close associates. Nearly 37% had a transmission of only one generation, meaning that the second person to contract smallpox did not pass it onto the third person. These statistics directly contradict models that predict an exponential spread to millions.
Point to ponder: Mass vaccination was halted in Third World countries because it didn't work. In India, villages with an 88% vaccination rate still had outbreaks. After the World Health Organization began a surveillance and containment campaign, actively seeking cases of smallpox, isolating them in their homes, and vaccinating family members and close contacts, outbreaks were virtually eliminated within 2 years. The CDC and the WHO organization attribute the eradication of smallpox to the ring vaccination of close contacts. However, since the infection runs its course in 3-6 weeks, perhaps ISOLATION ALONE would have effectively accomplished the same thing.
Smallpox is NOT highly contagious. You have time. Don't panic.
Smallpox is only spread by close contact of less than 6 feet for at least 6-7 days. You aren't that close to coworkers or commuters.
Treatment for smallpox should be surveillance and containment, without vaccination.
Smallpox is not highly fatal. There are treatments for smallpox.
The vaccine will not protect you from getting the infection. The vaccine has high complication rates, is an experimental drug and there are many contraindications.
We do not need to lie in the mud, squinting in the cold to see the rifle sites, waiting for the glimpse of British Troops that we know are headed our way just over the next ridge. We do not need to run into the open field, in heavy enemy fire, to retrieve our buddy who just had his leg blown off by a cannonball.We do not need to leave our families and friends to fight, and possibly to die. No, today the price for our freedom (at least a huge chunk of it) is a pittance compared to what others have paid, but I have my doubts about whether we are willing to pay even that. What is that price? What do we need to do?
We need to just say NO by affirming the following:
I will avoid fear.
I will seek alternatives to the forced medical experimentation.
I will avoid being injected with an experimental new drug based on a "hunch" or based on something that happened hundreds or thousands of miles from where I live.
I will resist the government's efforts to take away my right to do what I believe is best for my body.
I will take personal responsibility for my heath and for the health of my family.
Laura Vozzella at The Baltimore Sun via The Boston Globe - Baltimore outlaws BB guns for minors - In Baltimore, it's now a misdemeanor to sell or give a BB gun to anyone under 18. The penalty: $500 and two months in jail. Apparently, too many BB guns are being used in crimes or being mistaken for real guns. Guess what? If a 10-year-old points a BB gun at someone, he should be shot dead. Get used to it. It's up to the parents to train him to handle guns properly, not the state.
''They've been whacking witnesses and intimidating people. It's as bad as Chicago ever was,'' said Roy Tarbutton, legislative vice president for the Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association Inc. ''They can keep doing all the feel-good stuff they want to do. They're not addressing the problems.
''They can't control the drugs; they can't control the guns on the streets,'' he said. ''Anybody who's going to obey the [BB gun] law is not the person who's the problem. Why keep hammering law-abiding citizens? Let's enforce the laws we've got.''
The Washington Post -
Dallas Suburb's Firearms Law Takes Aim at Toy Guns - and
Carrolton, Texas has outlawed the brandishing of toy guns that look
too much like the real thing. This actually makes sense. Brandishing a
weapon, toy or not, is assault. [rrnd]
Thomas L. Knapp at Rational Review - A Year of the Long March - reflections on a year of publishing Rational Review.
The Libertarian critique has generally run toward the apocalyptic: America is crumbling. America has adopted over time, but cannot ultimately adapt to, a political system ruinous of individual rights and contrary to the notions that moved its founders to bring it into being. And this can only go on for so long. Something's got to give, and the longer it takes to do so, the uglier things are going to get.
In the darkest hours of the ongoing drama that is America, I find myself hoping that this analysis is true -- not because I find decline and fall attractive, but because the alternative is even worse.
R. Lee Wrights at Rational Review - Joseph and Mary - one of Mr. Wrights' democratic alderman rewrote the Christmas story, emotional blackmail to pass a bond issue.
Imagine how shocked I was to be informed by the alderman that my Lord had to be born in a stable because his parents didn't have the means to get themselves a proper place to stay. That's right all my fellow Christians. Our Lord was born in a manger because his earthly father could not afford a room! What nonsense! I have one question for Nelson Malloy, "What Bible have you been reading, and what were you smoking when you read it?"