Second Amendment Protection Act of 2003

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 24 Jan 2003 13:00:00 GMT
From Quotes of the Day:
"To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the biggest mistake of all." -- Peter McWilliams
"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." -- Thomas Jefferson
"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake." -- Jeannette Rankin

I put a couple of other players in my Maze applet. They don't move yet, and the drawings are simple, but it should give you the idea. My son has already done some better art work. Maybe I'll turn it into lists of numbers this weekend. I discovered yesterday that the Applet only works if you have Sun's Java installed on your machine. Hopefully I'll figure that one out, too. But the big task this weekend is to create the mechanism that allows easy programming of robots, e.g. the missiles you'll be able to shoot. That will make for a playable one-person game.

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Tax Cuts and Class Wars - why tax cuts always "benefit the rich". Why America's socialists will never be satisfied with any tax cut. And why every tax cut is good.

As with so many things in politics, the truth is exactly opposite. The so-called rich pay almost all of the income taxes in this country. In fact, the top 1% highest-earning Americans pay a whopping 37% of all individual income taxes collected. The top 10% pay 67%. In other words, 10% of Americans pay two-thirds of the taxes. Half of all taxpayers- those in the bottom 50% of earnings- account for less than 4% of income tax revenues. This means no matter how taxes are cut, it's nearly impossible for those cuts to primarily benefit lower-earning taxpayers. Tax cuts necessarily benefit those who pay the overwhelming bulk of the taxes. This simple truth allows the left to attack each and every tax cut proposal on the grounds that it disproportionately benefits the rich.

Ron Paul - H.R. 153 - the text of the "Second Amendment Protection Act of 2003" is now available. Dr. Paul has taken the approach used by many in Congress of using public law numbers instead of clear names. His bill repeals Public Law 103-159, which is H.R. 1025 in the 103rd Congress, otherwise known as the Brady Bill. Dr. Paul's bill titles this as "Repeal of Federal Harassment Period". Hehe. H.R. 153 also repeals Title XI of Public Law 103-322, which is part of H.R.3355 in the 103rd Congress, the huge "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994". Title XI is usually referred to as the "Assault Weapons Ban". Dr. Paul titles this section of his bill as "Repeal of Unconstitutional Gun Ban". No cosponsors, yet. Well done, Dr. Paul.

I sent the following message to my Congress Critter, John Sweeney:

I urge you to cosponsor H.R. 153, the "Second Amendment Protection Act of 2003", sponsored by Dr. Ron Paul. In my opinion, if Congress were to pass into law only one bill during all of 2003, this should be the one.

This bill repeals the Brady Bill and the so-called "Assault Weapons" Ban. As such, it is a good start towards restoring our God-given right to keep and bear arms for protection of ourselves, our families, our communities, and our country.

This should be followed next year by the repeals of the 1968 Gun Control Act and the National Firearms Act.

Thomas L. Knapp - The life of the Party - an introduction to an on-going discussion of the direction of the Libertarian Party. [smith2004] is a statement to the troops from a group of veterans opposed to war on Iraq. It is currently signed by 270 veterans. [birdman]

If you choose to participate in the invasion of Iraq you will be part of an occupying army. Do you know what it is like to look into the eyes of a people that hate you to your core? You should think about what your "mission" really is. You are being sent to invade and occupy a people who, like you and me, are only trying to live their lives and raise their kids. They pose no threat to the United States even though they have a brutal dictator as their leader. Who is the U.S. to tell the Iraqi people how to run their country when many in the U.S. don't even believe their own President was legally elected?


There is no honor in murder. This war is murder by another name. When, in an unjust war, an errant bomb dropped kills a mother and her child it is not "collateral damage," it is murder. When, in an unjust war, a child dies of dysentery because a bomb damaged a sewage treatment plant, it is not "destroying enemy infrastructure," it is murder. When, in an unjust war, a father dies of a heart attack because a bomb disrupted the phone lines so he could not call an ambulance, it is not "neutralizing command and control facilities," it is murder. When, in an unjust war, a thousand poor farmer conscripts die in a trench defending a town they have lived in their whole lives, it is not victory, it is murder.

Roderick T. Beaman at Liberty for All - Back in the USSA - United Soviet States of America - Heil, Comrade! And as long as the people have their bread and circuses, there's no end in sight. [rrnd]

The United States is now the first democratically elected communist government which was not elected as communist, in history. Norman Thomas, the early twentieth century socialist, predicted that this was the only way it would happen here, incrementally.

But no matter under what guise it was elected, our government is now communist. As proof, just read The Communist Manifesto. Every plank that Karl Marx recommended to communize society, has been enacted. Income taxes, inheritance taxes, land use laws in the form of zoning and environmental regulations, public schools, regulation of travel, etc., all have counterparts in the Marxist agenda. With the recent Patriotism and Homeland Security Acts in combination with the RICO Act, we now have the final mechanisms in place for the suppression of dissent. What does it all mean?

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