Drug Boosters

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 31 Jan 2003 08:25:48 GMT
by Bill St. Clair

[This was a letter to a magazine, but I've forgotten which one, likely Time or Popular Electronics]

In "Drug Busters" (April), you waxed eloquent about new technology for intercepting airborne drug smugglers. Every year, the state spends more of our tax dollars on the war on some drugs, and every year drugs become more plentiful, cheaper, and more potent. There's a name for continuing to do something that doesn't work, and expecting the outcome to change. It's called insanity. The real results of this war are lots of rich criminals and lots of peaceful Americans in jail for possession of vegetables. Not only that, but our legislators routinely shred the bill of rights in the name of this crazy war. Most of the so-called "drug problem" is cannabis hemp, aka marijuana. Industrial hemp, which cannot get anyone "high", has a host of uses, from paper to clothing to food. Psychoactive hemp is a medical miracle. Even recreational use is far less dangerous than alcohol, cigarettes, or aspirin. Noone has ever died from a marijuana overdose. It's time to legalize cannabis hemp. Sell it in bulk in the herb section of the local health food store. The war on some drugs has nothing to do with drugs. It is a war on freedom. End it.

Bill St. Clair

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