Fifth Amendment Denies Drug Tests

From birdman:
Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not who makes its Laws. -- Anselm Meyer Rothschildand:
[Here is] what you should do and tell Officer Friendly when he wants you to perform a field sobriety test. First, be very polite and respectful at all times, and ask Officer Friendly if his shoulder microphone is voice activated and on. If he says it is not, ask him to turn it on. He may refuse. Either way, this is what you tell Officer Friendly:
"Sir, I respectfully decline to perform a field sobriety or any other test, because as you know, or should know, a citizen cannot be compelled to be a witness against himself." If Officer Friendly reminds you that you agreed to take such a test in return for your "privilege" to receive a driver's license, simply state that you were being unlawfully compelled to be a witness against yourself before the fact, and that is also prohibited under those same Supreme Court and lower federal court rulings.
I called Kel-Tec about the new SU-16 Sport Utility Rifle about which I reported last Friday. A woman in sales told me the following:
- It uses standard M-16/AR-15 magazines and will ship with one ten-round mag.
- It will be introduced at the SHOT Show in Orlando in February. The Guns & Ammo ad was premature. They expect it to be available to consumers in April.
- The suggested retail price is $640. She didn't know (or wouldn't tell me) the dealer cost.
Cryptome - Cryptome Log Subpoenaed - A Middlesex County Grand Jury subpoenaed the logs of visits one week in November to a page at Cryptome. John Young sent them an affidavit swearing that the logs are destroyed daily and that he neither owns nor knows the location of the servers for his site. [grabbe]
Anthony Gancarski at CounterPunch - If 9/11 was a Joke, TSA was the Punchline - reflections on airport "security". [grabbe]
Thomas L. Knapp at Rational Review - Attention, Clone-Mart shoppers - Mr. Knapp attempts to shine some light on the very hot issue of human cloning. [smith2004]
Christoph Buettner and Martin I. Surks at JAMA - Police Detainment of a Patient Following Treatment With Radioactive Iodine - There are now radiation detectors in New York subway stations. People who set off the detection alarms, i.e. folks who have ingested or been injected with radioactive isotopes for medical reasons, are detained. [smith2004]
We called the Terrorism Task Force of the New York City Police Department to determine how to prevent detainment of this group of patients. They recommended that treating physicians provide such patients with letters describing the isotope used and its dose, its biological half-life, and the date and time of treatment. The letters should also provide the physician's 24-hour telephone numbers to allow the police to verify the content of the letters. If a person who has been detected as emitting radiation provides such a letter, the police would then verify the letter's authenticity. Even in the best-case scenario, however, the patient would have to wait during this verification process. Patients should be informed about this potential problem after treatment with radioactive isotopes; they may choose not to use public transportation to avoid this inconvenience.
Penn Gillette of Penn & Teller - Working Class Hero Penn - the followup to Penn's report of being groped by airport "security". He's not filing a suit, and they treated him better the next trip, though apparently not due to his V.I.P status. He just drew a better nazi for this trip's wand rape. [picks]
Fred on Everything - America Builds A Dream World, And Moves Into It - when given a chance, people will naturally desegregate. Fred explores a fact of life that the PC crowd has been trying to ignore for a very long time. [birdman]
Rory Carroll at Guardian Unlimited - Self-defence killings divide S Africa - it seems that South Africa has joined England in banning self defense. Phooey. [smith2004]
Declan McCullagh at News.Com - George Orwell, here we come - Mr. McCullagh imagines the future if we allow Poindexter to get away with his Total Information Awareness abomination. [kaba]
Imagine a world where every street corner is dotted with disposable microcameras, equipped with face-recognition software that identifies pedestrians and constantly updates their individual files with up-to-the-minute location information. (Wearing masks won't help: Many states already have antimask laws, and the rest would follow suit if masks became sufficiently popular.) The microcameras are linked through a network modeled on existing 802.11 wireless technology. The wireless mesh also includes cameras devoted to spotting and recording license plates and a third type that identifies people by the way they walk.
It's not that far from reality. Poindexter's office has an entire project area called Human ID at a Distance that's spending millions on researching biometric technologies, including face recognition and "gait performance" detection. Facecams already are in use in airports, city centers and casinos. And license plate recognition, by comparison, is a snap.
Previous Posts:
A Drug War Carol
One Ring to Rule Them All
Oppose the War, Lose Internet Access
Kel-Tec SU-16
Naked Men of Peace
A Bill To Regulate The Hunting And Harvesting Of Attorneys
The Politically Correct Twelve Days of Euro-Centric Imposed Mid-Winter Festival
Happy New Year 2003!
The Wind Boy