HTTPd Lite
"No matter how rich you become, how famous or powerful, when you die the size of your funeral will still pretty much depend on the weather." -- Michael Pritchardand:
"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer." -- Henry Kissinger
Rachel Lucas - Good baby - an entertaining photograph of Queen Hitlary. Hehe. [rachel]
I changed the RSS generation in BlogMax to no longer generate a title or link, just description info. This is what Dave Winer does at Scripting News. It makes my RSS look much nicer, at least in AmphetaDesk.
W. Finlay McWalter - Tiny HTTPd in Java - an itty bitty teeny weeny web server. I need one of these for my JMaze server. Since applet security forbids a Java applet from doing network I/O to anywhere but the host from which it was loaded, in order to play a networked maze game from an applet, you need to load its web page from the same machine that is supplying the maze service. Hence, the maze server will have an option to HTTP serve its own client. Some small changes to this code make it suitable for that purpose. Works good. Thank you, Mr. McWalter. Now my code is infected with the gpl, but I was going to release it that way anyway, so no biggy.
BBC - Oxygen helps wounds heal - the Journal of Pathophysiology reports that applying pure oxygen to wounds helps them heal faster and with less scarring. [lew]