January 2004
Thursday, 1 January: 2004
- bob lonsberry - Smoking Ban Snuffs Out Liberty's Torch
- John Dear at The Toronto Star via Liberty Forum - Soldiers at my front door
- What Really Happened - 2004 -- Year of the Slave
- KeepAndBearArms.com - What If.? Handguns
- News Channel 5 Cleveland/Akron - Trooper Finds Stash Of Weapons In SUV Hunter Liberty Round Table slightly different version at The Claire Files
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - New Years Res-Illusions
- Sunni Maravillosa - Individual and Group: A Perpetual Tug of War? Handbook for Liberty Berapa Press
- Garry Reed, the Loose Cannon Libertarian - Liberty's Last Legs?
- BBC News - Martin case tops BBC's Today poll by David Carr Brian Micklethwait
- Dick Freely at No Treason - Do Something
- Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - Global Eye -- Best-Laid Plans
- Henrietta Bowman at Sierra Times - A New Year's resolution I can keep
- AP via The Daily Herald - Cyber dissident sentenced to seven years in jail, three years house arrest
- Gary Galles at The Ludwig von Mises Foundation via Liberty Forum - Remembering Karl Hess
- The High Road - Please help! Good guy arrested in Ohio http://www.KeepAndBearArms.com/
- Lou Whitmire at The Mansfield News Journal - Police looking into gun charges Ohio State Highway Patrol media releases page
- I watched Michael Jackson Number Ones
- George Paine at Warblogging.com - Your bank account, your liberties Aquilan
- John Lott at Fox News - Why People Fear Guns search
- russmo.com - Medifare
- Carol On The Web at Studio C - Fight Back!
- Don Lobo Tiggre & Sunni Maravillosa at Liberty Round Table - Free Hunter: Fight Ohio's Gun-Grabbing Goons LRT Conclave email discussion lists The Price of Liberty Doing Freedom!
- Here's my latest offerring High Road thread
- sujurisfreedom at The Claire Files - Constructive Notice vs "good faith immunity", What is it? Who has it? Why?
- David R. Hoffman at Pravda - Bush vs. Hitler Politics of Assassination
- My latest offering http://blog.lewrockwell.com/lewrw/archives/002541.html article 5 of the Constitution
- HEMPhasis Crazy? Malicious? Merely stupid? An observation on the present state of affairs
- Scott Bieser at Rational Review - Welcome to Ohio
- Sunni Maravillosa at Liberty Round Table - How to donate funds to Hunter's legal defense
- I read Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code
- OWK at The Claire Files - Twas a night in late August
- Lara Hayhurst at The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - The fish that threatened national security
- The Hal Turner Show - Overthrowing the United States Federal Government: Sadly, an Idea Whose Time Has Come?
- bob lonsberry - I Hear You Knocking, But You Can't Come In
- Paul Graham - What You Can't Say
- Burton S. Blumert at LewRockwell.com - Rockwell's Masterpiece Speaking of Liberty
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Return of the Great Social Security Giveaway
- Charley Reese - Credibility And Virginity
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Forced out of Canada? contact page
- From this packing.org thread
- From the Brady Bunch'es NRA Leaders Jeff Cooper Ted Nugent John Lott Marion Hammer
- Astronomy Picture of the Day - Spirit Pan from Gusev Crater View Toward Sleepy Hollow Red Mars from Spirit
- Bruce Smith of Associated Press at The San Francisco Chronicle - Principal at drug-raid high school in S.C. resigns pigfest I reported on November 8
- Russell Whitaker - ...and while I'm ranting about tobacco-related issues
- Linda S. Heard at Gulf News - Travel advisory: Skip the US
- Mannsfield (Ohio) News Journal - Gun-toter has 'Liberty' on his side Liberty Round Table
- Claire Wolfe at Liberty Round Table Discuss - Thank you for your article about Hunter
- Tom Flocco - President Served Friday With Personal 9-11 RICO Complaint WebFairy 911 Memorial
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Pac-Lite .22 Lightweight Bull Barrels
- From Human Cost of War
- David Palermo at SpaceRef.com - QuickTime VR Panorama of NASA Spirit's Landing Site on Mars
- The High Road - The Gospel According to John (Moses Browning, that is...) here
- Debra Ricketts and Claire Wolfe at The Claire Files - Microsoft Anonymous: The 12 Steps
- Charlie Fisher at Bush in 30 Seconds - Child's Pay here bushin30seconds.org In My Country What are we teaching our children? Desktop
- GeekWithA.45 - Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor
- Edgar J. Steele - Who Was that Fat Lady?
- Melinda Pillsbury-Foster at Liberty for All - Bush Whacking: A Strategy for Taking Libertarianism to the Mainstream of American Politics while excising the Neocons from the body politic
- Julie Carr Smyth at The Plain Dealer - Concealed weapons compromise is reached
- Nicki Fellenzer at Armed Females of America - Collectivism will kill us!
- Paul Craig Roberts at LewRockwell.com - Jailing the Innocent
- Sharon Harris at LewRockwell.com - They Pry Them from Our Cold Dead Fingers separation of school and state
- Leonard M. Scruggs at LewRockwell.com - Why the Cherokee Nation Allied Themselves With the Confederate States of America in 1861
- Aaron Russo for President 2004 - Sign Petition to stop the coming draft
- Massad Ayoob at Backwoods Home Magazine - Firearms handling refresher: Part I: Handguns
- Massad Ayoob at Backwoods Home Magazine - How to shoot a handgun accurately
- Kim du Toit - Range Report -- Thompson/Center Encore (.223 Rem)
- Jim Taylor at Gunblast - First Deer with a 454
- Harry Browne - Lying for a Living
- Henry Statkowski at Sierra Times - Federal Tyranny, Texas Style; Justice Held in Contempt Simkanin Takes The Stand
- Max B. Baker at The Fort Worth Star-Telegram - Man guilty of 29 tax violations
- Sydney Morning Herald -
Toilet queuing ban requires tact: Anderson
it is possible
- Mark Steyn at The Telegraph - Go ahead, burglar, make my day
- nbc4columbus.com - House, Senate Pass Concealed Weapons Bill: Taft Expected To Sign second amendment here
- Columbus Dispatch via Ohioans for Concealed Carry - Gun bill deal set; Taft on board
- suijurisfreeman at The High Road - I serve Constructive Notice rather than show a 'permit' to carry! Constructive Notice thread
- IowaHawk - Why I Am a Democrat
- Sunni Maravillosa at Liberty Round Table Update on Hunter; and Thanks here
- George Paine at Warblogging - Secretary Ridge on Civil Liberties
- nbc4columbus.com - Taft Signs Concealed Handgun Bill here's the text of HB 0012
- William Hershey at Dayton Daily News - Concealed-carry bill gets Taft's signature
- Angel Shamaya at KeepAndBearArms.com - OH: Newspaper commits to publishing identities of permit holders; KABA will return fire has promised
- Rick Stanley at Liberty for All - Police State or Free America: Stories from Jail
- Charley Reese - Talking Trash
- It CAN Happen Here
- Ann W. O'Neill at The South Florida Sun-Sentinel - Miami federal court has 'secret docket' to keep some cases hidden from public
- Edgar J. Steele - Hate Speech: Anything Jews Hate to Hear
- # Lux Lucre Flash animations here Libertarian Enterprise here
- Sunni Maravillosa at The Claire Files Board - Hunter News Update contribute what you can
- # DraftResistance.org
- Rex Curry - The pledge of allegiance and the salute to the U.S. flag! Must you salute the flag? http://members.ij.net/rex/pledge1.html
- Th. Metzger at Loompanics - Nameless Dread: The Function of Fear in a Controlled Society
- Carl F. Worden at The Price of Liberty - The Iraq Model For Retaking America
- Massad Ayoob at Backwoods Home Magazine - Firearms handling refresher Part II: Shotguns Part I
- Massad Ayoob at Backwoods Home Magazine - Firearms handling refresher Part III: Rifles
- Eric Blumrich at Bushflash - Thanks for the Memories
- Russ Kent at The Mansfield News Journal - Friend defends man facing gun charges www.libertyroundtable.org
- Publicola - In Ohio they've passed a Shall Issue Concealed Carry Permit law This PDF HB 0012
- Bill Whittle - The Sleep of the Jacksonians (and What to Do about It)
- Sara Kehaulani Goo at The Washington Post
U.S. to Push Airlines for Passenger Records
- faqs.org - RFC 3092
- From yesterday's comments
- Glenn Beck at Free Republic - Michael Moore has been Google bombed thanks to you Miserable Failure "Miserable Failure" "Miserable Failure" "Miserable Failure"
- Mark Helm at The Albany (NY) Times Union - Court allows secret arrests
- GeekWithA.45 - The Professor's Tale
- Henrietta Bowman at Sierra Times - "The Hunter" Busted
- www.eurosimulator.com
- Peter Bergman at FiresignTheatre.com - ABeCeDery
- Peter Bergman at FiresignThreatre.com - The Night before Bushmas
- FiresignTheatre.com
- Steve Sack at Star Tribune via Marc Brands Liberty - Welcome to the land of the free
- Kim du Toit - Zoning Free Speech: Final Thoughts
- Kim du Toit - Debating Skills Disappear
- Frank Worley - Operation Unification
- New York Tyranny Response Team - Martin Luther King Biography I Have a Dream Promised Land
- I set up an AnCap Wiki home page everywhere
- Alice Lasher - Your Life in a Parachute...
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The Not So Supreme Court
- GeekWithA.45 -
I Am An American, And This Is My FUN Rifle
battle rifle
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Ashcroft, Bovard, the Patriot Act, and the Truth
- GeekWithA.45 - Nation of Cowards, Revisited A Nation of Cowards here book of the same name
- Butler Shaffer at LewRockwell.com - What Is Anarchy?
- Claire Wolfe - New book National Identification Systems: Essays in Opposition new book satiric essay
- The AnCap Wiki
- Sunni Maravillosa - Do It Your Way
- Bill Whittle - Building the Ideal American: 1.0 Introduction
- Joseph Sobran at Rense.com - Advocating The Violent Restoration Of The Constitution
- Mark Moford at The San Francisco Chronicle - Scenes From A Sad Airport: Welcome to America. Please give us the finger. Smile for the camera. Now get the hell out
- Donald Silberger at The Village Choice - Sighting in Schumer
- Al Giordano at Big, Left, Outside - Venezuela Decriminalizes Drug Possession Narco News
- Jsoftware - J License JayLanguage APL
- Bill Whittle - Building the Ideal American: 2.0 Basic Skills
- George Paine at Warblogging - Apache gunship engages, kills, wounds and kills again mpeg video 30mm chain cannon The Apache Killing Video
- The Hunter at The Price of Liberty - Liberty: The Gold That Does Not Glitter
- Bill Whittle - A Sad Day 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Basic Skills http://www.ejectejecteject.com/archives/000084.html Isaiah's job
- Kim du Toit - Resolve
- From this Claire Files Board post Joan of Arcadia
- The History Place - The Night and Fog Decree
- N. Stephan Kinsella at LewRockwell.com - What It Means To Be an Anarcho-Capitalist libertarian
- Fred Reed at LewRockwell.com - A Brief Textbook of American Democracy
- I found www.wheresgeorge.com
- George W. Bush in the House of Representatives via WhiteHouse.gov - State of the Union Address has a copy here C-SPAN State of the Union Archive State of the Union Address Drinking Game
- Thomas L. Knapp at Rational Review - Rat Race, part 2: Lies, damn lies and Republican rhetoric revisited
- We the People Foundation - Give Me Liberty 2004: First Annual National Conference
- bob lonsberry - They're Lucky They Don't Live in China
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Can't they shut these people up?
- Paco Kelly at Gunblast - Latest Reloading Manuals from Nosler, Hornady and Lee
- I switched my blog comments from Haloscan cgiComments
- Javelin Press - Molôn Labé FAQ
- George StarPD at BrianWilson.net - Molon Labe
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - Victim of Anti-Gun Hysteria Needs Your Support contribute
- World Net Daily - Rep. Ron Paul wins seat early
- Catfarmer at The Price of Liberty - Three Chickens and A Fox
- Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com - A World Recreated
- What Really Happened - The State of the Union
- Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey at Pravda - Defending the Undefendable
- Special Broadcasting Service - War Crimes Probe for Britain
- AlJazeera.net - US plans to attack seven Muslim states
- Freedom Solutions NW
- Geeks with Guns - Hillary's Near Miss
- James Lileks - Dean Remix
- I pasted in the link incorrectly yesterday for Boston T. Party's Molôn Labé yesterday's page
- Tom McNichol of The New York Times via News.com - Engineering Google results to make a political point Google-Bombing the War on Freedom food Nazis organized crime
- Chicago Sun-Times - Gun owner: I, not cops, got bad guy
- # Net Transport
- Jeff Danziger via Marc Brand's Liberty - Bush's Hot Air
- w3.org - Cascading Style Sheets
- I started a Geekism Wiki
- Junker new content AnCap Wiki
- John Stossel at ABC News - Lies, Myths and Downright Stupidity
- GeekWithA.45 - Thank You, John Stossel!
- Non Sequitur - 2004/01/23
- Catfarmer at The Price of Liberty - One For The Hunter
- John Ross - Mr. Ross Goes to Jefferson City, or The Battle Continues, Part III
- Joe Johnson at LP News Online - A non-smoker clears the air on smokers' rights
- Edgar J. Steele - Say the N-Word, Go to Legal Hell
- css-discuss.incutio.com - The css-discuss Wiki Flexible Layout
- Tonico Strasser at WebProducer.at - Flexible Layout Lynx
- Baen Books - Freehold choose a bookseller buy from Amazon
- Miniclip.com - Dancing Hillary Dancing Bush United We Dance dancing & shows
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - January 2004: Turnover
- css.maxdesign.com.au - Floating a scaleable drop cap
- Kim du Toit - Hunting The South Texas Bowling Pin
- Declan McCullagh at News.com - Dean should come clean on privacy
- Adam Bulger at New York Press - Libertarians at the Gate
- Perry de Havilland at samizdata.net - Welcome to the brave new Samizdata.net! the dissident frogman
- GeekWithA.45 - The 4th Amendment, The TSA, and You
- Mary Jordan at The Price of Liberty - Open Letter From Hunter's Mother
- Joel Spolsky - Please Sir May I Have a Linker?
- new book, Molôn Labé
- F. Paul Wilson at Doing Freedom! - Lipidleggin'
- Kahr Arms - PM 4043A Retails
- Hi-Point Firearms - Model 40SW/B carbine
- Greg Quinn at Gunblast - Innovations in Tactical Knives Kershaw SOG KnifeCenter.com
- Greg Quinn at Gunblast - KA-BAR Tactical Knives
- Kevin Tuma - Madcow
- Ann W. O'Neill at the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel via MAPInc - Miami Federal Court Has 'Secret Docket' To Keep Cases Hidden from Public
- World Net Daily - Boys suspended for tiny G.I. Joe guns Bemiss Elementary School
- Russ Kent at The Mansfield News Journal - New Hampshire man indicted for carrying concealed weapon here here
- Institute for First Amendment Studies (IFS) - Field Manual of the Free Militia
December 2003 | January 2004 | February