GI Joe Prompts Zero-Intelligence
"I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution." -- Thomas Jefferson
From the March 2004 issue of Guns & Ammo:
"And now Smith & Wesson is offering a titanium lightweight Model 29. This is another thing that puzzles me. The regular steel Model 29 bounces pretty hard, and making it lighter is not going to help that. In no configuration is a .44 Magnum a really portable sidearm. If you need a mega-wheely, I do not thing you need a flyweight." -- Jeff Cooper
# Kevin Tuma - Madcow - cartoon commentary on the FedGov solution to the Mad Cow disease "problem". Hehe.
# I reloaded last night from my last session at the range with the Marlin 444P. Each case got: lubed & resized, wiped clean, primer pockets cleaned, primed, flared, filled with powder, bullet seated, crimped (444 Marlin cases almost never need to be trimmed). Took about an hour to do 40 rounds. Very relaxing work. 49 grains of H4895 throws a 300 grain Hornady XTP at about 1800 feet per second.

# Ann W. O'Neill at the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel via MAPInc - Miami Federal Court Has 'Secret Docket' To Keep Cases Hidden from Public - and not just for "terrorism" cases. The hogs are drooling. [liberator]
# World Net Daily - Boys suspended for tiny G.I. Joe guns - more zero intelligence nonsense. I sent the following to the Bemiss Elementary School principal:
To: Lorna Spear <>
Subject: Zero intelligence
From: "Bill St. Clair" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:45:47 -0500
Ms. Spear:
I read on the internet about the suspension of three boys from your school for playing with 3-inch-long GI Joe plastic guns. Congratulations on joining the ever-growing ranks of school administrators exhibiting zero-intelligence for all the world to see. Guess what? That's how boys are. No matter what "rules" you make, no matter how much you punish them, no matter how much you drug them, boys are genetically wired to use weapons. Using plastic guns as an outlet for that energy is healthy. Shooting BB guns and .22 rifles with their fathers is healthy. Suspending them for playing with toys is insane. If someone felt "threatened" by their little plastic guns, that person severely needs counseling.
-Bill St. Clair
# Russ Kent at The Mansfield News Journal - New Hampshire man indicted for carrying concealed weapon - the story talks about a number of other indictments (the Ashland County Grand Jury convenes only once a month), but below is the part about Hunter. Please attend the arraignment if you're close enough to get there. The court docket is here, in teeny-tiny text in my browser. To read it, you may have to blow it up in your browser or copy and paste as plain text. The court is at 142 W. Second Street, Ashland, Ohio. A Mapquest map, from which you can get driving directions, is here.
ASHLAND -- A New Hampshire man arrested last month by the state patrol was indicted Thursday on a felony count of carrying a concealed weapon by an Ashland County grand jury.
Jeffrey Jordan, 42, was arrested Dec. 31 by a trooper of the Ashland post of the Ohio Highway Patrol after a traffic stop. He faces a charge of carrying a concealed weapon because troopers said they found two handguns on him.
Jordan is scheduled to be arraigned Monday at 11:30 a.m.
# Institute for First Amendment Studies (IFS) - Field Manual of the Free Militia - IFS doesn't at all like the militia movement, but they've provided this manual. I haven't read it. [stanley]