February 2004
Sunday, 1 February: West Laramie Fly Store
- Wow! The West Laramie Fly Store links page
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Calling All Democrats
- My latest rant Concerning carrying illegally...
- # BoomerShoot.org photos and videos
- In case you live in a cave, I'll remind you that the Super Bowl XXXVIII
- KeepAndBearArms.com - John Stossel's Lies, Myths and Stupidity video recent ABC News 20/20 segment
- L. Neil Smith at Rational Review - Libertarians for who?
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - It Came from the Junk Drawer
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The Good, the Bad and the Smugly
- Drudge Report - Outrage at CBS after Janet Bares Breast During Dinner Hour metal "solar" nipple medallion animated GIF
- IFILM - Super Bowl Ads
- Rocky Mountain Gun Owners - Vermont/Alaska law introduced in Colorado House Bill 1281
- Dave Kopel at National Review - Erasing a Clinton Legacy
- Gunweek - FN's Tactical Police Shotgun Rated Tops for Defense has it on sale at GunsAmerica
- # Internal Revenue Service = Organized Crime Google-Bombing the War on Freedom organized crime
- Fred Reed at LewRockwell.com - Anybody Seen America?
- Information Clearing House - U.S. Charged With War Crimes
- R. Lee Wrights at Liberty for All - The Sanity of Self-Defense
- # Scion
- Jim Borgman at The Cincinatti Enquirer - Surprise Package
- Eric Frank Russell - And Then There Were None
- Bruce Schneier at The San Francisco Chronicle - How We Are Fighting the War on Terrorism: IDs and the illusion of security
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Congress Cannot Be Appointed
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Spending and Lying
- "Dwarf the Dwarf HTTP Server
- Pat Oliphant at Marc Brands Liberty - Oh, Horrors!!
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Price of Liberty - Free Hunter! A Practical Call for Letters Russ Kent
- Andy Pelosi of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence at the Albany Times Union - More accountability needed for handguns
- GeekWithA.45 - Escape From New Jersey
- Thomas J. DiLorenzo at LewRockwell.com - Be Patriotic: Don't Vote
- Steve Haydow at LewRockwell.com - Soviet-Style Legislation Proposed for the UK
- Gun Owners of America - California Race Could Retire Notorious Gun Grabber Howard Kaloogian issues page
- I've been playing Zelda Wind Waker
- Kurt Amesbury - Independence Day
- bob lonsberry - New York Should Leave Pistol Permits Alone
- # Java 1.5.0 Beta 1 Java 1.5 in a Nutshell Summary of New Features and Enhancements
- Publicola - Colorado HB1281 State Rep. Bill Sinclair
- One Hand Clapping - Cell phone guns - I have video
- From
this High Road post
- I made Potato Latkas
- I fired some CCI CB Henry Lever Youth Model .22
- Colin Manning at Foster's Sunday Citizen - Crowd expected for concealed weapon hearing here SB454
- # What's the Download What's the Controversy? legal sites P2P FAQ impact lawsuits laws opinions
- I held a Kel-Tec SU-16 rifle Beretta Cx4 Storm Kel-Tec Sub2000
- Kim du Toit -
this Thomas E. Ricks piece
- What Really Happened - A Nation Damned
- What Really Happened - At The Airport
- Heard on PYX 106 Uncle Vito
- Doug Bandow at TownHall.com - The Duty to Die yesterday
- Adam Eidinger at Vote Hemp - Federal Court Rejects DEA Ban on Hemp Food Back in 2001 oral arguments here text of the decision 21 U.S.C. §§ 811(a) and 812(b)
- Colorado HB04-1281 summarized history page last Tuesday
Zero Intelligence
Jim Peacock
What is Zero Intelligence about?
- Outreach.com - The Passion of the Christ The Center for Reclaiming America The Passion of the Christ
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Ruger Model 77 Compact with Trijicon AccuPoint 3x9 Scope
- GeekWithA.45 - And now for something completely Geekish...
- John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute - Starting a Brush Fire for Freedom: An interview with US Rep. Ron Paul
- Bill St. Clair at The Albany (NY) Times Union - State has no right to regulate handguns here
- I received my signed copy of Boston T. Party's Molôn Labé!
- David Icke - Weapons of Mass Destruction Found at Last in Iraq: "We Told You So," Says Delighted Rumsfeld
- The WMUR Channel - Sen. Hillary Clinton Makes List Of 25 Toughest Guys Men's Journal
- New Hampshire Legislature - SB454, relative to carrying a concealed weapon without a license
- Mary Lou Seymour at Rational Review - Liberty Action of the Week: Free Hunter! Keep up the pressure
- GeekWithA.45 - What ONE Gun?
- Gun Week - SHOT Show 2004: New Cartridges, New Rifles Highlight Newest Products
- Jean-Marc Bouju World Press Photo - World Press Photo of the Year 2003
- Sunni Maravillosa at Endervidualism.com - No Safe Seat at the Feast
- Advocates for Self-Government - World's Smallest Political Quiz for your PDA! World's Smallest Political Quiz
- H.J. Eberlein at the Albany (NY) Times Union - True patriots don't tread on American liberty
- Casey Khan at LewRockwell.com - Why I Didn't Reenlist
- Gunblast - SHOT Show 2004 - Day 1
- Gunblast - SHOT Show 2004 - Day 2
- Ernst Zündel at Zundelsite - How to Write Letters of Protest
- Rense.com - The WWII Dresden Holocaust - 'A Single Column Of Flame'
- Gunblast - SHOT Show 2004 - Day 3
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Russell D. Longcore
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from James J Odle The Lie Factory
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - The War of Janet's Nipple
- William Stone, III at The Libertarian Enterprise - Government Marriage
- James J. Odle at The Libertarian Enterprise - Where are the Adults? FDR's Folly
- Kalaong at The Libertarian Enterprise - We Are sheep--and That's Not an Insult!
- Ken Holder at The Libertarian Enterprise - Listening Session: Sibelius
- The Libertarian Enterprise - TLE Interviews Aaron Russo--Part One running for president
- L. Neil Smith at Rational Review - Hell, no, she won't go!
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Pointless Policy Pundrity
- Dana Summers at Marc Brands Liberty - Justice is Duck Blind
- John Ross - JR Prepares for a Trip to Sin City, or Guns, Gear, Gals, Gambling, Grub, and Good Times at the SHOT Show
- Auslan Cramb at The Telegraph - Husband's ashes used for shotgun cartridges
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - The Hardyville Beginners Guide to Encrypt**n
- Edgar J. Steele - The Truth Shall Make You Mad Injustice for All
- United States American National Volunteer Intervention League,usanvil.com
- John Ross - The Heavy Magnum DA Revolver Market From an Engineering and Marketing Standpoint, or How Smith & Wesson Could Double Their Market Share With a $25,000 Tooling Investment
- Joel Pett at Marc Brands Liberty - Bush requests intelligence investigation
- Ron Paul at LewRockwell.com - Rush Limbaugh and the Sick Federal War on Pain Relief
- Tibor R. Machan at LewRockwell.com - A Libertarian Quarrel
- Dudley Hiibel - PapersPlease.org :: Hiibel
- Basil Fishbone at Sierra Times - Why You Should Consider Moving to Montana FreeWest.org
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - February 2004: The Chill Factor
- Mike Cumpston at Gunblast - Hiding the Heavy-Weights: Concealment Strategies that Work
- Linda Hamilton - Thank You Linda
- George Orwell - Animal Farm
- Bureaucrash - E-Crash
- CNS News - Million Moms Planning Another Anti-Gun Rally 40,000 news release www.mmm2004.com
- Second Amendment Sisters - Second Amendment Freedoms for Everyone Rally flyer www.2asisters.org
- David Codrea at Liberty Belles - Disregarding Laws We Oppose: An Open Letter to the San Francisco Civil Authority
- New Hampshire Legislature - SB454, relative to carrying a concealed weapon without a license RSA 159:4 Carrying Without a License
- Dinesh C. Sharma at CNET via ZDNet - Iris scanning to begin at German airport
- Ronald N. Neff at The Last Ditch - "Gun-control" libertarians
- Ed Henry at The Price of Liberty - What's The Rush? Count Votes By Hand
- J.J. Johnson at Sierra Times - he Great Western Alliance Conference: A Public Discourse on the Free State Project
- Elias Alias - The Constitution: A Sovereign's Tool for Self-defense?
- James W. Crawley at The San Diego Union-Tribune - Ex-officer alleges cover-up in probe of spy ship attack
- AP via CNN - Big fines for banned items at airports: Bad attitude could raise fines
- Washington Post Editorial -
A Roll Call on Weapons
- Ran Prieur - Democrats nominate Hitler
- New Hampshire Legislature - SB454 HB1271
- TheWMURChannel.com - Senate Passes Bill To Allow Concealed Weapons Without Permit
- Angel Shamaya at KeepAndBearArms.com - KABA Writer Investigated for Questioning Civil Authority rhetorical letter Liberty Belles copy
- I posted Constitution Party Mr. Peroutka's web site
- James Bovard at The Future of Freedom Foundation - The Neocon War on Peace and Freedom
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - Jews Should Develop a "Passion" for Self-Defense
- Christopher Mayer at LewRockwell.com - The Debates of Liberty The Debates of Liberty
- Jeffrey A. Tucker at LewRockwell.com - The Turn of the Screw A quick search
- United for Peace and Justice - March 20: The World Still Says No to War
- Kim du Toit - Just Suppose: The Results asked on Monday
- Outdoors Best - 2004 Online SHOT Show Daily
- Scott Smith at Gun Week - Beretta's CX4 Storm and 92G-SD Make a Great Match Battery
- The High Road - N.H. CCW
- Terry Bressi - TerryBressi.org
- Kirk Muse at the Pakistan Daily Times via DrugSense - Don't Follow Us
- Google - Ibogaine Wakin' Up with the Wolf Addiction is a hole in your soul Ibogaine Works
- Claire Wolfe - Ian on Mojo Sights for low-end rifles Mojo Sights
- Russmo.com - Budget Party
- GeekWithA.45 - The AWB Fight is NOW S.659 here www.house.gov
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Won't you help Steve Woods get a hot meal?
- Iloilo M. Jones at Free West - Guns and Roses, (with thanks to pigs, too)
- Fran Tully at Free West - I Will Not INITIATE Force or Fraud...
- The New Hampshire Union Leader - Packing heat: Concealed carry permits not needed SB 454
- The North Caucus
- Peter J. Mancus via Liberty Round Table Discuss - Objection
- George Paine at Warblogging - Total Information Awareness Moved to NSA
- Roy Childs at No Treason - Objectivism and the State: An Open Letter to Ayn Rand
- Lucy Sherriff at The Register - Skype plays conference calling card Skype
- From Quotes on the 2nd Amendment - more to come
- Tony Auth at Marc Brands Liberty - Constitutional Abasement
- Kevin Tuma - Ball & Chain
- U.S. Senate - S. 1805
- Publicola - At roughly 11 p.m. E.S.T C-Span showed the announcement of a deal posted this clarification
- Ron Strom - Bill forces shots on all children
- Aztlan Communications - Censored JPL Mars Photograph
- Dave Polaschek
- Bob Murphy at Strike the Root - Minerva, Chapter 1 archive
- Edgar J. Steele - The Passion Mel Gibson's new movie
- William Hughes at Media Monitors Network - Mel Gibson Vs Abe Foxman: Victory for First Amendment
- Gina Holland at Associated Press via Yahoo News - High Court to Officers: Check Paperwork
- Supreme Court of Missouri - SC85674
- J. Neil Schulman at JerryPournelle.com - Samuel Edward Konkin III, RIP
- Author unknown - Information Please
- Mark Oberzil at The Oregonian - Credo of a conservative
- Donald J. Hagen - The Satirical Political Beliefs Assessment Test: A Humorous Political Party Quiz to Test If You're an Archconservative, Leftwing Wacko, Antigovernment Libertine or a Commie Sympathizer
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - Bullets to Save Ballots Battle of Athens Prizes
- New York Times Editorial -
Down and Dirty in the Gun Debate
- "Snake" Bowman at KeepAndBearArms.com - Honor, Racism, Service Rifles & "Assault Weapons": One Black Cop's View
- Ted Kennedy in the U.S. Senate - Amendment No. 2619 Page S1634 GeekWithA.45 said
- Angel Shamaya at KeepAndBearArms.com - NRA Director Sen. Larry Craig's Ammunition Ban Amendment here Senate Amendment 2625 vs. Current Law partial retraction
- NRA-ILA - Debate On Lawsuit Preemption Underway -- Amendments To Follow With Final Vote Next Week S.1805
- Miles Fortis & A K Church at Gunblast - Buffalo Bore's Heavy .357 Magnum Heavy .357 Magnum section Buffalo Bore
- I saw The Passion of The Christ music Matthew 26 Matthew 27 John 19
- Hemphasis - version 1.01 -- Spring 2004 get a paper copy Stupid, Crazy, or Malicious? Why do the politicians continue to oppose industrial hemp?
- Alan R. Weiss at Rational Review - SCOTUS among us "particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized"
- L. Neil Smith at Rational Review - Review: A Drug War Carol
- Guy Smith's GunFacts site Assault Weapons Ban - Briefing Book