April 2005
Friday, 1 April: April Fool's, 2005
- Chris Byrne, The Anarchangel - Why bullpups are a persistently bad idea
- Kim du Toit - Hotties With Guns (3) Serbu Shorty
- I played Chicago II It Better End Soon
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Twelve Tips for Toppling Tyrants
- Stevie Wonder's new single, So What the Fuss Funk #49
- Opera - P2P Revolution: Opera Announces Platform-Independent Real-Time Speech Technology
- Google Gulp
- David Codrea - Feinstein Arrested After Gun Mishap
- Electronic Frontier Foundation - EFFector, Vol. 18, No. 11a, April 1, 2005
- Josie Roberts at The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - Me & my AK-47
- John Ross - Wal-Mart vs Small Businesses Revisited
- Edgar J. Steele - Steele's Twenty Commandments for New Lawyers
- Tom Krazit, at Inforworld - Transmeta cashes in its chips, eyes services, licensing
- Google - What's new on Gmail? rich text formatting
- LRM Firearms - Girls with Guns including M-169 Legal Stuff
- Steven Yates at LewRockwell.com - As Tax Slavery Day Approaches ... (Ruminations on Ownership)
- Douglas McGray at Wired - The Bitter Pill
- Gazette State Bureua via Prison Planet and Godlike Productions - Montana Bucks Patriot Act SJ 19
- Numrich Gun Parts Coporation
- Edgar J. Steele - The Living Bill of Rights here
- Terry Jones at The Observer - I remain, sir, Haggard of the Hindu Kush
- Philip A. Luty at The Libertarian Enterprise - A Threat to Freedom of Speech in England The Home Gunsmith
- Lady Liberty at The Libertarian Enterprise - The War on the Wrong
- -- Russell Whitaker
- Midway USA - Wheeler Engineering 89-Piece Professional-Plus Gunsmithing Screwdriver Set Shooting Times
- With my mom's birthday present last year, I bought SkyFighters 1945 Saitek X45 Joystick OSX SkyFighters 1945 PolarBear's Hangar Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Twist Handle Joystick USB Flybar Model 1200 wish list
- Scott Horton at Antiwar.com - The Teetering Empire
- Matt Quail - Talking Tiger, generically speaking
- without individual responsibility. -- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
- Chuck Asay at Marc Brands Liberty - You're Too Fat
- George Crispin at LewRockwell.com - Oil Reserves Are Increasing
- George Potter at The Claire Files - Roberta
- Mike Campese
- Sean Gabb - Forget the Election: How We by Delaying Yet May Save the State
- Walter E. Williams at The Washington Times - Airport security stupidity
- Ron Paul at Antiwar.com - Who's Better Off?
- Linux Today - Mandrakesoft Announces Name Change Mandriva
- Sara Kehaulani Goo at MSNBC - TSA slated for dismantling
- AP via The Denver Post - Google maps lead the way Keyhole Google Maps
- Rob Blackstock at LewRockwell.com - Babies' Daddy
- Mad Ogre - Marlin 336CS .30-30
- Michael Sharpe in The Maybe Quarterly - New Game Rules Issue 1 Issue 2 YMMV
- Alan Young at NOW Toronto via Liberty Forum - And marijuana for all
- George Potter at The Claire Files - An Open Letter To Ward Churchill
- Fran Van Cleave at The Libertarian Enterprise - We Have Ways of Making You Talk
- Lady Liberty at The Libertarian Enterprise - Who's Crazy Now?
- Jeffrey St. Clair at Counterpunch - The Road to Rendition: Torture Air, Incorporated
- George Phillies at Liberty for All - Who would Jesus torture?
- petitionforpeach.net - The Petition for Peace
- Romanknight at American Minuteman - Special Police Officer Bulletin: U.S. Court Decisions Confirm "Driving a Motor Vehicle" Is a Citizens Right and Not a Government Granted Privilege.
- American Minuteman forums chat photo gallery RKBA
- Cindy Sheehan at LewRockwell.com - Dear George and Dick
- R. J. Tavel at Freedomlaw.com - Amicus Curae Brief, re: Indiana Constitution, Article I Section 19
- Gmoneyxxx44 at iPod Lounge - ipod mini click wheel lags!!!! Resetting
- Russmo.com - What They Do Best
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe at LewRockwell.com - My Battle With the Thought Police
- Ron Paul at LewRockwell.com - Theology, Not Politics
- David MacGregor at Strike the Root - The 'Singapore' Factor: Towards Anarchy and the Market Order
- Fred Reed at Strike the Root - Democracy, Birds and Snails
- From The Lawyer
- Jon Carroll at The San Francisco Chronicle - Unitarian Jihad
- The Claire Files - Writer's Block one two three Lullaby Incident at Apartment 264 Magic Bus Our Lady of Sorrows
- Send2Press Newswire via The Claire Files - WhosARat.com Prospers Despite Criticism from Officials WhosARat.com
- Valerie Richardson at The Washington Times - Westerners see poetic justice in saving snakehead
- Kim du Toit - New Shooter(s) Update
- Publicola - Filibusters Gun Owners of America
- Publicola - Barret: An Fine Example To All Gun Makers Barrett Firearms
- I received my Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Twist Handle Joystick USB
- Aaron's cc- Buy a Gun Day III - April 15, 2005
- The Gorilla in the Room - The Sales Pitch Begins -- Iran
- George Crispin at LewRockwell.com - Further Thoughts on Our Resources The Deep Hot Biosphere
- Bullet Forge - Gold Bullet vs Silver Bullet Chess
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Hardyville Taxes the Taxman
- Sunni's Salon - Interview: Peter Hendrickson Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America Sunni's Salon Chicago
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Let's Criminalize Everything
- B. Jones Sights choose the power colors
- MudPuppy at The High Road - Poison Summer--fiction (lights out inspired me)
- Lawrence S. Wittner at History News Network - George Bush's Addiction to Nuclear Weapons
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from M.R. Chapel www.tyrannicide.org
- C. D. Tavares at The Libertarian Enterprise - Cross-Continent for a Cause Liberty Haven Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
- Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com - The State Expands, and Weakens
- dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot 'em." -- Ted Nugent at the NRA convention
- Bill St. Clair - Waco Justice
- Serendipity - The Waco Massacre
- Kim du Toit - GFWs Lose Their First Battle, Win The Later Ones
- The Onion - French's Introduces Antibacterial Mustard
- Trevor Romain - Faith in Humanity
- Jeb Hensarling in the U.S. House of Representatives - H.R. 1606
- George Potter at The Claire Files - They Took The Mask Off, 4/19
- Al Giordano - Narco News Opening Statement
- George Crispin at LewRockwell.com - The World Is A Great Place and Improving The Skeptical Environmentalist
- Linda L. Briggs at Application Development Trends - Outsourcing off Los Angeles?
- Ian at Wolfesblog - Range Report: 4-Day Practical Rifle at Front Sight
- zixle at Scott Violet's Blog - Swing Painting Improvements: No More Gray Rect!
- sarahk - IMAO contest shoot IMAO
- Bill Ross at Strike the Root - The 'Rule of Law'
- Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com - Should We Buy American?
- Fran Tully at Free West - Field Test - Utilikilts Utilikilt
- From cryptogon a member of the Hitler Youth and the German military during World War II
- GreenZap
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - New "Trail Boss" Smokeless Powder from IMR here
- Russell Madden - Purification
- David Codrea - Guess Who's Not Allowed To Own a Gun?
- Philaero Wellness Center - Tackling drug-resistant pneumonia with colloidal silver
- John Ross - Ask the Assassin: Thoughts on Marriage II
- MIT News Office - Jazzy birthday planned for Pomeroy Festival Jazz Ensemble Rich Orr
- GeekWithA.45 - And A Hearty Fuck You Goes To...
- Chief Justice John F. Molloy at J.A.I.L. - The Fraternity: Lawyers and Judges in Collusion Law loses its way book
- GeekWithA.45 - Sometimes, Life Gives Us Surprising Opportunities...
- The Serenity movie Movie Trailers
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - The mechanics for causing worldwide inflation www.gold-eagle.com/editorials_02/nystrom022602.html
- Thomas L. Knapp at Strike the Root - You Can Write It Down...
- David Codrea - Viagra Falls or Falling On Hard Times
- Apple has the Serenity trailer here
- From smith2004
- George Potter at The Claire Files Board - Roberta, Full Story
- Manuel Roig-Franzia at The Washington Post -
Fla. Gun Law to Expand Leeway for Self-Defense
- Tom McClintock - Freedom and Firearms
- David Stout at The New York Times -
Justices Side With Gun Owner Who Concealed Arrest in Japan
- Steve Sack at Marc Brands Liberty - Dead Wrong
- WHAM TV, Rochester, NY - Feds Raise Credit Card Minimum Payment
- Yahoo! News - Bill Would Put Serial Numbers on Bullets
- GeekWithA.45 - Sigh...
- Old Horseman - Police State in Progress: Less Lethal Weapons... who was double-zapped
- Wayne Madsen at Insider Magazine - Exposé: The "Christian" Mafia
- I did a Google search for "end war" to see how high I came, and I found endhate.org
- Emilie Lounsberry and John Shiffman at The Philadelphia Enquirer -
Juror in corruption case ousted
here Federal Judicial Center page on Judge Baylson here here
- Kim du Toit - Sharp Stuff: The Big Guys
- Apple Computer - Mac OS X version 10.4 upgrade to Java 5.0
- Sun - Java 5.0 update 3 bug fix