November 2003
Saturday, 1 November: Hardyville Returns!
- Kevin Tuma - Lovely
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Movin' to Hardyville
- Outdoors Best Shooters Forum
- Warren Richey at The Christian Science Monitor - Secret 9/11 case before high court
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The National Wimp-Out List
- Robert Clayton Dean at Samizdata - Reward and Punish
- Shields UP!
- Ron Miller at Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland - If Guns Were Treated Like Cars
- Bob Anez at the Helena (Montana) Independe record - Search warrant dispute goes to high court 18 USC 241 Fourth Amendment
- Douglas Herman at Strike the Root - Soldier: Just Say No, I Won't Go
- Robert W. Tracinski at eco-logic - The Hazards of a Smoke-Free Environment
- Paul Pinkham at The (Jacksonville) Florida Times-Union - Have gun, will not fear it anymore
- Scott Bieser at The Libertarian Enterprise - In Memorium: Daniel Conan Weiner
- William Stone, III at The Libertarian Enterprise - Warp Speed
- Kapt Kanada, aka Manuel Miles at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Kaptain's Log: Harass Thine Enemy
- Publicola - The Guns & Ammo Forum Second Amendment Issues Democratic Underground introduction of myself click 18 USC 241 The Atlanta Declaration
- Horsey at Marc Brands Liberty - Jihad Recruiting
- Wayne Hicks at Sierra Times - LibertyDollarVille: Where The Revolution Has Begun!
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - October, 2003: Hunting Season
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Economic Woes Begin at Home
- Greg Jeffery at Armed Females of America - "Assault Weapons Ban"
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Hunting Russian Boar with Savage's New AccuTrigger Muzzleloader
- Army Technology - Corner Shot™ - 'Makes Tight Corners An Advantage'™
- Claire Wolfe - Seven Myths of Gun Control Seven Myths of Gun Control hardcover
- David Carr at Samizdata - High Noon former
- Publicola - What would a literal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment mean?
- Nicki Fellenzer at Armed Females of America - It's Time for Accountability When It Comes to Firearm Safety
- Liz Michael at Armed Females of America - The Revolution Has Started: Here Are Your First Orders
- UniClear security policy
- Los Angeles NBC4.TV News - Videotaped Attacker Charged With Trying To Kill Lawyer here
- Carl F. Worden at Sierra Times - Ca Lawyer Shooting: And Nobody Had a Gun film
- Fort Liberty
- Tiffany Bowman at - The Odyssey of Daniel Lopez
- Liz Michael - America's Least Wanted
- Jeff Head - 3rd Excerpt, Vol IV, The Long March
- - Hot Air
- Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick at Energy & Environment - Corrections to the Mann et. al. (1998) Proxy Data Base and Northern Hemispheric Average Temperature Series PDF paper Mann, Bradley and Hughes (1998, "MBH98" hereafter) Mann et. al. (1999)
- Andrew Somers at CivilLiberty.About.Com - A Citizen's Guide To Interacting With The Police
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - The Law in Hardyville
- Kim du Toit - The Pussification Of The Western Male
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Mt. Baldy Bullet Company
- Cryptome - FBI Visits Cryptome
- Catherine Donaldson-Evans at Fox News - American Muslims Told to Leave Major U.S. Cities
- Rex Curry at Liberty for All - Jury nullification is now before the US Supreme Court vice laws are unconstitutional
- Will Kilburn and Jack Vaughan at - Novell buys SUSE
- John de Rosier at the Albany (NY) Times Union - Spineless pull their 'Reagans' mini-series
- Steve Kubby at Sierra Times - New Study Explains How Pot Kills Cancer Cells Nature Reviews-Cancer study by Manuel Guzmán of Madrid Spain Dr. Ethan Russo
- Joseph Cara at The Albany (NY) Times Union - Maybe the conservatives have lost their values
- Mike Lawless at Sierra Times - Rights To Nome project enlists Caravan Connection
- Henrietta Bowman at Sierra Times - "By way of deception, thou shalt do war" American Muslims Told to Leave Major U.S. Cities
- John Ross - Understanding Women & "The Rules" For Men, or Think of it Like Driving in England
- Larry Miller at The Weekly Standard - Whosoever Blesses Them: The intifada and its defenders
- Slate - People for the Correct Way "About Us" page
- Matt Feeney at Slate - Unplugging The Matrix: Why the sci-fi franchise went south
- Mark Sage at "PA" News via - Armed Police Storm School in Drugs Raid here here here Berkeley County School District E-mail Directory
- Firearm News - Paypal no longer allowing firearms-related transactions
- Rich Lowry at via Liberty Forum - The boy and his gun
- The Meatrix Diet for a New America
- Perry de Havilland at - Insanity in the USA SC Pigfest
- I answered the Political Compass Tim Lambert's Political Compass Survey page Samizdata post
- William Saletan at Slate - I Fought the Law: My adventures in traffic court
- Adam Young at Lew - President Points to Signs of Progress
- bob lonsberry - Should We Have a Draft?
- Hop-On
- The High Road - Police raid high school; place kids on floor at gunpoint City of Goose Creek web page
- Kuro5hin - The War On Drugs In The Classroom
- Unknown News - Armed police storm school in drugs raid
- Charley Reese at - Choose The Right Gun
- Jim Duensing at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Rake Tax
- Brad Edmonds at - Heck, Give Everybody a Gun!
- Jeff Head - Dragon's Fury - The Long March available for $11.69 Adobe Reader 6.0
- Ty England - Travelin' Soldier Let Freedom Ring Dixie Chicks Bruce Robison
- Dave Workman at Gun Week - 'Open Carry' Demonstrations Continue in Ohio Communities
- Charley Reese at - Dumb, Dumber And Dumbest
- Stanley Scoop - Situation Notification - Rick Celata Kristi Tool & Ordnance
- Stanley Scoop - HIGH ALERT - Dottie Lafortune
- John T. Kennedy at No Treason Blog - (The) Man's Best Friend
- Michael F. Feldman - 10 Things I Bet You Didn't Know about Google
- Kim du Toit - But What About The Vegans? Anything to Oil
- Allison Brown at - Allison Gets Her Gun (Almost)
- Joel on Software - The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
- John Siracusa at ars technica - Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
- Charley Reese at - Muslims Are Good Folks
- Sergei Borglum Hoff at Liberty for All - The Federal Police Invasion Forces Are Coming: Defend State Sovereignty
- Carey Goldberg at The Boston Globe - Nicotine studied as treatment for brain disorders
- Cal Thomas at - Three strikes and you're broke
- Eric Raymond - Communism and the Jews
- Scientific American - Powerful Plastic Memory Device On the Cheap
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Glock's New Model 37 .45 G.A.P.
- Mrs. du Toit - Children and Behavior
- GeekWithA.45 - FBI Report
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Insider Traitors
- Eric Raymond - The Art of Unix Programming HTML Worse Is Better preface
- National Ammo Day/Week 2 First Installment
- Yesterday afternoon, I finished reading Jeff Head's Dragons Fury -- The Long March
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Nydra Karlen
- William Stone, III at The Libertarian Enterprise - Free State Problems
- Richard P. Gabriel - The Feyerabend Project The Design of Parallel Programming Languages
- Matthew Cox at Army Times - XM8 prototypes surpass M16, Army experts say here
- Kevin Tuma - Equalizer
- Mike Shelton at The Orange County Register - Freedom can be the future of every nation
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Red Lights, Big Trouble
- Mark Lisheron at The Austin (TX) American-Statesman Austin's Free State members pledge to create a Libertarian bastion
- wrote
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - December, 2003: Algid November algid
- The Liberty Committee - Medicare Rx: Republican socialism
- Linda S Heard at Gulf News - Bush's blockbuster visit is set to roll
- Jennifer Howland at The Christian Science Monitor - Cyber-ethics throw wrench in mom's world view
- Eric S. Raymond - What good is IQ?
- D.W. MacKenzie at the Ludwig von Mises Institute - Slaves to the Marshall Myth
- J.J. Johnson at Sierra Times - Whack'em & Stack'em: Collateral Damage of The Endless War
- Marc Brands Liberty - What Politicians Can Offer You
- - Clamping Down on Terrorism
- I made my (first) National Ammo Day
- Christina Stokes at - Strip search that spares your blushes
- Made my second National Ammo Day
- R. C. Baker at The Village Voice - American Gods
- Tina Terry at Sierra Times - Movie Review: Innocents Betrayed
- Harry Browne - The Civil Rights Laws & The Growth of Government
- Walter E. Williams at - Harm's a two way street
- Lew Rockwell at - The US Will Leave Iraq Next Year Washington's Farewell Address
- Jon Dougherty at World Net Daily - Fewer guns, more death
- Nicki Fellenzer at - Writer Releases Latest Novel: Freehold pre-order at Amazon
- Bruce Schneier's Cryptogram - Airplane Hackers
- Bruce Schneier's Cryptogram - The 9/11 Terrorists' Real Weapon
- Marc Cooper at LA Weekly - Uncensored Gore
- Portland Press Herald Editorial - Without the rule of law, a Biddeford school closes
- Chris Churchill at The Biddeford (Maine) Journal Tribune - Lafortune out, school open following raid
- Rick Stanley - For the Stanley Scoop and the Pact
- Kim du Toit - Real Man this story
- GeekWithA.45 - A Quick Musing
- World Trade Center Site Memorial Compeitition finalists Reflecting Absence
- Simson Garfinkel at Wired - CodeFellas: A mafia hacker tells his story to Wired
- Clarence Page at The Chicago Tribune - All of a sudden the Patriot Act isn't just about terrorists anymore
- Pat Oliphant via Marc Brands Liberty - Which Is the Worse Addiction
- Edgar J. Steele - On A Mission from God
- David R. Henderson at - How a Law is Made: A Real-World Lesson in Civics
- Robin Palmer at The Barre-Montpelier (Vermont) Times Argus - Former professor argues it's time to leave the Union The Vermont Manifesto
- Edgar J. Steele - Nightmare on Elm Street
- Mike Cumpston at GunBlast - Right to Carry - An Overview
- Claire Wolfe - VeriPay implanted chip for buying and selling
- From NoGov4me.Net
- I have added HaloScan
- Joyce Lee Malcolm at Reason - Gun Control's Twisted Outcome
- Bob Wallace at - Guns and the Dumb
- George W. Bush at Whitehall Palace via The Federalist - President Bush Discusses Iraq Policy at Whitehall Palace in London
- Jim Duensing at The Libertarian Enterprise - Homosexual Marriage
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letters to the Editor
- Patrick K Martin at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Murder of a President; and the death of a constitution
- Blood for Odin
- - Men's Life Before/After Marriage
- Henrietta Bowman at Sierra Times - Gen. Franks Doubts Constitution Will Survive WMD Cigar Officianado interview
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Medicare Plunder
- Tony Mauro at Legal Times - Will the Justices Bite the Bullet?
- Claire Wolfe - I Don't Think There's a Rock Big Enough for Me to Crawl Under
- Charley Reese at - Some People
- Joe Blow at Strike the Root - Rise of the American KGB
- Disneyland - Imagineering Tests "Dino-mite" Technology
- Smith & Wesson's Model 329PD Guns Magazine
- Another new model from S&W is the Model 4040PD Glock 27 new products page
- Kevin Tuma - Thankful
- Claire Wolfe - Things to be thankful for
- Kim Weissman - The Plymouth Experiment
- Claire Wolfe - Bovard on Terrorism and Tyranny Terrorism and Tyranny: : Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil
- Angel Shamaya at - Gun Banner Wishes My Family to Be Murdered and Die Slowly Jon Bellamy
- Nicki Fellenzer at Publicola - There are some really scary people among the enemies of freedom Mr. Bellamy
- Kim du Toit - Thanksgiving With The Troops
- Jeff Snyder at - Responsible Only for Our Good Intentions No Treason -- The Constitution of No Authority,
- Big Dig new suspension bridge
- Rick Fisk at Liberty Forum - A Study Of Government Protection
- Michael A. Salorio at Imperial Valley Press via Liberty Forum - Police Abuse Cripples Teen here
- Michael A. Salorio at Imperial Valley Press - DA mulling charges against BLM accuser
- Michael A. Salorio at Imperial Valley Press - Rangers probed in alleged abuse
- Clare Wolfe - Why that missing thing in "Return of the King" is so important
- Paco Kelly at GunBlast - The CZ-527 7.62x39mm