More Scandium Magic from S&W
Smith & Wesson's Model 329PD .44 Magnum Airlite revolver has a beautiful full-page ad inside the front cover of the January, 2004 edition of Guns Magazine. $900 retail. 27 ounces. Shooting it has gotta be intense. Ouch!

Another new model from S&W is the Model 4040PD in .40S&W, a compact semi-auto weighing only 26 ounces. Yowza! What a carry gun! (Well, I though so, until I noticed that the Glock 27, also a .40 S&W semi-auto, weighs only 20 ounces, empty, without magazine. Don't know whether the 4040PD weight includes magazine or ammo). Capacity: 7+1. $788 retail.