May 2005
Sunday, 1 May: Claire's Great Mystery Project Unveiled
- Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman - Rebelfire: Out of the Gray Zone Justice Day Lyrics
- Stan Goff at From the Wilderness - Jurassic Park, Psuedo-events, and Prisons: The fallout from Abu Ghraib, Part VI military category page weblog
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from L. Neil Smith
- We went to the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey circus Big Apple Circus acts
- Gary North at - Gun Control and Genocide
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Some of Them Will be Your Enemies
- Kenneth Newquist at Nuketown - Being Fat Won't Kill You Nuketown about page
- Stevie Wonder's new album, A Time to Love
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - When the Police Don't Take No for an Answer
- Don Froomkin at The Washington Post -
Laura Bush's Coming-Out Party
video full text
- Denise at The Ten Ring - Convention Picture--Barrett
- Nicholas Strakon at Strike the Root - Pseudoephedrine and Pseudofreedom
- Uri Avnery at Strike the Root - A Tale of Two Demonstrations
- Jonathan Takiff at The Philadelphia Daily News -
Get Ryan Adams' good side from 'Roses'
- George Potter at The Claire Files Board - Wake
- Bill Walker at - The End Of Cancer
- Fred Reed at Strike the Root - How We Were
- David Adam at Guardian Unlimited - US in race to unlock new energy source
- Taurus USA - Thunderbolt order download
- After over four years of constant carry in my back pocket, the clip on my Steve Ryan Model Seven Parts Order Form
- Columbia River Knife & Tool - Slide Sharp cheap sharpener from Chesapeake Knife & Tool
- Canon USA - Canon PowerShot A95 Membership Reward AC adapter Compact Flash reader rechargeable AA batteries a case
- Allman Brothers Band - Hittin' the Note
- Claire Wolfe - "Unintended consequences" of the Real ID Act
- Carl Watner at - The Voluntaryist Spirit
- Chris at The Claire Files Forum - Making your AR run..., ...and keeping it running.
- - More Equal Animal Farm
- Anne Applebaum at The Washington Post via The United Civil Party - War Anniversary a Symbolic Event
- Brought the first pictures from my new Canon Powershot A95
- Claire Wolfe - Col. David Hackworth Is Dead High Road thread
- George Potter at The Claire Files Forum - Couple of poems
- Lew Rockwell at - The Glory of War
- Murray N. Rothbard at - Do You Hate the State?
- bob lonsberry - Who Should We Let Be Free?
- ELP - Laser Turntable
- A new Marlin 444 mainspring Numrich Gun Parts Marlin 444P
- Sunni Maravillosa - Open Letter to Kathleen Hiserodt Regarding LFB's decision not to carry 'The Black Arrow'
- Dwight M. Callaway at - The Jury, Stupid !
- Dwight M. Callaway at - Why Jury Nullifications Will Transform America Justice page
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - April 2005: Torrents Of Spring
- DS Miller - Sony BCG-34HUE4 15-Minute NiMH Battery Charger with Four 2500mAh AA Batteries
- Kevin Tuma - Titanic
- Brijot Imaging Systems
- Walt Disney Pictures - The Chronicles of Narnia here
- Southern Illinois Patriot League - Difference Between "Outlaws" and "Criminals"
- Charley Hardman - Shut Up!
- Cindy Sheehan at - Name Withheld Pending Notification
- full-resolution version (231K), send me email.
- Charley Reese - Basic Premises
- drizzten - The Additonal Tyranny - The New Austin Smoking Ban Passes
- Jude Wanniski at - John Bolton, a Force of Darkness
- Uri Avnery at Strike the Root - 'Aren't You Ashamed?'
- Douglas Herman at Strike the Root - Geronimo, Cochise and Osama bin Laden
- Bill Walker at Strike the Root - Arm the XX
- John Taylor Gatto at The Odysseus Group - The Underground History of American Education
- Ian at WOLFESBLOG - Color Code of Mental Awareness
- Kim du Toit - Kahr P45 (.45 ACP) .45 version
- The Lone Star Iconoclast - "> Karl Schwarz Running For President
- Ron Paul at - National ID Cards Won't Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration HR 418
- Bruce Schneier - REAL ID national IDs fallacies this
- Declan McCullagh at CNET News via ZDNet - Senate approves electronic ID card bill
- Fred Reed - Fred To Save Country: Megalomania And Evolutionary Reflux
- M.E. Cohen at Marc Brands Liberty - What it really really is
- The new clip and screws for my CRKT Steve Ryan Model Seven Slide Sharp
- Liberty Round Table (LRT) - No NID! The Prisoner
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - The End of America: May 10, 2005
- Molly Bingham at The Louisville, Kentucky Courier-Journal - Home from Iraq at Common Dreams Information Clearing House
- Michael Crook - Forsake The Troops swears he's serious
- Carl Watner with Wendy McElroy - National Identification Systems: Essays in Opposition
- Joel on Software Making Wrong Code Look Wrong
- Rolling Stone - In Brief: Wonder, Foos
- From Undernews
- - Statement on H.R. 1268, the "Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005 H.R. 1268
- Bill St. Clair - Open Letter To President Bush on the Signing of the REAL ID Act
- Claire Wolfe - Stay Angry
- L. Neil Smith - Books Banned like Guns Banned
- Kevin Tuma - Gas Pump
- Sunni Maravillosa - REAL ID Rebellion
- Elias Alias at The Claire Files Forum - Anger here
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Cartoon Libertarians Party One Zero Aggression Principle
- Tim Bradner at The Alaska Journal of Commerce - Galena opens the door to nuclear project here here
- Stanley Ho - Deployment: Understand JRE Download Size
- Apache - Jakarta Commons Net
- - Xbox 360 Fact Sheet
- JPFO Alerts - Build Your Own Gun, Save 10%! KT Ordnance
- Bill St. Clair at The Libertarian Enterprise - Open Letter To President Bush on the Signing of the REAL ID Act here
- Ron Beatty at The Libertarian Enterprise - A Police State?
- Charles Stone, Jr. at The Libertarian Enterprise - Galveston, Oy Galveston
- Adem Kupi at A Pox on All Their Houses - "Better" won't make your life better...
- Wayne Madsen at Online Journal - Galloway hounded by AIPAC cell within U.S. Congress; Bolton tied to same cell
- Sybel Edmonds at The Mental Militia - Gagged But Not Dead the version petition this Claire Files thread
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - We're all Illegal Aliens Now
- The Dunedan at The Claire Files Forum - An Open Letter, NID and Drinking
- Mike Wasdin at Strike the Root - Red Pill, Please wrote
- Robert Roy Britt at Yahoo! News - Personal Nuclear Power: New Battery Lasts 12 Years
- Claire Wolfe - Books, books, books, books -- and universal ID Rebelfire 1.0: Out of the Gray Zone what are you waiting for National Identification Systems: Essays in Opposition I Am Not a Number!
- John deRosier at The Albany (NY) Times Union - Newsweek - A Parable
- Paul Craig Roberts at - A Reputation in Tatters
- George Gallaway at Common Dreams - Galloway vs. The US Senate: Transcript of Statement this Times Online article here here here this BBC news article
- Jacob G. Hornberger at - Trial by Jury Trial by Jury No Treason, The Consitution of No Authority
- Second Amendment Foundation - SAF Calls for 'Waiting Periods' On Press Following Fatal Newsweek Debacle
- JAH - The long-awaited Truth of all things on Planet Earth open letter
- USA Today at MAPInc - Editorial: War On Drugs Gone To Pot op-ed by John Walters
- Claire Wolfe at The High Road - After The Fall Of Justice here posted
- Bill Piper at Drug Policy Alliance - You've Been Drafted: Uncle Sam Wants You for the War on Drugs H.R. 1528 Scythe Burner
- Carla Howell and Michael Cloud at The Center for Small Government - The Small Government PledgeSM
- Bill Whittle - Sanctuary, Part 1 here
- Fred Reed at - Thoughts On Poverty
- Patricia Neill at - Squeeze, Baby, Squeeze
- David Codrea - NRA AWOL on Second Amendment Protection Act--Part One H.R. 1703 Public Law 103-159
- Thomas Frank at USA Today - Air travelers stripped bare with X-ray machine Rapiscan Systems Rapiscan Secure 1000 this datasheet American Science and Engineering BodySearch
- L. Reichard White - The Hi-Jacking of Civilization
- Kim du Toit - AAR: BoomerShoot 2005 BoomerShoot
- GeekWithA.45 - Star Wars III, er, Six, er, Whatever...
- Charley Reese at - Imperial Poison
- the disease - Tappan on Survival
- - How to Build Firearms From 80% Receivers
- Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman - RebelFire 1.0: Out of the Gray Zone
- DAlbright at - FINISHING 80% finished 1911 frames is simple
- GeekWithA.45 - FEC Public Comments Deadline: June 3rd, 2005 McCain-Feingold Insurrection has details and links here here
- Rich English at Modern Drunkard Magazine - Jack Daniel's Old No. 7 is no longer with us
- At the request of its author, I have deleted the contents of this page story index
- I linked on Sunday to an article by "dalbright" entitled FINISHING 80% finished 1911 frames is simple
- Encore4570 at Eurohacker Magazine - Why the Americans will not come to rescue Europe
- Eurohacker Magazine - Dear Johnny Asscroft
- Old Horseman - Social Security...
- Scott Horton at - Star Wars and the American Empire
- Marilynn Marchione at Associated Press via Yahoo News - Scientists Say Sunshine May Prevent Cancer
- Steward Carlson at Marc Brands Liberty - Does That Remind You of Anyone
- Murray N. Rothbard at The Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Case for the 100 Percent Gold Dollar
- Anthony Gregory at - Gun Control and the War on Drugs
- Charley Reese at - More Manly Galloways, Fewer Slimy Colemans
- Robert Kaercher at Strike the Root - Neoconomics in One Lesson misconception mothers fathers
- Jason Hallmark at - A 'Terminal' Diagnosis of the State
- Mark Fiore - It's Newsweek's Fault
- Claire Wolfe - Virginia Watchdog linking
- Max Ischenko - A problem with Python
- JP Enterprises - V-Tac Sling
- John DeRosier at the Albany (NY) Times Union - Real Estate Market
- skinnybodydown at Live Journal - Madness
- Don Wright at Marc Brands Liberty - Hit it with Your Bible
- William Anderson at Blog - Why Janice Rogers Brown must be Stopped!!
- We watched National Treasure
- Jerry Pournelle - On Global Warming
- upgrade
- Matthew Bracken - Domestic Enemies Enemies Foreign and Domestic excerpts
- Daniel Estulin at Counterpunch - "Murio la Verdad" [Truth Has Died]: Infiltrating Bilderberg 2005
- bella ciao - AIPAC has been given the go ahead to replace the U.S. congress
- mdraughn Windypundit - Google + Keyhole = Google Earth Google bought Keyhole Corporation Keyhole embrace and extend
- George Potter at The Claire Files Forum - To Those Left Behind
- Mark Twain - The War Prayer
- Jim Davies at Strike the Root - A Rational Memorial Day
- Bob Newland at The Libertarian Enterprise - Matthew Ducheneaux Dies
- Mike Hoy at Loompanics - Why Corporations Are Not People, And The Unsavory Consequences of Pretending That They Are
- Claire Wolfe & Aaron Zelman at - RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone new book
- jomama - The Unsystem discussed - Laws of the Jungle Laws of the Jungle
- mercedesrules at The High Road - Gun Control and the War on Drugs - A. Gregory this article
- Tom Schauf - What if JFK Weren't Assassinated? Where Would We be Today?
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Regurgitate Real ID!
- Justice for None - Holocaust Survivor Leaving US
- Kevin B. Zeese at - Memorial Day Interview: Gold Star Families for Peace Gold Star Families for Peace
- bob lonsberry - A Year-Old Story for Memorial Day
Previous Posts:
Project for the Old American Century
Not One More Drop of Blood
Remembering Gullibility
Murio la Verdad
Hang 'em Before They Outlaw Rope
Democracy: The Scum Rise to the Top
Why Do They Hate Us? It's Newsweek's Fault
Sunshine May Prevent Cancer
McCain-Feingold Still a Threat