June 2005
Wednesday, 1 June: Project for the Old American Century
- GreenZap
- Tj Templeton - Project for the Old American Century Project for a New American Century about page
- Al Giordano at the narcosphere - Customs Cops Visit Bill Conroy with an Attack on Press Freedom
- pleasure, though the flaring die held on to them pretty hard. Hodgdon says
- Paine's Torch - Grateful Slave
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Closing the Borders of Hardyville
- Edgar J. Steele - Pogo Was Right
- David Carr at Samizdata.net - European Constitution. 2000 - 2005. R.I.P by the Dutch
- Cryptome - PGP Demands Removal of PGP Free
- PGP Desktop Home 9.0 30% discount
- bytonic software - Jake2 Webstart
- Don Wright at Marc Brands Liberty - Guess which project will get all the money
- smalltime industries - Find the Spam
- Nicki Fellenzer - Another bonehead with a keyboard
- Kevin Reece at komo - 'This Is Not Right'
- Old Horseman - On Islam...
- SportsPickle.com - Spin-Off Product, "The Original Poopinator," Not Selling Well
- Malcolm Drury at DeadBrain - ID cards to be offered in three levels
- OpenCarry.org Packing.org RKBA section
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Ruger's Super Redhawk Alaskan .454 Casull lists
- benEzra at Democratic Underground - Dems and the Gun Issue--Now What? SAR-1
- Francis W. Porretto at Eternity Road - Niches And Infestations
- Ted Kaczynski, I mean Jim Lesczynski at The Village Choice - They're Not Laughing at Me, They're... Oh Wait, Yes They Are The Daily Show
- Gary North at LewRockwell.com - EUthanasia
- Allen Thornton - Laws of the Jungle
- Doug Newman - Let's Put Military Recruiters in Churches!
- John Wiltbank at The Libertarian Enterprise - Adventures in Draft Dodging
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Success in treating autism? Generation Rescue
- Laurence M. Vance at LewRockwell.com - State Sanctified Murder
- Doris Colmes at LewRockwell.com - Papiere Bitte
- John Farnam's Quips - 01 June 05
- CNN - Supreme Court allows prosecution of medical marijuana
New Toy - John Walters - Statement by the White House Drug Czar about the U.S. Supreme Court's Decision Regarding So-Called Medical Marijuana ONDCP's Contact Page
- David Codrea at Guns Magazine - Weapons of Choice
- Tom Knapp - The radical writ
- CNN - Apple confirms chip shift to Intel
- Apple - Apple to Use Intel Microprocessors Beginning in 2006 at Google News
- Kurt Vonnegut at In These Times - I Love You, Madame Librarian
- Fish Or Man - Sentencing
- Paul Hinge (Running Water) - The end of the world abc.com kpix.com kpix.com abc.com ptsem.edu desnews.com no2id.net intouch.org.ph justice.ork.uk capecodacademy.org foxnews.com f1online.de aub.edu.lb aspenberlin.org nsf.gov jpost.com no2id.net freetimes.com un.org aipac.org countdown.org sas.upenn.edu freetimes.com foxnews.com ktvu.com wheaton.edu billstclair.com losvegassun.com ptsem.edu sfbg.com ptsem.edu itn.co.uk caat.org.uk harvard.edu ncregister.com foxnews.com freetimes.com klastv.com coralridge.org magnumphotos.fr ptsem.edu ptsem.edu mit.edu
- Thomas S. Hause at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center - Letter to DOJ
- Mike Luckovich at Marc Brands Liberty - Turned the Corner
- Rogier van Bakel at Nobody's Business - Supreme Court Defiles Peter McWilliams' Corpse
- Gary North at LewRockwell.com - The Vitamin Police Are Suiting Up
- Susan Paynter the Seattle Post-Intelligencer - When Marine recruiters go way beyond the call
- Morgan Reynolds at LewRockwell.com - Why Did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse?
Thousand Cranes for Peace Network
- Carlson and Wasserman via The Militant Libertarian - Medical Marijuana & the Supreme Court
- Dave Kopel, Paul Gallant, & Joanne D. Eisen - Is Resisting Genocide a Human Right?
- Toby Muse at Reason - Legalization Now!: War-weary Colombia--and its Conservative Party--consider ending the drug war
- Troy Tiscareno, Tatjana von E., and Derek F. - The AR15.com Ammo-Oracle
- Aaron Turpen via The Militant Libertarian - Anger is a Gift: Self-Defense That Works
- Jacob Sullum at Reason - No Clause for Celebration: Flush that commerce, it's the feds! Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 ruled
- Clay Rockefeller at Drugsense - Fix the Rockefeller Drug Laws, Rockefellers Say
- Nicki Fellenzer - I love it when gun banners get their panties in a wad! upset ban
- Joanna Bale at The Times - Caller swears revenge on helpline
- Palm Beach Post - How One Tasing Unfolded in Boynton Beach
- Chris Hedges at LewRockwell.com - War: Realities and Myths
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Liz Michael Revolutionary Coalition
- the picture I posted on Wednesday
- GeekWithA.45 - The TFL Shoot...
- AP via the New Hampshire Union Leader - Keene man arrested in airport protest
- Jerry Pournelle - Tasers and Civilization Boynton Beach Tasering
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - May 2005: 85th Birthday usual place molonlabe.net June
- Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) at The School of Cooperative Individualism - Our Country, Right or Wrong!
- Lou Michel, Dan Herbeck and Susan Schulman at The Buffalo News - In the Gun Factory
- William L. Anderson at LewRockwell.com - Obedience and Subservience Boynton Beach taser video
- James Leroy Wilson at LewRockwell.com - We Miss You, Peter McWilliams Mr McWilliams an interview in the autumn of 1999
- Steny H. Hoyer in the U.S. House - H. J. RES. 24 22nd amendment remarks
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - From the Folderol Folder
- A comment from yesterday Obedience and Subservience videos here
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Mrs. Nat Does Dope PeterMcWilliams.org
- Ron Paul in the House of Representatives - Global Central Planning 9 June, 2005 Congressional Record page H4304
- BBC News - Cannabis test 'positive' for AMs
- Erin Kelly at Gannett News Service - Medical marijuana measure fails in U.S. House
- Bill Sardi at LewRockwell.com - The Overlooked Cancer Cure From Japan IP6 Tsuno
- Kevin Tuma - Jacko
- Drew Sheneman at Marc Brands Liberty - Spreading Liberty
- Anthony Hargis at Strike the Root - Tales from an American Gulag, Part 2
- Don Nash at Unknown News - What to expect after receiving your draft notice
- Electronic Freedom Foundation - EFF: Bloggers
- Franky Speaking - How to Avoid the Draft or National Service links
- There's quite a rowsing discussion in the comments for Thursday's post
- Richard Cowan at Marijuana News - Renee Boje Freed On Bail Until End of September. Expensive Appeals Process Looms
- Ian at WolfesBlog - "Book Review: The Book of Two Guns" The Book of Two Guns: The Martial Art of the 1911 Pistol and AR Carbine through Amazon
- Sunni Maravillosa - Calculated Chaos: Institutional Threats to Peace and Human Survival, by Butler D. Shaffer here
- John Cleese at Rense.com - To The Citizens Of The United States Of America
- Fred on Everything - Who Is Running This Choo-Choo Train?
- Butler Shaffer at LewRockwell.com - What Is Anarchy?
- H.L. Mencken - The Uplifters Try It Again
- MK at Warblogging - On The Dawn
- Mac-on-Mac
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Ron Beatty
- Jonathan David Morris at The Libertarian Enterprise - Smoke For Jesus
- Ali Hassan Massoud - The Wolf DeVoon Archive
- Anthony Gregory at LewRockwell.com - People Die in War
- David Codrea - What Do You Mean, Gun Control Applies to US? letter to the editor
- Barry Kauler - Puppy Linux
- Sunni Maravillosa - Milestones and Millstones
- Charley Hardman - branch davidian trial transcript Branch Davidian Trial Transcripts mt. carmel site
- Paul Craig Roberts at Counterpunch - A War Waged by Liars and Morons
- Bob Wallace at LewRockwell.com The Militarization of the Police
- Chuck Baldwin at The Price of Liberty - Remembering The Lessons Of Germany's Past
- John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute - How Liberty Dies: The Patriot Reauthorization Act
- Claire Wolfe - Darryl vs. Goliath The Castle
- From knappster
- Ian at WolfesBlog - TCF [The Claire Files] Combat Rifle Postal Match here
- I received yesterday my Father's Day gift to myself, a
Wheeler Engineering 89-Piece Professional-Plus Gunsmithing
Screwdriver Set
- I finally got the activation code for my GreenZap
- CNN - High court OKs personal property seizures here here
- Kim du Toit - When The Shooting Starts
- Don Thompson of AP via Yahoo News - Feds Target Calif. Marijuana Dispensaries
- World Net Daily - Tax activist wins in federal court
- Springfield Republican - Linda Hamilton, 1946 - 2005 billstclair.com/LindaHamilton
- John T. Kennedy at No Treason - These Are The Supremes
- Watley Review - New York City Invokes Eminent Domain to Acquire New Jersey
- John Lopez at No Treason - What Can You Do About Things?
- The Castle Coalition Institute for Justice Sound Off page New London Town Council Corcoran Jennison
- The Militant Libertarian - A Thousand Wacos, A Thousand Ruby Ridges
- Lew Rockwell at The Ludwig von Mises Institute - Working Around Leviathan
- Kevin Tuma - Homewreckers
- Silver at WolfesBlog - The Nine Nazgul
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Naked Supremes
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - If Michael Kane isn't nuts, someone else is
- Will Durst at AlterNet - Scoundrel City
- Charley Reese at LewRockwell.com - We Live on the Frontier
- Reuters - Dark chocolate seen healthy for arteries
- CarryABigSticker.com -
Iraq is Arabic for Vietnam
- BreakTheChain.org - The Drapegate Scandal
- Massad Ayoob - High Volume Shootout: The Harry Beckwith Incident
- Nick Buchan at NEWS.com.au - Boffins create zombie dogs
- Tim Klimowicz - Iraq War Fatalities
- ABC 7 Chicago - Chicago pairing surveillance cameras with gunshot recognition systemsChicago pairing surveillance cameras with gunshot recognition systems The Black Arrow
- EarthWorks Emporium - Cane Masters Canes
- MediaFrame
- Russmo.com - Supreme Shock
- Logan Darrow Clements Freestar Media - The Lost Liberty Hotel Public Power, Private Gain
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Doublestar Star-15 7.62 x 39 Semi-auto Rifle Star-15 web site
- Steward Carlson at Marc Brands Liberty - Flag Burning
- Don Nash at Unknown News - Bill St. Clair and some sincere pleading What to expect after receiving your draft notice June 17 angry letter
- Thomas E. Woods, Jr. at LewRockwell.com - The States' Rights Tradition Nobody Knows
- Paul Meincke at abc7 Chicago - Man files lawsuit against U.S. government
- Brian Currie at The Evening Times - New laws unveiled in crackdown on blades
- Garry Reed, the Loose Cannon Libertarian - Bushwacked by the Patriot Act
- George W. Bush via The Los Angeles Times - Text of President Bush's Speech at Fort Bragg, N.C.
- Pascal Riché - Pourquoi la guerre en Irak valait la peine (par George W.Bush)