Photo Essay

# GeekWithA.45 - The TFL Shoot... - the Geek offers an armed group photo of part of the nation of riflemen, along with some sentiment for the "lady" who said, "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them... 'Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in,' I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here." [geekwitha.45]
Hey Feinstien! Look at the the picture above! Good luck, you rancid bitch.
And even if by some dark miracle you should ever get your 51 votes, you still lose. We're Americans, and you don't get to do that for free.
# AP via the New Hampshire Union Leader - Keene man arrested in airport protest - Russell Kanning carried out his planned protest on Saturday, refusing to show ID or be searched to board an airplane. When he refused to leave the "security area", he was arrested. He has refused bail. [google]
"What he was trying to get across is that people need to be able to travel with dignity," said his wife. "They've just gotten to a point where security is ridiculous."
"We want people to think about it: Do you want to give up all your rights and live in a police state?" she said. "I don't think they can make us secure if they're bombing other countries... To be perfectly honest, I'm in far more danger from my own government than from any terrorist."
# Jerry Pournelle - Tasers and Civilization - a couple of emails about the Boynton Beach Tasering, and Dr. Pournelle's responses, including why he no longer thinks of the police as friends. [pournelle]
Sorry to ramble on. If I sound a bit ambiguous, it is because I am. The woman acted like a jerk. On the other hand, being a jerk isn't really a crime in a free society. She was driving with a suspended license and that could turn out to be trivial or serious: it's not clear from the context. But she wasn't going anywhere, she was hardly endangering anyone, and if left to calm down on her own, at worst she was going to waste less of the officer's time than would be spent filling out reports once weapons were used.
I am sure that the world is a better place now that the woman has been given electric shocks, and the world can see what happens to you if you defy the police and attempt to finish your phone call. Particularly if you are driving an SUV.
# Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - May 2005: 85th Birthday - I wondered why I hadn't seen an update since April. It appears that the usual place where I find these essays hasn't been updated recently. This one is at June is also available. The "indignities of age"; "stacking the Arabs in satisfactory fashion"; Glock's 45 GAP; Steyr's new importer offers a single-shot .50 BMG sporting rifle; the motivation of the hoplophobe; "The speed of the second shot can be overemphasized" and the importance of proper bolt work; Marc Heim's feats with the Steyr Scout; new names for army ranks; bragging about shots that should not have been taken; "the giant sable has been rediscovered in Angola"; remembering the swagger stick; a one-shot stop on a hippo; Mr. Cooper's granddaughter seeks membership on the NRA board; the decline in public and civic morality; shooting test: a vertically-mounted cigarette at ten yards, off-hand; reports requested on using the leopard light on the Steyr Scout; defense against dangerous animals; reunion at Whittington this year 9/23 - 9/25; "When you go to war, victory is your objective."