Lingering Bootlicker Issues?
"These weapons must be banned immediately. With their high power and long-range capabilities, someone could fire a single armor-piercing round into the sun which would cause it to burn out and destroy life on earth!" -- anonymousalso from kaba:
"'Smart' guns and 'safety' locks aren't meant to protect children. They're meant to kill gun owners." -- Victor Milanand:
"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." -- Col. Jeff Cooper
Franky Speaking -
How to Avoid the Draft or National Service - the thirteenth
amendment forbids slavery, so they can't induct you without your
permission. I've read this before elsewhere. Don't know if it's
true. It would sure be horrible to find out it isn't true after
showing up in response to an induction letter and taking yourself into
the belly of the beast. But it might be easier than declaring war on
the entire induction process. Personally, I think that if they can't
force you to join the army, that they can't force you to show up at
the induction center either, so this doesn't make sense to me. But
then, when was the last time any so-called "law" made sense? Mark
Odell provided further
links on this issue back in January of 2004.
# There's quite a rowsing discussion in the comments for Thursday's post. Sergeant Mac has being mercilessly insulted. Shame on you guys. Keep it civil now. I'll repeat my two latest entries into that discussion, (slightly cleaned up):
Hmm... Well, I haven't re-read Sergeant Mac's writings over at FishorMan's place, and I only vaguely remember them, but in this discussion, he's being decidedly more rational and well-behaved than either Mr. Hardman or Mr. Odell.and:
Though I prefer retribution to the imprisonment of our current system, exactly how actual criminals are dealt with isn't very important to me, since I consider it perfectly reasonable for the intended victim of theft or assault to shoot dead the intended perp, and suffer not one second of inconvenience over it, other than necessity of cleaning the spattered blood off of his or her clothes.
What is important to me however, are the victimless crime "laws", which turn people who have never hurt anyone into prisoners of the state. In my opinion, every cop who arrests anyone for one of these "crimes" is instantly guilty of kidnapping. To use Neil's quote about the first clause of the Second Amendment (conveninently posted in the right-hand column of this and every blog page), I suggest due process, speedy trials, and public hangings. Note that victimless "crimes" include driving without a license, smoking or injecting or growing or selling any vegetable or vegetable extract (commonly called a drug), carrying any personal defense weapon anywhere, openly or concealed, having any kind of relation with any consenting adult, whether money changes hands or not, choosing to give away your money by gambling, or to offer the opportunity for idiots to do so, etc., etc.
Now if Sergeant Mac can assure me that he does not arrest people for victimless "crimes", only actual crimes where someone, without his or her permission, is harmed or his or her property is stolen or damaged, I think we might be able to work together.
Since Sergeant Mac has implied that he believes it is his duty to enforce bad laws, whatever they may be, he and I have nothing more to discuss. We have passed the point where it is possible to change those "laws" from within the system. If he intends to enforce them, then he is my mortal enemy.
I am very near the point where I will shoot anything wearing a police uniform as soon as it attempts to interact with me. I'm not there yet, since I still think there is some semblance of humanity left in at least some police officers, but it won't take much more to push me there. As Charley said, telling me I can't own my AR, or attempting to draft my son would probably do it.
Charley, I was probably responding more to the put-downs in your and Mark's posts. No matter how rational you are, being rude makes it hard for me to see that rationality. I'll have to admit that I too am often guilty of rudeness, but usually not in direct discussion.
And I don't think I have lingering bootlicker issues, just lingering basic human decency issues. And I'll probably discover when the shit hits the fan, or they forbid my AR or attempt to enslave my son, that I have lingering cowardice issues.
# Richard Cowan at Marijuana News - Renee Boje Freed On Bail Until End of September. Expensive Appeals Process Looms - Canada has decided to extradite Renee Boje to the U.S., where the fedgoons intend to jail her for 10 years to life, for watering weeds. But she's free on bail for the summer while her appeal proceeds. [drugsense]
Vancouver - Shock waves are spreading through the Canadian marijuana activist community as a result of a decision released yesterday by Justice Minister Irwin Cotler in the Boje Extradition Case. Renee Boje, who is married to a Canadian citizen and is the mother of a Canadian son, is being sent back to US authorities to serve a ten year mandatory minimum to life sentence for her involvement in a medical marijuana growing operation in California, shortly after the state of California legalized marijuana for medical purposes.
# Ian at WolfesBlog - "Book Review: The Book of Two Guns" - high praise for Tiger McKee's The Book of Two Guns: The Martial Art of the 1911 Pistol and AR Carbine (also available through Amazon, where you can read part of it). [claire]