Project for the Old American Century
Tj Templeton -
Project for the Old American Century is a huge web site dedicated
to fighting the neocons'
Project for a New American Century.
From the
about page: [smith2004]
The Project for the OLD American Century is a grass-roots organization that strives to protect and strengthen democracy primarily by disseminating unreported and underreported news stories from a perspective untainted by political or corporate sponsorship.
The Project was founded in 2002 in response to a rigged election, reduced civil liberties, a hijacking of our domestic and foreign policies by the energy/defense industries, and a compliant corporate media that refused to make these problems prominent in our national consciousness. We felt it our duty as patriots to create a web-based independent media outlet where we can not only debunk the myth of the liberal media but expose the corruption and cronyism taking place at the highest levels of government and corporate power.
The Project for the Old American Century conducts its own research and compiles dossiers made available to the public both via the web or in print free of charge. Topics include conflicts of interest inside government agencies, specific profiles of top public officials, data acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, and much more.
Funding from the project comes solely from reader donations and sales of POAC merchandise.
# Al Giordano at the narcosphere - Customs Cops Visit Bill Conroy with an Attack on Press Freedom - Agent Carlos Salazar of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security attempted to pry information about his sources from Narco News journalist Bill Conroy. After refusing to allow Mr. Conroy to record their conversation, and getting no answers, he threatened to "take this to the U.S. Attorney". If you'd like to give Mr. Salazar a piece of your mind about bothering people with no evidence of any crime, you can call him on his cell phone at 210-336-0036. He'll probably trace your call, though, so use a pay phone, and don't talk for long. [clairefiles]