Scythe Burner
"The thought of American toilet superiority being vanquished by Cuba's weighed heavily on my mind. So, I conducted an experiment. I took a magazine. For the purposes of my experiment I chose a Newsweek magazine. I then tried to flush the Newsweek magazine down my American-made toilet. That was a mistake!" -- Frank Salvatoand:
"Police investigating the Wendy's chili finger case are now seeking help from Mexican law enforcement officials. So it looks like not only was there a finger in the Wendy's chili, it was there illegally. They think the finger might have snuck over the border and worked at Wal-Mart for a few weeks before it ended up in the chili." -- Jay Leno
# Claire Wolfe at The High Road - After The Fall Of Justice - billythekid posted one of Claire's old essays, and a discussion about jury nullification ensued. The "Wolfe's Lodge" version of this essay, "written for the Loompanics Unlimited summer 1998 catalog supplement", is here. I posted the following: [highroad]
I don't expect Cool Hand Luke or the other gummint apologists will change their tune, and I'm not going to spend the time to provide historical footnotes, but this is the way I remember the reason we have juries.
Before the time of the Magna Carta, the king and his minions arrested anybody they wanted for anything they wanted and submitted them to any punishment they wanted. The people grew tired of this. They demanded of the king that he must allow a jury of the defendents' peers to judge his guilt. If the jury voted to acquit, the king must let the defendent walk. They didn't just ask the king to do this, they demanded it, on penalty of death.
The defendents' "peers" would be people who lived in the area of the alleged crime, people who likely knew him and likely already had an opinion of his character, and of the alleged law and the characters of his accusers. They had plenty of pre-existing prejudices about the outcome of the trial. And rightly so.
The reason we have juries is to protect we the people from our government. Once the judge can control the jury, can force them to become judgers of evidence and not judgers of right and wrong, trial by jury becomes a farce. It becomes trial by government, and we're right back to where we were before the Magna Carta.
We need to once again remind the king that he will provide jury trials, fully-informed jury trials, where every juror is reminded at the beginning of every trial of his age-old right and duty to judge the alleged law as well as the alleged law-breaker, or we'll hang the bastard and his minions from the nearest lampposts.
# Bill Piper at Drug Policy Alliance - You've Been Drafted: Uncle Sam Wants You for the War on Drugs - James Sensenbrenner, the author of REAL ID, has done it again. H.R. 1528, "Defending America's Most Vulnerable: Safe Access to Drug Treatment and Child Protection Act of 2005", turns failure to squeal on a "drug trafficker" into a federal felony. Personally, I think Mr. Sensennbrenner is himself a felony. Most of the bill is unreadable without spending hours chasing references. Fortunately, it has no co-sponsors. I thought of writing Mr. Scythe Burner a letter, but I don't think he's reachable by anything traveling at less than 800 feet per second. [lrtdiscuss]
`SEC. 425. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person who witnesses or learns of a violation of sections 416(b)(2), 417, 418, 419, 420, 424, or 426 to fail to report the offense to law enforcement officials within 24 hours of witnessing or learning of the violation and thereafter provide full assistance in the investigation, apprehension, and prosecution of the person violating paragraph (a).
`(b) Any person who violates subsection (a) of this section shall be sentenced to not less than two years or more than 10 years. If the person who witnesses or learns of the violation is the parent or guardian, or otherwise responsible for the care or supervision of the person under the age of 18 or the incompetent person, such person shall be sentenced to not less than three years or more than 20 years.'.
# Carla Howell and Michael Cloud at The Center for Small Government - The Small Government PledgeSM - you can say one thing about Carla Howell. She's persistent. I am not currently voting, having decided that I cannot support the existence of the current political system, but I like the pledge for candidates.

# Bill Whittle - Sanctuary, Part 1 - A new essay from the master essayist. Part 2 is here. Mr. Whittle argues that soldiers should wear uniforms to protect the non-soldier. Those who don't are not honorable men, unless, like our revolutionary war fighters, they go far away from the civilian population. He doesn't consider what he would do should a foreign power, hugely better armed than America, invade the city where he lives. Then he moves on with a plan to save civilisation. And Pharoah visits a 7-11. Mr. Whittle has too much faith in the political system, but he's right that our civilisation is a sanctuary, and most of us have forgotten the brutishness of the cold reality that it keeps at bay. And, man, can he write! [whittle]
What's worse than crawling under your beloved house and seeing the foundations rotten with decades of termite damage?
NOT crawling under your beloved house and seeing the foundations rotten with decades of termite damage.
I've been away for a while, doing a little thinking. Usually, my thoughts for these past few years have started at home and then taken me to Iraq, and the war. Lately, though, I have been thinking about Iraq, and my thoughts turn more and more to home.
I started thinking along these lines six months ago, after a young Marine shot and killed a wounded Iraqi in a mosque in Fallujah
The ideas behind this little adventure we are about to embark upon have changed enormously since then. I have, quite frankly, been at a loss to know how to put so many wide-ranging snapshots together into this montage, this image, this idea of Sanctuary that I think holds the key to many of the problems we face today.
Stay with me -- our fist stop is not our destination, but it is a necessary one. So let me first take you on that original journey, and show you how events in Iraq can show us how to fight and win a much wider and deeper conflict, right here at home.
# Fred Reed at - Thoughts On Poverty - in America, most of the problems that poor people (and their apologists) complain about are their own damn fault. [lew]
If the poor of America were truly penurious, and forcibly kept so, I would see things differently. The sweated children of New York, the slaves of the South, the virtual slaves of the Industrial Revolution in England -- these had a cause for complaint. They suffered greatly, and had no way out.
Neither did they have the subsidized housing of today, the welfare, and the leisure consequent to these, nor free medical care, nor public schools which by law they had to attend, nor free libraries, nor the array of special and unearned privilege called "affirmative action." Today's poor do have them. They also live in a society that has begged them, prodded them, enticed them to do something with and for themselves. They haven't. They aren't interested. And neither, any longer, am I.
Previous Posts:
Galloway Reams the Senate a New Asshole
An Open Letter, NID and Drinking
You Have Taught Us How to Hate
Social Security: Brazen Theft
REAL ID Rebellion
Open Letter To President Bush on the Signing of the REAL ID Act
I Will Not Be Numbered
Senate to Sheeple: Let the Herd Be Branded