March 2005
Tuesday, 1 March: The Penalty for Kidnapping Is Death
- Aaron McGruder (Boondocks) via Marc Brands Liberty - Taking Off The Edge
- Dennis Roddy at The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Grounded: Millionaire John Gilmore stays close to home while making a point about privacy Gilmore v. Ashcroft
- # Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - Core Values
- Reuters - U.S. Court Orders 'Enemy Combatant' Freed
- Andy Steadman at No Treason - I'm Difficult
- I finally finished building Open Office Gentoo Linux
- From Medical Doctors on Vaccinations iatrogenic Dr Richard Halvorsen Dr Lanctot MD Dr Glen Dettman
- Ioseph of Locksley at The Minstrel's Guild of Drachenwald - I'll See Your Six!
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - An odd case of 'shaken baby syndrome'
- Mozilla Firefox security fixes
- I stayed up late last night installing Mac OSX NeoOffice/J Open Office
- ERMS - Response to Open Letter afis osd An Open Letter to George W. Bush: Detention, treatment, and trial of alleged terrorists
- Declan McCullagh at The coming crackdown on blogging Incumbent Protection Act
- Don Lobo Tiggre at Laissez Faire City Times via - Parenting and Freedom
- GeekWithA.45 - The McCain-Feingold Insurrection good images
- John Farnam's Quips - 01Mar05: This is from a friend who just returned from a trip to the UK
- Andrew P. Napolitano at The Federal Observer - How the Government Breaks the Law
- bearman45 at America in Denial - Why I Don't Have A Concealed Weapons Permit
- David Codrea - FishOrMan Update his web site
- I made some "End the War on Freedom" banners. They're at thebottom of my banners page
- I've been loading .44 Magnum in my Lee Turret Press
- The Onion - 'Tony's Law' Would Require Marijuana Users to Inform Interested Neighbors
- GeekWithA.45 has moved the McCain-Feingold Insurrection
- Karen Eschbacher at The Patriot Ledger - Chief, sergeant indicted: Stoughton officers accused of witness intimidation; more cops may be charged
- Robert C. Byrd at - Stopping a Strike at the Heart of the Senate
- Michael Crichton - Aliens Cause Global Warming
- Libertarian Party of New York - The War Comes to Essex County, NY
- Vin Suprynowicz at the Las Vegas Review Journal - Why is Alan Yurko still in jail?
- GeekWithA.45 - Some Q&A on The M-F Insurrection...
- Militant Libertarian - Tsunami Victims You Won't Hear About
- Cat Farmer at The Price of Liberty Fairy Godmother Government
- My web hosting provider,
- David Codrea - Capture the Flag!
- Randolph Carter - David Ehi Reverse Scam here
- SpamBayes OSX package POPFile GMail Bayesian Paul Graham background
- The trade paperback version of The Black Arrow
- - Teaching the Kids Safety
- Emiliano Antunez at The Price of Liberty - Living In America 2029, A Workers Paradise
- Dave Shulman at LA Weekly via Alternet - The Pleasant Probation of Tommy Chong
- James Bovard at - Gun Nuts at 30,000 Feet?
- Bob Schulz at We the People - IRS: Gut Schulz v IRS; DOJ: Court's Opinion Threatens Tax System
- Kim du Toit - Range Report - Mosin-Nagant M44 (7.62x54mmR)
- Bram Cohen - BitTorrent
- - Neighborhood Cops
- Chuck Asay at Marc Brands Liberty - Lock Box
- I couldn't resist. I bought Joe Walsh'es Funk #49 from Apple's iTunes James Gang album
- Mark Twain - On The Decay of the Art of Lying
- Anthony Hargis at Strike the Root - The Right of Revolution
- Butler Shaffer at Blog -
The Cookie Crumbles
- Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - The Rendering Information Clearinghouse mirror
- Brad Barnhill at Personal Odyssey - No requirement for ID to fly FAA Flyer
- David Codrea - Open Letter to "Rabbi" Eric H. Yoffie, President, Union of American Hebrew Congregations First Million Mom March
- Evelyn Pringle at Sierra Times - David Ayoub MD - Thirmerosal Definite Cause Of Autsim
- Michael Gaddy at - A Breeding Ground For Tyrants
- I learned yesterday about Java 5's Annotations JBoss Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) 3.0 by Hibernate 3 XDoclet
- I almost bought an Apple iPod Shuffle
- I watched Constantine
- Anthony Gregory at The Libertarian Enterprise - Conservatives and the Second Amendment
- Rabbi R. Mermelstein at Gun Owners Alliance - Weapons and Self Defense in Jewish Law
- Fred Reed at - Flee!
- Wiley Miller's Non Sequitur via Marc Brands Liberty - Government Knows Best
- Butler Shaffer at - Violence and the State
- Eurohacker Magazine - EuroHacker Magazine meets Eric S. Raymond
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Rushin' and Rantin' with Reactive Ralphie
- Paul Tyma - Mailinator
- I bought an Optronics NightBlaster QR-2000
- Sunni Maravillosa - Sunni's Salon
- Donald W. Miller, Jr at - Advantages of Nuclear Power radiation hormesis Afraid of Radiation? Low Doses are Good for You thermal conversion process thermal depolymerization
- Donald W. Miller, Jr. at - Toro! Toro! Michael Crichton State of Fear Aliens Cause Global Warming
- Vincent L. Guarisco at Strike the Root - Don't Fall Victim to America's Cash Crop: War
- eBaum's World - Michael Jackson - Never Copped a Feel
- songs-050317
- Andrew Rogers at Strike the Root - Important News and Offers from Strike The Root! stickers
- Thomas L. Knapp at Strike the Root - The Anarchist Inside
- Skype Skype Voicemail Skypein last answer Skypein FAQ SkypeOut
- Sunni Maravillosa - Sunni's Silly List of Personal Stuff
- David Codrea - Vanishing Point Reappears TriggerFinger Amazon has it
- Amy Goodman at Veterans Against the Iraq War - Three U.S. Soldiers Refusing To Fight Speak Out Against The Iraq War
- WBAI listen on line
- My iPod now has 1054 songs
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Two decades later, '1984' is all around us
- Abe Clark at The Libertarian Enterprise - What National Debt?
- I used SkypeOut on Friday Skype Voicemail
- Ares P2P
- Mark Davis at Strike the Root - Organizing Society Anarchy state parasite
- Strike the Root - Reprint Rights
- Jason Fry at The Wall Street Journal - Rock's Oldest Joke: Yelling 'Freebird!' In a Crowded Theater
- Christopher Breen at Playlist - The Need for Weed
- The Box O' Truth - The Rags O' Truth
- David Codrea at Guns Magazine - Thinking of England
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - May I see your travel papers, please? Sunni's interview
- L. Neil Smith - Tactical Reflections
- Linda Hamilton - How to Help
- My DVD of Vanishing Point jcatdeluxe
- Greg Palast and Eric Bosse - Anybody Using This First Amendment?
- Jomama told me that he got a trojan from Ares P2P Giant
- Ted Rall - A Texas Man's Fight to Let 100,000 Iraqis Die
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - March 2005: Winterset `05
- John R. Lott Jr. at National Review - Disarming Facts: The road to bad laws is paved with good intentions.
- Steve Perry at City Pages - The Undoing of America
- Mad Ogre - 12.7mm Liberty
- Jim Davies at Strike the Root - Abortion: A Market Solution?
- The Blog Herald - Utah blogs face censorship, compulsory rating under new laws
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Where is Your Money Going?
- Edgar J. Steele - Golden Escape Pods
- Oliver Del Signore at Backwoods Home Magazine - Book Review: The Black Arrow tale of the resistance
- Adam Porter at BBC via From the Wilderness -- International Energy Agency Proposes Ban-Rationing-Enforced Quotas on Oil Consumption
- - The Difference Between Shit and Shinola: Clearly Defined, Once and For All
- Butler Shaffer at - Disconnecting the State's Feeding Tubes
- Roedy Green at Canadian Mind Products 9/11 Was an Inside Job politics page global warming
- J. Croft at Godlike Productions - Message To The American Police Officer
- L. Reichard White at The Libertarian Enterprise - Just Another Drug-related Shooting?
- Ian at Wolfe's Blog - Range Report: Shooting concrete blocks
- I got a free iTunes So What the Fuss A Time to Love available as an import American version
- R. Colin Johnson at EE Times - Nanotubes promise fuel from water
- John Farnam's Quips - 24Mar05: Situational Awareness, from one of our instructors in WA
- John Farnam's Quips - 23Mar05: Your new M4 Case FirstAct electric guitar case via mail-order from FirstAct
- John Farnam's Quips - 11Mar05: On the treatment of gunshot wounds First Care Products
- candygenius - Vincent Van Gogh's Birthday Eric Clapton's Birthday born this day
- Tom Engelhardt -
Entries for a Devil's Dictionary of the Bush Era
Ambrose Bierce
Operation Iraqi Liberation
- Butler Shaffer at - What Is To Become of the State?
- Kim du Toit's Nation of Riflemen t-shirt
- Intermix Network, LLC at eUniverse - I can't wait till two thousand and eight
- Publicola - Chat 2 Gaim
- Carl F. Worden at Sierra Times - What NOT to do - When Federal Agents Come Knocking: A Treatise
- David MacGregor at Strike the Root - The War on Terror Is a War on Freedom
- Tom Knapp at Free-Market News Network -
Food Fight
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Chuckling at the Culture Clash