# Chuck Asay at Marc Brands Liberty - Lock Box - cartoon commentary. How to explain social security to your grandchildren. Hehe. [smith2004]
I couldn't resist. I bought Joe Walsh'es Funk #49 from
Apple's iTunes music store for 99¢. I got the version from
James Gang album for which it's the title cut. And then I bought
Heaven by Los Lonely Boys and Don't Know Why by Norah
Jones and Harder to Breath by Maroon 5. Instant gratification.
I was looking at the iTunes menus and discovered the "Sharing" tab on
the "Preferences..." dialog. I turned sharing on, and presto, the
music on my Windoze laptop was available for play on my son's
Powerbook. Kule. I had to enter my iTunes password on the Powerbook to
play purchased music, and I was reminded that I can only so enable
five computers at a time.
# Mark Twain - On The Decay of the Art of Lying - why lying is necessary for civilized men. [smith2004]
No fact is more firmly established than that lying is a necessity of our circumstances--the deduction that it is then a Virtue goes without saying. No virtue can reach its highest usefulness without careful and diligent cultivation--therefore, it goes without saying that this one ought to be taught in the public schools--even in the newspapers. What chance has the ignorant uncultivated liar against the educated expert? What chance have I against Mr. Per--against a lawyer? Judicious lying is what the world needs. I sometimes think it were even better and safer not to lie at all than to lie injudiciously. An awkward, unscientific lie is often as ineffectual as the truth.
# Anthony Hargis at Strike the Root - The Right of Revolution - very well said. [root]
So, how do we take back rights with the right of petition? We do precisely what American Founders did: they exercised their "right of petition" exactly as English parliaments had been doing for more than 500 years. Parliament originated as a body of private men for the purpose of presenting petitions to the king for redress. Such petitions have always been mandatory on the king. Originally, if the king or his justices failed to redress a grievance within 40 days, the entire nation had a right of violence against the king and his justices until remedy was given. [3]
This right of violence was later modified to a procedure that required the king to satisfy grievances before parliament would vote taxes for him: that is, no redress, no taxes. It's real simple.
Butler Shaffer at Blog -
The Cookie Crumbles - hilarious satire. After reading
about a Brooklyn cop who busted the dad of a girl scout for
unlicensed selling of cookies, Mr. Shaffer has realized the error of
his ways and eschewed anarchism. We need an all-powerful state
to protect us from this menace. [villagechoice]
# Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - The Rendering - title from the Information Clearinghouse mirror. Abu Ghraib was only the tip of the icerberg of Bushevik-approved torture. And they're stonewalling in court, using an invented-out-of-whole-cloth "state secrets privelege" to suppress evidence in court. Bastards. Guess it will be left to patriots to take these guys out. Watch your back, Mr. Bush. You're making enemies all over the world, but it's your domestic enemies who are your greatest personal threat. And there are millions of them. [informationclearinghouse]
"We don't kick the [expletive] out of them," one top Bush official told The Washington Post on Dec. 26, 2002. "We send them to other countries so they can kick the [expletive] out of them." In that same article, other Bush honchos boasted about withholding medical treatment from wounded prisoners; knowingly sending prisoners to be tortured in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco and Jordan ("I do it with my eyes open," said one top agent); and breaking international law as a routine part of interrogations by U.S. operatives. "If you're not violating someone's human rights," said an interrogation supervisor, "you're probably not doing your job." These freely admitted violations included beatings, hooding, exposure, sexual humiliation and the medieval barbarism of strappado: chaining a prisoner with his arms twisted behind his back and suspending him from the ceiling, where the weight of his own body tears at his sockets and sinews.
# Brad Barnhill at Personal Odyssey - No requirement for ID to fly - this is on a members-only Yahoo group page, but its title page gives you a userid and password that you can use to read it. Mr. Barnhill flew out of Kansas without showing any identification. He paid for it by being thoroughly searched. Interesting. [lrtdiscuss]
I had to fly out to Kansas to help with the final arrangements for my last grandparent. I decided to challenge the ID requirement with the Gestapo.From the FAA Flyer (32K Microsoft Word document):
I printed a boarding pass thru the website for the airline, so that I did not have to go to the ticket counter. I packed my belongings for travel in one suitcase so that I did not have to check a bag. If you avoid the ticket counter at check-in, then you avoid the one of two places they can ask for ID. They can check at the ticket counter and at the gate.
Because the requirement for ID is in your contract of carriage with the airline, not with the Gestapo. There is no statutory or regulatory requirement for anyone to show photo ID to the TSA. It flat out does not exist.
I have an FAA flyer document in the Files section of Personal Odyssey. It contains ALL of the law on this matter. There are only two ways you can be denied boarding. One is to refuse to show ID to the AIRLINE--contract of carriage. The other is to refuse to consent to a search by the TSA--statute and regulation. So be prepared to not refuse either to the appropriate "person."
Neither Congress nor the Administrator of the FAA require you to show a government issued photo ID to anyone.
Neither Congress nor the Administrator of the FAA authorize the airlines to require you show a government issued photo ID to anyone.
The Supreme Court of the United States says that law enforcement officers can require you to show identification only if they are conducting a criminal investigation.
Brown v. Texas, 443 U.S. 47 (1979)
If you show privately issued ID, instead of government issued ID, you cannot be refused boarding simply for this reason.
The statutes and regulations show that you can only be refused boarding if you refuse to consent to a search of your person or your property.
If you show a private ID, then you are assured of having your person and property hand searched by security personnel prior to boarding at the gate.
If enough of us show up without government issued photo ID, they will not have time to search us all, which means that their procedures will then be "arbitrary" instead of "regular" or "random".