November 2002
Friday, 1 November: Halloween Hangover
- Angel Shamaya at - "Individual communities ought to have the power to enact whatever gun laws they want."
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Poetic Injustice
- HeronForge - If Bush Was a Girl
- Flashbunny - What Guns Are OK?
- Kevin Tuma - Explosive
- Carl Bussjaeger at Doing Freedom! - Point of Honor Freedom's Gremlins
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - November 2002: All Hallows
- Jeff Snyder at - I No Longer Understand My Country
- Joseph Sobran - Anarchy without Fear
- David Codrea at - Two More on a Match Mark McSpadden
- Ikimulisa Sockwell-Mason and Larry Celona at The New York Post -
Deadly Walk Home
- John Whitley at The Age - Let everyone have a gun
- Daniel Pipes - Jihad and the Professors
- Arthur Hagen at a Usenet news group - Why can't the English teach their children how to speak? here
- Rosalind Bentley at The Star Tribune - More refuse to yield to road rules
- Kim du Toit - Gratuitous Gun Pic for 11/02/2002 National Ammo Day
- Steven Yates at - The Two Antiwar Movements admitted to not knowing
- Nat G. Rudulph at Call to Decision Why America Lost the "Civil War"
- Mitch Tobin at The Arizona Daily Star - Killer sends 22-page letter to publisher
- Eric Raymond at Armed and Dangerous - Armed children
- Al Barger at Culpepper Log - Happy birthday, sleazeball!
- You May Be Next!
- "Lazarus" at - "Rights" vs/ Public Safety?
- A Well Regulated Militia
- Mike W. Smith at - Well How About That...
- Kim du Toit - Gratuitous Gun Pic 11/03/2002
- Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - Global Eye -- Into the Dark
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Alobar
- Patrick K Martin at The Libertarian Enterprise - Why I Will Not Vote! Constitution of No Authority
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Libertarian Enterprise - Searching the Land for a Pro-Gun- Rights Judge in the 9/16 issue
- Dennis Kabaczy at The Libertarian Enterprise - Responsibility
- Mark Lamoree at The Libertarian Enterprise - Last Friday
- Rachel Lucas - Dear Mr. Moore, You are a Stupidity Supremacist
- Perry de Havilland at - Perry de Havilland
- Karen Tumulty and Viveca Novak at Time - Dodging the Bullet: Even in the wake of the sniper slayings, Democrats are shying away from gun control
- Lance Gay at Knox News - Mandatory sentences under fire
- John Bergstom's Attack Cartoons - Senator Wellstone's Third Term
- John Bergstom's Attack Cartoons - The Minnesota Voter
- Mark Fiore at The Village Voice - Ballistic Fingerprinting...for Politicians!
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Who Should Prosecute the Snipers?
- Milan Simonich at The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Police scolded as Bush protester acquitted
- Charley Reese - Lincoln's Favorite Tune
- Vin Suprynowicz at Backwoods Home Magazine - If it's the law it's the law ...
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Squatter: Living in the woods like it was nobody's business
- Greg Swann - Where there's smoke, there's firepower
- Corey Dade at The Boston Globe - Repeal barely beaten back
- Steve Young at The Argus Leader - Juries will not rule on merits of laws
- Steve Young at The Argus Leader - Voters say "no" to measure legalizing hemp
- Ed Vogel at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - State voters reject legalizing marijuana
- Jeff Johnson at CNS News - FBI Agents 'Miffed' that Gun Owner Contacted Media
- Liz Michael - The Real Lesson of the DC Sniper
- Tanya Andghuladze and Yuri Maltsev at - The Forgotten Nation
- Stephen Gibbs at The Sydney Morning Herald -
Handguns to be banned, buyback likely
- Bill Walker at The Laissez Faire Electronic Times - Collars for Humans
- Mark Morford at - Everybody Must Get Armed: The NRA reminds you, please exercise your God-given right to wallow in fear and kill stuff. Thank you
- Survival Arts Libertarian Samizdata
- Russell Whitaker at Survival Arts - GunBroker: an eBay for Gun Owners GunBroker
- Dale Amon at - Last hurrah for the caissons
- Stephen J. Aldstadt at The Buffalo News - Toles reveals his ignorance on guns
- - Anonymizer
- Liberty Vault
- I received yesterday The Concealed Handgun Manual
- Bill Douthat at The Palm Beach Post - Gun-pointing at trial spurs outburst
- Eric S. Raymond - An Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto
- Kim du Toit - The Republican Agenda Today's Gratuitous Gun Pic
- Chuck Baldwin - Republicans in Charge - Now What?
- Anthony C. LoBaido at Sierra Times - Republicans Fiddle while America Turns into Rome
- Jon Dougherty at World Net Daily - Why gun control works
- bob lonsberry - No More Sidewalk Cigarettes
- The Grove Daily Sun - The 'No-Knock' Law Proved Its Worth in Case of Dead Trooper
- The Libertarian Enterprise - 2nd Letter from Jim Davidson
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Bill St. Clair
- Patrick K Martin at The Libertarian Enterprise - Confessions Of A Techno- dependent Writer
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - You Call This 'Democracy'
- From a Google search for black flag slitting throats
- Scott Bieser at Rational Review - Wise Guy News
- Section 1 of the fourteenth amendment Drug Warriors and Their Prey: From Police Power to Police State
- Steve Trinward at Rational Review - Election Scorecard
- R. Lee Wrights at Rational Review - You say you want a tax cut?
- Blackstone's Commentaries 1:App. 300
- M. Simon at Sierra Times - Addiction or Self Medication?
- Angel Shamaya at - When I think of veterans... A Tribute on Veterans Day
- From a bottle of Original Juan
- From the December 2002 issue of Guns & Ammo Magazine
- ABC 7 Chicago - Three arrested, 445 ticketed at rave
- Haunted House Party
- If you haven't done so already, please drop everything and go sign the petition
- William Safire at The New York Times -
You Are a Suspect
- H.R. 5710:
- Ron Paul - Oppose The New Homeland Security Bureaucracy! here
- Audrey Hudson at The Washington Times - A supersnoop's dream
- Garry Reed's Loose Cannon Libertarian - Conspiracy Leery
- Bruce Schneier's Cryptogram - November 15, 2002
- Free-Market.Net Spotlight - The value of the vote
- J. Orlin Grabbe - The Function of the Drug War
- D.W. MacKenzie at Ideas on Liberty - I, Government
- Bill Walker at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - Minutemen and Bounty Hunters
- Henry Makow at - Could Bush Become another Hitler? The Timetable for Tyranny Freedom Force International John Birch Society We the People!
- Peggy Noonen at The Wall Street Journal via FreeRepublic - "Them" [one group for whom liberals have no tolerance at all]
- Bill White at Pravda - Gun Groups See Steady Bleed into Militias; Domestic Unrest Still Growing in United States
- Martha V. Creegan at The Caledonian-Record - Locals Come Face To Face With Homeland Security
- The Awakening
- Samizdata Illuminatus - Cut out Statism! Cut out Hate Crime
- Charles Paul Freund at Reason - Secular Martyrdom in Iran
- Albert Jay Nock - Isaiah's Job
- Correia's Corner - Sunset
- National Ammo Day report
- Ed Lewis at Liberty for All - Respect for the "law"
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Why Michael Medved Needs Glasses
- Alan Hutch at The Libertarian Enterprise - Mass. Taxpayers Send a Message Their Masters Can't Understand
- Sheldon Richman at The Washington Times - No loopholes needed
- jjayson at kuro5hin - A Shallow Introduction to the K Programming Language Kx
- Independent Media Center - House Pases Orwellian Homeland Security Bill PDF of the DARPA working paper
- Philosophy for Life
- Sinclair Holdings 7
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - Innocents Betrayed
- Ivan Gale at Point Reyes Light - West Marin women strip for peace
- Fred On Everything - Birthing The Ogpu: Chronicles Of The Galloping Sovietization
- Thomas L. Knapp at Rational Review - Earn This -- "Spoiling for a Fight" Redux
- Joyce Lee Malcolm at Reason - Gun Control's Twisted Outcome
- John Bergstrom's Attack Cartoons - Grey Axe
- Patri Friedman - Quotes by Robert Heinlein
- National Ammo Day - Buyers' Report: National Ammo Day Reported To Date report your purchase
- Alan Fram of AP via Yahoo News - Senate Passes Homeland Security Bill H.R. 5005 H.R. 5710
- Albany (NY) Times Union Editorial - Liberties at peril, Part II: A Pentagon project could spy on all aspects of American life
- Ron Paul at - The Homeland Security Monstrosity
- Robert Vroman at - Jungle Law Rights Theory
- Alan Stang at The Federal Observer - Why We Need Guns
- Randall G. Holcombe at - America's Transformation from Liberty to Democracy From Liberty to Democracy: The Transformation of American Government
- John de Rosier at the Albany (NY) Times Union - Roadblock
- Doing Freedom! - November, 2002: "Relationships"
- Atlantic Body Armor
- I sent the following message to my Congress Critter, John Sweeney
- Libertarian Party Press Releases - Pentagon database is step toward police state, Libertarians say
- Loretta Nall at The Alabama Marijuana Party - Cops Raid Marijuana Party Founder in Politically Motivated Raid
- Elizabeth Bernard at - Meet Loretta Nall
- Patrick K. Kroupa - The Addiction Series: Part I
- John de Rosier at the Albany (NY) Times Union - John Ashcroft is coming to town
- Ye Li - We Didn't Start the Fire
- From smith2004. There's a half-size version
- Sunni Maravillosa at The Laissez Faire Electronic Times - Where Are the Sons of Boromir?
- Doug Thompson at Capitol Hill Blue - Welcome to the American Gestapo
- Bill Bridgewater at SKS Parts - Armed Revolution Possible and Not So Difficult
- Libertarian Party Press Releases - Advice for Bush on NATO: End it, don't extend it
- Kevin Tuma - T.I.A.
- Stinger Penguns
- Kim du Toit - Anything You Can Do...
- According to it's Bill Summary & Status H.R. 5005 here
- Harry Browne at World Net Daily - What we can learn from World War II
- Michael Z. Williamson at - Cutting Through the Propaganda
- Joe Kovacs at WorldNetDaily - 4th-grader suspended for gun shell in pocket Fred A. Anderson Elementary School
- Joel Simon at The Libertarian Enterprise - I Just Don't Want to Die Alone
- Associated Press - SWAT team invades wrong house; 2 hurt
- Eric Bailey at the LA Times - Pot Raids Spur Calls to Quit Working With DEA
- Bill Steigerwald at the (PA) Tribune-Review via MAPInc - Czar Wars
- Carl Bussjaeger - Welcome to the Police State; Now shut up and do as you're told
- Scott Bieser at The Libertarian Enterprise - New Iron Curtain
- - Sacramento Airport Booty
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - What Santa's Bringing Good Little Outlaws This Year ID making kit RKBA T-Shirts I Will Live Free online store TracFone voice encryption system 2003 Ladies of Liberty Calendar transmitter detector
- Kim du Toit - Dept. Of Righteous Shootings shoots it dead
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Gene Strong with reply by John Taylor
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - "Close" Enough is Good Enough? - Time to Get a Rope!
- Rodney Harris at The Libertarian Enterprise - The BIG Tax Form
- Wendy McElroy at The Libertarian Enterprise - Rights and Responsibilities
- James J Odle at The Libertarian Enterprise - Pour Oh Pour the Pirate Sherry!
- John MacMullin at The Libertarian Enterprise - Repeal the 17th Amendment
- Don Phillips at The Washington Post -
Wronged Side of the Tracks? 'Railfans' Complain of Police Scrutiny in Terror Era
- Leonard G. Horowitz at - Vaccine Injury, Homeland Security And Culpability
- Randolph T. Holhut at The American Reporter - The American Police State Is Now Complete
- L. Neil Smith - All You Democrats
- Greg Swann - Reds
- Bob Wallace at - The Irresponsibility of Nerf World
- Charley Reese - Homeland Schmomeland
- Carol Norris at CounterPunch - 4th Amendment R.I.P
- David Cole at CounterPunch Secret Court Takes the Fourth
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - December 2002: Thanksgiving
- Eric Goldscheider at The Boston Globe - FBI focus on Iraqi professor sparks a protest at UMass
- Lauren Weinstein at Wired - Is Microsoft Truly 'Trustworthy'?
- Mike Shelton at The Orange County Register - Popeye Sam
- Mike Shelton at the Orange County Register - October 30
- Mike Shelton at the Orange County Register - Shell Game
The Liberty Dogs
- Aubrey Turner says
Hell No!
- Questioning the Jury Questionnaire FAQ page link to a PDF
- Keith Preston at - Anarchist National Defense and Foreign Policy
- American Revolutionary Vanguard Twenty-Five Point Program FAQ
- R. Lee Wrights at Liberty For All - Who are the Real Spoilers?
- Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - Global Eye -- Rough Beast
- I wrote the following in response to this Democratic Underground thread All You Democrats
- Lianne Hart at The Los Angeles Times via The Boston Globe - Judge must explain his decision to let crew film jury deliberation
- - Jury
- Fox News - Barr to Join ACLU
- Michael Peirce at - There Is a Storm Brewing
- Charlie Reese - Jefferson Speaks
- Robert Weitzel - Reflections on Being Tried for Murder
- Carl Bussjaeger - Jackbooted Thug of the Month, November 2002
- JPFO - Innocents Betrayed and Armed Citizen Corps Front Sight Firearms Training Institute Armed Citizens Corp
- Billy Beck - Two--Four No Treason
- George F. Smith at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - Freedom Is for Fighters
- Sheryl Gay Stolberg at The New York Times -
Justice Dept. Seeks to Seal Vaccine Papers
- Pittsburgh (PA) Post-Gazette - The right to bear arms
- Jim Davidson at The Libertarian Nation Foundation - Somalia and Anarchy
- Lee McCracken at - Neo-Puritan Anarcho- Federalism
- Bob Wallace at - Keeping and Tending the Garden
- AP via The Tacoma (WA) News Tribune - Kansas man convicted of attempted rape of nonexistent girl
- Cult of the Dead Cow - License To Chill -- Hackers Hamstring Rights Violators HESSLA
- Alan Stang at Etherzone - When Dictatorship Comes, How Do You Know?
- Abbie Hoffman - Steal This Book
- Joe Blow at Ether Zone - Let The Beatings Begin! Miranda A Mirage?
- Henrietta Bowman at Sierra Times - The Fix Is In
- DRCNet via Sierra Times - Weitzel Acquitted in Utah Pain Treatment Manslaughter Case Retrial
- David Hinkson at Sierra Times - David Hinkson's Day Of Terror, at the hands of Satan's Foot Soldiers