December 2002
Sunday, 1 December: December, 2002
- Ed Lewis at Liberty for All - Fighting For Us
- Library
- Tricia Romano at The Village Voice - The Safety Dance
- Jim Peron at The Foundation for Economic Equality - Why the Poor Need Property Rights
- Joel Simon at The Libertarian Enterprise - Unintended Evangelism
- William Stone, III at The Libertarian Enterprise - Revenge of the Nerds H.R. 5005 18 USC 845
- Dennis Kabaczy at The Libertarian Enterprise - Fifth Amendment?
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - Lists
- Scott Bieser at Rational Review - The State of Airline Security
- ComputerWire via The Register - PGP goes back to its roots here PGP 8.0 FreeWare
- and
Women to Arms
- Dave Winer's DaveNet - How to Revive AOL
- I installed PGP 8.0 FreeWare
- Frank J. at IMAO - It Was a Hard Day of Work and I'm Tired of Hearing About the 9th Circuit
- Eugene Volokh at National Review - Who's Right on Second?
- Kathryn A. Graham at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Worm In The Apple
- William Stone, III at The Libertarian Enterprise - Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Baked Beans, Spam, Spam, Spam, And Spam!
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - Picking Your Target: Second Amendment Sisters Versus Paypal
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Arming the troops in the sky
- Kevin Tuma - The REAL Axis of Evil
- Fred on Everything - The Suicide Of Marlboro Man When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Government Vaccines- Bad Policy, Bad Medicine
- Paul Mingardi at - Preparing for Generics
- Metroland - O Big Brother, Where Art Thou? here
- Charley Reese - Permanent War State
- Ammoman - Sudden Impact!
- Hit & Run Reason
- AAPS & Don Harkins via Sierra Times - Mandatory smallpox vaccination on the way
- CBS News - Bush to Announce Smallpox Plan
- Balint Vazsonyi at The Washington Times - Gunning for the courts
- George Carlin - Yes, I'm A Bad American
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - Bill of Rights Day
- Google finds this FAQ Plan B
- Repeal PATRIOT Act - National Repeal Coalition born in NYC
- Hector Carreon at La Voz de Aztlan - Campesinos Attack the Mexican Congress
- Dan Janison at Newsday - Putting 'Em Out: Amended law to ban smoking unites mayor, city council
- Kenneth Lovett at The New York Post -
N.Y. Cig Sales Could Be Stubbed Out
- Thomas L. Knapp at Strike the Root - The One-Sided War
- Charley Reese - U.S. Blocks Inspections
- Cryptome - John Gilmore vs. John Ashcroft, et al
- U.S. Bombing Watch: When was the last time the U.S. Bombed Iraq?
- Genesis World Energy Press Release - Scientific Breakthrough Liberates Energy Users from Fossil Fuel Dependence: Technology breakthrough harnesses energy from the molecular structure of water here here
- Sun - Jackpot Project Targets Tools
- Guerilla Fighters Birdman's Girl of the Day
- Second Amendment Committee - Documents The Second Amendment is a Clear Cut Confirmation
- William Stone, III - Garbage In, Garbage Out
- Thomas L. Knapp at Strike the Root - File Under 'Forget It'
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The Future in Review
- Joseph Riley - Panhala eGroup archive
- ACLU - Total Information Awareness
- Kim du Toit - Gratuitous Ammo Plug
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - What Does Regime Change in Iraq Really Mean? avoid entangling alliances
- The Libertarian Enterprise - New Government Emblem
- Jeffrey Schwartz - The Consultant
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - I Am A Gun Owner
- Michael Ferguson at The Libertarian Enterprise - Freedom's Most Dangerous Enemy
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - Obstructing Justice?
- Albany Times-Union Editorial - A deadly loophole
- Ronald N. Neff at The Last Ditch - "Gun-control" libertarians
- The News-Record - Man arrested after barricading himself in Greensboro business
- From We The People's
Freedom Drive
- Kevin Tuma - Cutdown
- The Onion - Bill Of Rights Pared Down To A Manageable Six
- 10 Promises
- Thomas Knapp at Epinions - Three Hours, Two Towers, Some Sours
- Robert Greenslade at Sierra Times - It's not your Money:The truth about Social Security
- Bill St. Clair at Metroland - To Arms! here
- Bill Whittle via Rachel Lucas - Guns and Freedom
- The Progressive - Protesters Detained in Milwaukee
- Stephen W. Carson at - Why Do They Hate Him?
- Somebody finally invented a squirrel-proof bird feeder
- DARPA's Information Awareness Office here
- I finally read through all the comments in Bill Whittle's Guns and Freedom
- Josh Taht - Uncle Bill's Helicopter
- Bob Porterfield of AP via Yahoo News - Russian Software Firm Found Innocent
- Charlie Reese - Put Up Or Shut Up
- Sherman H. Skolnick at - The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 23: The Fake Money Business
- here
- Sunni Maravillosa
- William Stone, III at The Libertarian Enterprise - Yes, Virginia, There Is Individual Liberty
- Wendey McElroy at The Libertarian Enterprise - Compassion, Kindness Killed By Fear, Paranoia
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - As the alien explodes out of his belly
- Lew Rockwell at - What Lott Might Have Said
- Nicholas Monahan at - Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wife's Breasts Before Throwing You in a Cell at the Airport and Then Lying About Why We Put You There? here
- Ralph W. Omholt at Soldiers for the Truth - Buy a Flight Manual, Get a Grand Jury Subpoena
- Michael Tutton at CNews (Canada) - Gun owners prepare for civil disobedience over approaching registration
- I read Ayn Rand's Anthem Atlas Shrugged The Fountainhead
- Merry Christmas--From America's New Homeland Security
- Eject!Eject!Eject!
- Bill Whittle - Freedom
- Bill Whittle - Honor
- Today is World Sousveillance Day
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - January 2003: Joy to the World
- Steve Lopez at The LA Times - Hunting Terrorists, INS Bags Taxpayer
- Associated Press via The Herald Tribune - Jury declines to indict N.O. man who shot car burglar
- Break Your Chains! orientation Disclaimer
- Sherri Tenpenny at Hippocrates Systems - Smallpox outbreak: What to do
- Laura Vozzella at The Baltimore Sun via The Boston Globe - Baltimore outlaws BB guns for minors
- The Washington Post -
Dallas Suburb's Firearms Law Takes Aim at Toy Guns
- Thomas L. Knapp at Rational Review - A Year of the Long March
- R. Lee Wrights at Rational Review - Joseph and Mary
- North American Samizdat - Jackbooted Thug of the Month for December 2002
- voxfux - Secret US Based Forces plan to ignite Nuclear Bomb in New York as pretext for global power grab
- M. L. Simon at Sierra Times - The Pain Enforcement Administration Aftermath Police and PTSD Heroin Addiction or Self Medication?
- - Behind Bars
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - What Really Divides Us?
- Kim du Toit - Crossing The Wilderness
- Brian Micklethwait at - Adjustable spectacles from an Oxford physics professor - £6 a pair and they last a lifetime
- Thomas at - Segway banned from San Francisco sidewalks
- The Firing Line - TFL's Final Days: And a Challenge to our Members Mad Ogre This thread
- World Net Daily - Clintons 'most corrupt' of 2002: Judicial Watch's 'Dirty Dozen' also includes Freeh, Lott, Daschle Dirty Dozen
- Tom Toles - Close Enough
- Liberty Rogue at Liberty for All - Well Regulated Militia
- Lew Rockwell at the Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Trial of Lott
- Chris Floyd at CounterPunch - Battlefield Earth
- Andrew Struthers at The Vancouver Sun - U.S. drug war's target: A new mom
- Ed Lewis at Liberty for All - Bush and smallpox - beware the "hidden agenda"
- Mike Shelton at The Orange County Register - It's a Boy!
- The
Serbu Super-Shorty
NFA rules apply
- There are now three excerpts from Jeff Head's Dragon's Fury: High Tide
- Bill Whittle - Empire brilliantly
- Toby Harnden and Roger du Mars at The Telegraph - N Korean weapons 'taken to truce zone'
- Sherman H. Skolnick at - The Overthrow of the American Republic Part 24: The Pedofile/Homosexual Underground
- The Moller Skycar
- Charley Reese - No Honor, No Brains
- Michael Miles at - Peace, Quiet, and a T1 Line
- Burton S. Blumert at - The Hate-O-Meter donations
- BBC News - New Year gun amnesty planned
- Wearing a defensive sidearm Defense of home
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - What's this business about 'restoring' rights?
- The Firing Line - Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety
- JPFO Alerts - "Catch This Killer Blooper If You Can" - New Movie Review
- I read a truly glorious book this afternoon: The Wind Boy
November | December 2002 | January 2003