Pearl Harbor Day 2002
"The Earth is degenerating today. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer obey their parents, every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching." -- Assyrian tablet, c. 2800 BCand:
"Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors--and miss." -- Robert A. Heinlein
Women to Arms is a new no-compromise all-female gun rights web site. Kevin Tuma did a great cover illustration. [firearmnews]
"We can no longer pretend that men are our protectors. Those who would be can't be with us every minute of our lives, while others are the ones whom we need protection from."

Dave Winer's DaveNet - How to Revive AOL - can you say Napster on steroids? If AOL were to offer a subscription music service they could easily revive their bottom line. What AOL's president should announce:
"Hi my name is Steve Case. Remember me? I work for AOL-Time-Warner. We own a lot of music companies. I was talking with my friend and colleague Ted Turner, while we were trying to figure out what to do with our online system, and he told me the story of how he bought MGM to establish Turner Classic Movies, and what a hit that channel is with cable subscribers. I asked Ted if we couldn't do the same thing for music with AOL. After all the people really seemed to like Napster. Why not give them what they want?
"So today we're opening up the vaults of Time-Warner music, all kinds of great acts, for only $19.95 per month, for AOL subscribers only. A new version of the client software, version 8.1 will be available shortly with the new Music Manager app built-in, based on work done by the WinAmp folks. Guess what, it plays MP3s! We've done really clean scans of all the classics from Billy Joel to Boy George."
I installed PGP 8.0 FreeWare on my Windows 2000 laptop last night. The installer rebooted my machine twice. I believe the first time was to complete the uninstall of my old PGP 7.03 and the second was to complete the install of PGP 8.0. The application is pretty much identical to PGP 7.03, except the artwork is nicer, and it provides AES as the preferred encryption algorithm (changeable and attached to existing keys). It seems to work; I was able to encrypt and sign some text and then decrypt and verify it. I'll probably buy the personal edition so that I can use PGP Disk. It appears that there is only one installer. You "upgrade" to a more fully-featured version by entering a license key that you purchase from PGP Corporation.