Gifts for Outlaws - Sacramento Airport Booty contains photos at a Goodwill store of boxes of stuff stolen from travelers by airport "security". [smith2004]
Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - What Santa's Bringing Good Little Outlaws This Year - an ID making kit, RKBA T-Shirts, Dan Starr's I Will Live Free songs, JPFO's online store, the TracFone, a voice encryption system, the 2003 Ladies of Liberty Calendar, a transmitter detector, Vin's books, Claire's books, Carl Bussjaeger's book, Loompanics & Paladin Press, Backwoods Home Magazine.
There you have it. Lucky thirteen freedom-oriented gift ideas. Santa says Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Gud Yule, have a terrific Kwanzaa, or whatever else you celebrate. May you and yours enjoy freedom Outlawry as long as Outlawry must be the lot of those who wish to live free. And someday, may an entire coal mine be dumped by Freedom Santas onto those pseudo Santas on the Potomac.
Kim du Toit - Dept. Of Righteous Shootings - good advice for dealing with mountain lions: carry a large-caliber lever or wheel gun. Use it.
Man gets attacked by mountain lion, shoots it dead. Good thing he had a rifle handy, huh?
Ordinarily, this article wouldn't attract my attention -- hey, I grew up in Africa. But this wonderful piece of advice did get me giggling:
"Experts advise people who encounter mountain lions to stand and face the animals, wave their arms slowly and speak firmly in a loud voice, and fight back if attacked."... and when the lion stops laughing, it'll eat your ass.
The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Gene Strong with reply by John Taylor - Mr. Taylor attempts to give Mr. Strong a clue. [tle]
Carl Bussjaeger at The Libertarian Enterprise - "Close" Enough is Good Enough? - Time to Get a Rope! - with a recent ruling on the constitutionality of the warrantless searches in the USA PATRIOT act, the final nail has been driven into the coffin of the fourth amendment. [tle]
At this point, I can only see two options for Constitutionalists:
- You can keep your heads in the sand and pretend this isn't happening.
- Or you can get your cojones from the back of the bottom drawer where you hid them, grab your guns and plenty of rope, and start stringing up these weasels.
Rodney Harris at The Libertarian Enterprise - The BIG Tax Form - instead of making the US income tax form shorter, make it longer. Have each tax payer allocate his taxes paid to the programs he wants to support. Wait. Isn't this essentially the free market? Why not eliminate the income tax and use the free market instead? Hehe.
Wendy McElroy at The Libertarian Enterprise - Rights and Responsibilities - in matters of reproduction under current law, women have all the rights and men have all the responsibilities. This is not right.
James J Odle at The Libertarian Enterprise - Pour Oh Pour the Pirate Sherry! - Mr. Odle uses The Pirates of Penzance to skewer government schools. [tle]
John MacMullin at The Libertarian Enterprise - Repeal the 17th Amendment - a proposal to replace the seventeenth amendment, returning election of U.S. senators to state legislatures. Likely a good idea, IMHO. [tle]
Don Phillips at The Washington Post -
Wronged Side of the Tracks? 'Railfans' Complain of Police Scrutiny in Terror Era -
in Police State Amerika, watching trains is cause for a visit by the
FBI. [tle]
On a balmy Sunday afternoon late last month, Richard Whitenight did what he often does on his days off: He went to a busy railroad junction in Fort Worth to watch the trains roll by.
But as he sat making notes about passing freight trains, two police cruisers approached. Over the next five hours, Whitenight -- who works for the police department in nearby Arlington, Tex. -- identified himself to the officers. Then he identified himself to the officers' supervisor, then a detective from a terrorism task force, then the FBI. They seized his trainspotter's notebook and grilled him about every mark and note in it. They searched his car and took photos of it, inside and out. Finally, he had to sign a form agreeing never to return to the location known as Tower 55.
Whitenight is one of thousands, perhaps millions, of people around the world who spend much of their time observing and photographing railroad operations out of a love for trains...
Satterwhite said in an interview that as a 20-year Air Force veteran who now works in the railroad industry, he understands the need for safety and security. But "when do we become prisoners in our own homes?" he asked.
Leonard G. Horowitz at - Vaccine Injury, Homeland Security And Culpability - a rant on the inclusion in the Fatherland Security Act of a section limiting liability for poisoning the public with the Smallpox vaccine. [grabbe]
Incredulously you asked, "You can't possibly believe that all vaccines are bad, do you? They eradicated illnesses didn't they?"
I replied honestly and affirmatively, "No they didn't, hygiene and nutritional improvements did." But you could not accept my rationale.
You heard me tell of my family's miraculous escape from the Nazis. "They lined millions of 'sheeple' up and marched them, with few protesting, to their early demise in the concentration camp gas chambers for allegedly 'showers.' Showers fo what? 'Public health' and 'disinfection,'" I recalled and continued. "Today's physicians' offices, hospitals, and public health units are much like the 'concentration camps' of yesteryear, and today's vaccines are the 'gas.' Don't you get the similarity?"
Randolph T. Holhut at The American Reporter - The American Police State Is Now Complete - with the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act and The Homeland Security Act of 2002, Amerika now has its own Gestapo. Heil Bushnev! Sieg Heil! [grabbe]