July 2004
Thursday, 1 July: America Is Not a Free Country
- Sean Delonas at the New York Post -
Was it good for you?
- Richard Seaman - First Flight of SpaceShipOne into Space
- Doug Newman at Strike the Root - America Is Not a Free Country
- Tom Buchanan - CO State Rep. Leslie Michaels Tarred and Feathered!
- Elias Alias at The Mental Militia - Farenheit 911, First Reflections Spider-Man 2
- John R. Lott and Eli Lehrer - Add Gun Control To Litany Of Misbegotten Gov't Plans
- John Nichols at The (Wisconsin) Capital Times - Pampered Bush meets a real reporter on the www.rte.ie Web site in RealVideo
- Gunfyter at The High Road - Letter to al-Qa'ida
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Good Golly Ms Molly
- ManixGay - Manix Gel BabelFish
- Nina Bernstein at The New York Times -
In F.B.I., Innocent Detainee Found Unlikely Ally
- Chris Floyd at The Moscow Times - Beggar's Banquet
- Matt Taibbi at New York Press - Shoveling Coal for Satan
- United Press International - Swiss ban anonymous bank accounts
- Jeff Head - Dragon's Fury, Eagle's Talons
- Richard North at EU Referendum - Possible interruption of service
- Cheyenne Frontier Days
- Kim du Toit -
Serbu Super-Shorty (12ga. & 20ga.)
- Chan Lowe at Marc Brands Liberty - Saddam Invaded Country Without Provocation
- Daniel Patrick Welch at Strike the Root - Happy Independence Day, Daddy
- Aaron Turpen, The Militant Libertarian - Independence Day Celebration Reminder...
- Claire Wolfe - Freedom is not a &^%$#@! spectator sport GOA KABA JPFO
- Al Lawrence at The Mansfield News Journal - Judge makes exception to bail bond conditions
- Michael Berliner at CNSNews.com Put the 'Independence' Back in Independence Day
- Bob Tipton at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Cardinal
- Caroline Bollinger at Prevention.com - Access Denied
- Ron Paul at LewRockwell.com - The Trouble With Forced Integration roll call vote H.Res.676
- Charley Hardman at saltypig.com - another democrat gun poseur photographed Four Rules Fineswine sweeping the crowd
- Jim Duensing at The Libertarian Enterprise - Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
- Downsizer Corporation - World's Smallest Pistol smallestguns.com
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Fifth of July
- Lysander Spooner - No Treason
- George Paine at Warblogging - Two Hundred and Twenty Eight Years
- Sunni Maravillosa at The Price of Liberty - Speechless
- unstructuredreality at The Claire Files - A New Beginning, What's the Story
- Wade Star - New Beginning this 457K zip file
- Donald W. Scott at Nexus Magazine - Mycoplasma: The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases
- The Onion - Government Issues Citizens Official "Screw You" Packet
- Sheldon Richman at The Price of Liberty - Government by Euphemism
- Ron Paul at LewRockwell.com - Independence From Washington
- John R. Lott Jr. And Ruth R. Smith at The New Hampshire Union Leader - Fireworks prohibitions have not made us safer here
- bugmenot.com
- Brady Dennis at The St. Petersburg Times - Smoking away, despite the ban
- Noel Koch at the Washington Post -
Why We Need the Draft Back
Albany Times Union
- Claire Wolfe - July 6, 1775: A Call to Arms this piece
- RagnarDanneskjold at The Claire Files - Bonanza
- Kim du Toit - New Terminology FATAC
- I'm trying out Pegasus Mail
- James Bovard at The Future of Freedom Foundation - Torture as Due Process
- Kim du Toit - Hideaway Pistols, Part One
- Well, I got the Pegasus
- Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey at Pravda - This is not Saddam
- Ted the Tool - Guide to Lock Picking Greg Miller's Guide to Lock Picking for Beginners
- Jeff Quinn at GunBlast - Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle Carbine page
- Alexander Repenning - AgentSheets Macintosh Common Lisp showcase Programming Languages for the Java Virtual Machine
- Mark Miller's E Programming Language Smart Contracts EeLanguage The E Language in a Walnut
- Kevin Tuma - Marxist Balance
- russmo.com - Sovereignty
- Bhagdad before and after Iraq's "liberation". The images are from Independent Online
- Teresa Hampton at Capitol Hill Blue - Cheney Faces Criminal Indictments
- Doug Buchanan of Alaska Intech - Intellectual Technology DougBuchanan.com Elias Alias links page Introduction is a story
- Claire Wolfe at Loompanics Unlimited - The Freedom Outlaw's Handbook
- Rachel Lucas
- I installed Firefox
- I also installed Mozilla Thunderbird POPFile
- I read, in a Small Arms Review Ammoman Cheaper than Dirt Sportman's Guide
- Ammoman - M-14 20 rounds mags here
- Evan F. Nappan this High Road post
- Ian Spiers - Humiliated, Angry, Ashamed, Brown
- Caleb Paul at The Libertarian Enterprise - What Happened While I Was Gone?
- Vin Suprynowicz - A war of half measures
- James Fallows at The New York Times -
Is Broadband Out of a Wall Socket the Next Big Thing?
- RobertInMaine at BattleRifles.com - Relax Dogmann... they work just fine! from Ammoman
- Gregg and Evan Spiridellis at Jib Jab - This Land
- I intend to pick up my new Marlin 1894P "assault weapons" ban sunset
- Ames Music - What do we do without government?
- round here - Enlaces about page
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - None of Your Business! Russel Whitaker 2003 version of the survey What is the American Community Survey http://uscode.house.gov/Title_13.htm copy
- Al Lorentz at Alex Jones' Prison Planet - Police State: The Patriots Code of Silence
- Posted by Countertop photo
- From Fort Liberty
- David Carr at Samizdata - Two can play at this game
- Jesse Walker at Reason - Ten Reasons to Fire George W. Bush: And nine reasons why Kerry won't be much better
- Note that the AW Ban Sunset
- I fired my new Marlin 1894P
- # James P. Hogan Kicking The Sacred Cow
- Heartless Libertarian - You Go to Hell! You Go to Hell and You Die!!!!!
- AP via Yahoo! News - Man Exposes Self During Airport Screening
- Fred Reed at LewRockwell.com - All Loyalty Is Local
- Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers at LewRockwell.com - Kumiai
- Karen Kwiatkowski at LewRockwell.com - Six Heroes in Washington
- Bob Wallace at The Price of Liberty - The Not-So-Wild Wild West
- Mark Fiore - Minister of Fear
- Acme License Maker
- Stuff U Can Use - Proof that the moon landings were faked
- The Technoptimist -
Gratuitous Atomic Cannon Post
Russell's post
- Sierra Times Armed Females of America
- jiveturkey - The single greatest event of my life
- Mimi Hall and Barbara DeLollis at USA Today - Plan to collect flier data canceled
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - June 2004: Summer Storm
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - The Hardyville Freedom Film Festival
- Chalmers Johnson at Common Dreams - Our First Victory Was Zapatero Her reports on the Internet
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The Moon is a Harsh Mistrust"
- John Lopez at No Treason - The Perils Of Partisan Politcs
- From
Armed Females of America
Sierra Times
- ACLU - The Pizza Order of the Future
- Sam T at Ebola World - The George Bush Show, Episode 6
- Halffast -
Lights Out, Chapter 62, Homecoming
at Frugal Squirrel's forum
here here
- Peter J. Mancus - Letter to Rick Stanley's Sentencing Judge home page
- John Taylor Gatto - The Art of Driving The Underground History of American Education making a documentary contribute
- Russell Madden at The Foundation for Economic Education - One Freedom
- Old Horseman - The Bill of Rights: First vs Second Amendments
- Old Horseman - The Bill of Rights: A Mixed Blessing?
- Tara Tuckwiller at The Charleston (WV) Gazette - Couple in anti-Bush T-shirts were arrested at president's speech
- Mad Ogre -
July 16th, Friday, 2004: Lunchtime
Washington post story
- Bob Barr at FindLaw's Writ - The Federal Marriage Amendment: Why Conservatives and Liberals Alike Should Be Very Glad It Failed
- Gunner - CAPPS II is dead and not dead
- Kristopher K. Barrett at The Claire Files - Building an AR-15
- KT Ordnance - Products
- CNC Gunsmithing
- Kevin Tuma - English
- Vox Day - You can't fix a corpse
- Charley Hardman - Martha Judge Got Last Word this CBS News "Court Watch" story Mr. Hardman's blog
- Russell Madden - I Am Not Responsible
- Don Lobo Tiggre at The Price of Liberty - The One Thing Guaranteed To Work
- Robin McKie at Guardian Unlimited -
Warning: nicotine seriously improves health
Black Russians, mind you), I quit when it became plain
that my lungs were going to go on strike. I still smoke one or two
times a year, just for fun, but I've learned that more than that is
hazardous to my health. Some people aren't as badly affected, though.
In any case, they should be free to make their own choice about it,
even if it kills them. But you knew that... [grabbe]
Some experiments have shown that nicotine can slow down the onset of Parkinson's symptoms; others have had revealed its power in curtailing the hallucinations of schizophrenics.
'A whole range of psychiatric conditions seem to be helped by nicotine,' said Dr Dan McGehee, a neurobiologist at the University of Chicago. 'However, such benefits do not justify smoking. The lethal effects of cigarettes far outweigh any help they provide. On the other hand, our research does suggest that derivatives of nicotine, administered medically, could help to alleviate a range of psychiatric problems.'# Jeff Quinn at GunBlast - Bushmaster .308 Rifle
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - ArmaLite AR-30 .338 Lapua Magnum Rifle Armalite AR-30M
- I rented The Butterfly Effect soft air pistols Crosman P99
- The Elitist - A Field Guide to Gun Shows
- Charley Hardman - wrap around ya twice
- The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from EJ Totty
- Jim Duensing at The Libertarian Enterprise - Freedom to Read
- Gerald M. Carbone at The Providence Journal - Day 8: The Act that nobody read at bugmenot.com
- Claire Wolfe - Buy This Book Before it's Banned The Bush Betrayal opponents who fire verbs and nouns Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times
- Kim du Toit - No More The Goat
- From this High Road thread
- Tom Toles at Marc Brands Liberty - Gay Marriage and the Falling Constitution
- The Embassy of Heaven
- Bill Whittle - Freedom Rachel Lucas here
- Rachel Lucas - I'm gonna need a Valium prescription now Women's Wall Street story
- Kim du Toit - Two Americas
- Loretta Hetzner at The Albany (NY) Times Union - Our civil liberties were slipping away long before Patriot Act
- Charley Hardman - Justice Monitors New Microsoft Software
- Charley Hardman - 90% Of Whites Have Few Or No Black Friends Guardian article
- Kim du Toit - MYOFB
- Mike Lukivich at Marc Brands Liberty - Bush Titanic
- Paul Simms at The New Yorker - New Details Surface
- William Rivers Pitt at truthout - Torturing Children here
- Paul Hein at LewRockwell.com - A Vote Note
- Richard M. Dolan at Phenomena Magazine - The Unveiling of the National Security State
- Devvy Kidd at News with Views - A New, Effective Way to Educate Your Local Sheriff an earlier article American Citizens and Lawmen Association products Richard Mack prevailed in a court of law
- Guns and Dope Party
- John Conner at American Handgunner via Ohioans for Concealed Carry - It's Time For Some Gun-Rich Zones
- David Codrea - To Those Who Believe They Are "In Charge"
- GeekWithA.45 - Every So Often....
- Bob Murphy at LewRockwell.com - Be Prepared for Election Terror Times Union
- Servando González at News with Views - Kiss Your Internet Good-Bye
- Michel Chossudovsky at The Centre for Research on Globalisation - Coup d'Etat in America?
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Why Can't Congress Stop Spending?
- Capitol Hill Blue Congress: America's Criminal Class
- R.K. Campbell at Gun Week - Fit, Finish of Beretta Stampede Makes It Ideal Cowboy Gun on their web site on Beretta's international site
- The Anics Group SKIFF A-3000 sold in the US A-9000S C02 pistol
- Hitler Quotes
- Eric S. Raymond - Ethics from the Barrel of a Gun: What Bearing Weapons Teaches About the Good Life
- Kim du Toit - Hideaway Pistols
- Fran Tully - Planning Your Move
- Yours Truly at The High Road - Should drugs be legalized?
- BBC News - Freak waves spotted from space
- Dick Locher at Marc Brands Liberty - We Can't Pull Out
- Kim du Toit - Only The Police...
- Kim du Toit - True Then; True Now
- Your Truly at The High Road - Should drugs be legalized?
- Sierra Times - Sagebrush Saloon
- Parker T. Pettus - Skating the Democractic Convention Fleet Center and Free Speech Zone blog
- Black Tea Society - Maps Calendar of Events Convergence Against The DNC logistics page legal Dealing with Cops
- International A.N.S.W.E.R. - Protest the Twin Parties of the War Machine
- From The Black Tea Society's
Propaganda page
- Pinton by Pavel - Smart Gun here
- Barry Krusch - The $64,000 Question
- Claire Wolfe at Loompanics - Communities for Cats
- Eric S. Raymond - The Final Virus: A Science-Fiction Story INDUCE Act in the news
- Brian Micklethwait at samizdata.net From English danger to Texan safety realization
- Ted Rall - Democrats for Guns
- Kiki the Nanobot
- Zipcar
- The_Macallan - Good-Bye "Assault Weapons" Ban
- Day by Day at No Quarters - Funnier Hell
- The Libertarian Enterprise ncc-1776.com my letter
- Jonathan David Morris at The Libertarian Enterprise - It Can Happen Here
- Jeeni Criscenzo at the boston independent media center - This is What Democracy Looks Like http://www.cpr4democracy.com/TheBostonCage1.cfm
- I saw a silver Mercedes G500 SUV
- Matthew Williams at boston independent media center - Second Day of Protests, July 26th
- soldier at boston independent media center - Morning Action at Free Speech Pen www.saveourcivilliberties.org
- I received a notice in the mail from Bank of America Fleet their merger
- Mary Kay Kare at Gallimaufry - It's gotten even worse
- John Antczak of Associated Press via Yahoo News - SpaceShipOne's Rutan Seeks $10M Prize Ansari X Prize
- Charley Hardman - keeping and bearing arms, SW style Arizona New Mexico
- GeekWithA.45 - Fort Boston
- Thomas Scott - www.preparingforemergencies.co.uk www.preparingforemergencies.gov.uk General advice
- tex at Anti-War Blog - The Lynndie England Defense Fund
- I used my new Lee Carbide Dies Factory Crimp Die
- Perry de Havilland at Samizdata.net - The 2004 Big Brother Awards here
- John Lopez at No Treason - Principles? Don't You Know There's A War On?
- eMachineShop.com
- Mey at Simon Fraser University - Japanese Cuisine
- Thomas L. Knapp at Rational Review - The Life of the Party, part 21
- Washington Post -
Text of John Kerry's Acceptance Speech at the Democratic National
bugmenot password video
- Paul Graham - Great Hackers Hackers and Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age
- Skype SkypeOut costs
- Kim du Toit now has a forum
- When I told someone at the local black rifle store about my Marlin 1984P loaded on Wednesday night Northeast Bullets Hodgdon Universal Cowboy Action 44 Magnum data page products page
- Charley Hardman - thug vs. thug
- Jesse Walker at Reason - Jabbing JibJab: Copyright law vs. political satire This Land here
- Fran Tully - Thoughts on Courage
- 100 Million Real Americans - Dear Peace Officer
- The Boston Independent Media Center