New Toy!
# I intend to pick up my new Marlin 1894P tonight. My original plans were to finish paying for it two weeks from today, but I've decided I can afford the rest now, in honor of it being exactly two months until the "assault weapons" ban sunset. Yay!

# I posted the following to scopeny, then edited the last paragraph a little for this posting:
I have been wondering for a while what would happen to New York's regular-capacity magazine ban (often erroneously called a "high-capacity magazine ban") after the federal "assault weapons" ban expires on September 13. In most of the country, there will then be no limit on magazine capacity. But New York's ban, a copy of the federal ban, but with no sunset date, will still be in effect. I had been thinking until today that though it would still be possible to enforce the ban on too many ugly features on semi-automatic rifles, that the magazine limit ban would be impossible to enforce. Today I learned differently.
Currently, magazines that hold more than ten rounds that were manufactured after September 13, 1994, have stamped on them, as an identification, "Law Enforcement Only". Brian Olsen, the managing owner of B&J guns on Central Avenue in Albany told me today that he was told by Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, that after the federal ban sunsets, new regular-capacity magazines will still be stamped for identification, with something like, "Not for Sale in MA, NJ, NY, ..."
I'm bummed.
There is a possible upside, however. After the federal ban sunsets, the market for pre-ban magazines will then be much smaller. Some industrious souls will buy prebans in the non-ban states for more than it costs there to buy new magazines of the same capacity, then resell those prebans in the still-banned states, likely for less than they cost today. People in non-ban states will be able to trade in their old magazines for new ones, at a profit, and we in the still-banned states will have a new stock of, still premium but cheaper than before, pre-ban magazines. Ain't the market wonderful?
# Ames Music - What do we do without government? - the video on the left side of the page. Requires Windows Media Player or a clone. [root]
# round here - Enlaces - beautiful photography. From the about page: [root]
I've been taking pictures since I can remember; like everybody else, I guess. But to me it became a hobby and then a passion a couple of years ago. With that in mind, it's safe to say I don't know anything about photography.
What I like about taking pics is not so much the end result but the search for the right photo.
Looking at things from the perspective of a photographer lets you see a lot of things that you wouldn't notice in other circumstances: shades, colors, shapes, moments, expressions, people, etc. I guess there are people who can see things that way without having to take photos. To me, photography was like an eye-opener to start searching for the beauty of everything.
As Dorothea Lange said: "The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera."
# Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - None of Your Business! - apparently, the Census Bureau has a yearly highly-intrusive involuntary questionnaire. [smith2004]
I introduced an amendment last week that would have eliminated funds for this intrusive survey in a spending bill, explaining on the House floor that perhaps the American people don't appreciate being threatened by Big Brother. The amendment was met by either indifference or hostility, as most members of Congress either don't care about or actively support government snooping into the private affairs of citizens.Russel Whitaker provided a link to the 2003 version of the survey (PDF): name, sex, age, date of birth, relationship to householder, marital status, and race of every resident, 25 questions about the residence, 36 more questions about each resident. All told: 24 pages of intrusiveness, which "The Census Bureau estimates... will take 38 minutes to complete". From the Census Bureau's What is the American Community Survey page:
The American Community Survey is conducted under the authority of Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141 and 193, and response is mandatory. According to Section 221, persons who do not respond shall be fined not more than $100. The U.S. Census Bureau may use this information only for statistical purposes. We can assure you that your confidentiality is protected. Title 13 requires the Census Bureau to keep all information about you and all other respondents strictly confidential. Any Census Bureau employee who violates these provisions is subject to a fine of up to $250,000 or a prison sentence of up to five years, or both.
You may view Title 13 at the U. S. House of Representatives website at the following address: [Cornell's copy is easier to use]
# Al Lorentz at Alex Jones' Prison Planet - Police State: The Patriots Code of Silence - from a comment on yesterday's entry by Mark Odell. Another reminder to never tell the police, especially feds, anything but your name and adress. Nothing. Nada. Never.